18 research outputs found

    The genus Phytophthora; phylogeny, speciation and host specificity

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    Pormotie-onderzoek naar de fylogenie, soortsvorming en waardplantspecificiteit in het geslacht Phytophthora

    The Phytophthora Genus Anno 2012

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    Plant diseases caused by Phytophthora species will remain an ever increasing threat to agriculture and natural ecosystems. Phytophthora literally means plant destroyer, a name coined in the 19th century by Anton de Bary when he investigated the potato disease that set the stage for the Great Irish Famine. Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of potato late blight, was the first species in a genus that at present has over 100 recognized members. In the last decade, the number of recognized Phytophthora species has nearly doubled and new species are added almost on a monthly basis. Here we present an overview of the 10 clades that are currently distinguished within the genus Phytophthora with special emphasis on new species that have been described since 1996 when Erwin and Ribeiro published the valuable monograph ‘Phytophthora diseases worldwide’ (35

    A Rapid Diagnostic Test to Distinguish Between American and European Populations of Phytophthora ramorum

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    A new devastating disease in the United States, commonly known as Sudden Oak Death, is caused by Phytophthora ramorum. This pathogen, which previously was described attacking species of Rhododendron and Viburnum in Germany and the Netherlands, has established itself in forests on the central coast of California and is killing scores of native oak trees (Lithocarpus densiflora, Quercus agrifolia, Q. kelloggii, and Q. parvula var. shrevei). The phytosanitary authorities in the European Union consider non-European isolates of P. ramorum as a threat to forest trees in Europe. To date, almost all European isolates are mating type A I while those from California and Oregon are type A2. The occurrence of both mating types in the same region Could lead to a population capable of sexual recombination, which Could generate a new Source of diversity. To prevent contact between these two populations, a rapid, reliable, and discriminating diagnostic test was developed to easily distinguish the two populations. Based on a DNA sequence difference in the mitoctiondrial Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (Cox1) gene, we developed a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) protocol to distinguish between isolates of P ramorum originating in Europe and those originating in the United States, A total of 83 isolates of P. ramorum from Europe and 5 1 isolates from the United States were screened and all isolates could be consistently and correctly allocated to either the European or the U.S. populations using the SNP protocol

    Phylogenetic Analysis of Phytophthora Species Based on Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Sequences

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    A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Phytophthora was performed, 113 isolates from 48 Phytophthora species were included in this analysis. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on regions of mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1; NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1) and nuclear gene sequences (translation elongation factor 1a; ß-tubulin) and comparisons made to test for incongruence between the mitochondrial and nuclear data sets. The genus Phytophthora was confirmed to be monophyletic. In addition, results confirm that the classical taxonomic grouping as described by [Waterhouse (1963)] does not reflect true phylogenetic relations. Phytophthora species were redistributed into 8 clades, providing a more accurate representation of phylogenetic relationships within the genus Phytophthora. The evolution and transition of morphological, pathogenic, and reproductive traits was inferred from the cladogram generated in this study. Mating system was inferred to be a homoplasious trait, with at least eight independent transitions from homothallism to heterothallism observed

    Phytophthora andina sp nov., a newly identified heterothallic pathogen of solanaceous hosts in the Andean highlands

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    A blight disease on fruits and foliage of wild and cultivated Solanum spp. was found to be associated with a new species of Phytophthora. The proposed novel species is named Phytophthora andina Adler & Flier, sp. nov. based on morphological characteristics, pathogenicity assays, mitochondrial DNA haplotyping, AFLP fingerprinting and nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence analyses. Isolates of P. andina (n = 48) from the Andean highland tropics of Ecuador were collected from 1995 to 2006. Phytophothora andina is closely related to P. infestans and has semipapillate, ellipsoidal sporangia borne on sympodially branched sporangiophores. It is heterothallic and produces amphigynous antheridia. The species consists of several clonal lineages, including the EC-2 and EC-3 RFLP lineages, which were described previously as P. infestans. Approximately 75% of isolates react as compatibility type A2 when paired with an A1 compatibility type isolate of P. infestans. However, when A2 isolates from the Anarrhichomenum section of Solanum were paired in all combinations, viable oospores were obtained in several crosses, suggesting that there is a unique compatibility interaction in P. andina that is complementary to that described in P. infestans. Nuclear and mitochondrial sequence analysis supported the species designation of P. andina. This newly identified heterothallic pathogen shares a common ancestor with P. infestans and may have arisen from hybridization events with sister taxa in the Andes

    Phylogenetic Analysis of Phytophthora Species Based on Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Sequences

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    A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Phytophthora was performed, 113 isolates from 48 Phytophthora species were included in this analysis. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on regions of mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1; NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1) and nuclear gene sequences (translation elongation factor 1a; ß-tubulin) and comparisons made to test for incongruence between the mitochondrial and nuclear data sets. The genus Phytophthora was confirmed to be monophyletic. In addition, results confirm that the classical taxonomic grouping as described by [Waterhouse (1963)] does not reflect true phylogenetic relations. Phytophthora species were redistributed into 8 clades, providing a more accurate representation of phylogenetic relationships within the genus Phytophthora. The evolution and transition of morphological, pathogenic, and reproductive traits was inferred from the cladogram generated in this study. Mating system was inferred to be a homoplasious trait, with at least eight independent transitions from homothallism to heterothallism observed