60 research outputs found

    Magnetically tuned spin dynamics resonance

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    We present the experimental observation of a magnetically tuned resonance phenomenon resulting from spin mixing dynamics of ultracold atomic gases. In particular we study the magnetic field dependence of spin conversion in F=2 87Rb spinor condensates in the crossover from interaction dominated to quadratic Zeeman dominated dynamics. We discuss the observed phenomenon in the framework of spin dynamics as well as matter wave four wave mixing. Furthermore we show that the validity range of the single mode approximation for spin dynamics is significantly extended in the regime of high magnetic field

    Spontaneous pattern formation in an anti-ferromagnetic quantum gas

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    Spontaneous pattern formation is a phenomenon ubiquitous in nature, examples ranging from Rayleigh-Benard convection to the emergence of complex organisms from a single cell. In physical systems, pattern formation is generally associated with the spontaneous breaking of translation symmetry and is closely related to other symmetry-breaking phenomena, of which (anti-)ferromagnetism is a prominent example. Indeed, magnetic pattern formation has been studied extensively in both solid-state materials and classical liquids. Here, we report on the spontaneous formation of wave-like magnetic patterns in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate, extending those studies into the domain of quantum gases. We observe characteristic modes across a broad range of the magnetic field acting as a control parameter. Our measurements link pattern formation in these quantum systems to specific unstable modes obtainable from linear stability analysis. These investigations open new prospects for controlled studies of symmetry breaking and the appearance of structures in the quantum domain

    Measurement of a Mixed Spin Channel Feshbach Resonance in Rubidium 87

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    We report on the observation of a mixed spin channel Feshbach resonance at the low magnetic field value of (9.09 +/- 0.01) G for a mixture of |2,-1> and |1,+1> states in 87Rb. This mixture is important for applications of multi-component BECs of 87Rb, e.g. in spin mixture physics and for quantum entanglement. Values for position, height and width of the resonance are reported and compared to a recent theoretical calculation of this resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures minor changes, actualized citation

    Ultracold quantum gases in triangular optical lattices

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    Over the last years the exciting developments in the field of ultracold atoms confined in optical lattices have led to numerous theoretical proposals devoted to the quantum simulation of problems e.g. known from condensed matter physics. Many of those ideas demand for experimental environments with non-cubic lattice geometries. In this paper we report on the implementation of a versatile three-beam lattice allowing for the generation of triangular as well as hexagonal optical lattices. As an important step the superfluid-Mott insulator (SF-MI) quantum phase transition has been observed and investigated in detail in this lattice geometry for the first time. In addition to this we study the physics of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) in the presence of the triangular optical lattice potential, especially spin changing dynamics across the SF-MI transition. Our results suggest that below the SF-MI phase transition, a well-established mean-field model describes the observed data when renormalizing the spin-dependent interaction. Interestingly this opens new perspectives for a lattice driven tuning of a spin dynamics resonance occurring through the interplay of quadratic Zeeman effect and spin-dependent interaction. We finally discuss further lattice configurations which can be realized with our setup.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Bose-Einstein condensation at constant temperature

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    We present a novel experimental approach to Bose-Einstein condensation by increasing the particle number of the system at almost constant temperature. In particular the emergence of a new condensate is observed in multi-component F=1 spinor condensates of 87-Rb. Furthermore we develop a simple rate-equation model for multi-component BEC thermodynamics at finite temperature which well reproduces the measured effects.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    Observation of Stable Jones-Roberts Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We experimentally generate two-dimensional Jones-Roberts solitons in a three-dimensional atomic Bose-Einstein condensate by imprinting a triangular phase pattern. By monitoring their dynamics we observe that this kind of solitary waves are resistant to both dynamic (snaking) and thermodynamic instabilities, that usually are known to strongly limit the lifetime of dark plane solitons in dimensions higher than one. We additionally find signatures of a possible dipole-like interaction between them. Our results confirm that Jones-Roberts solitons are stable solutions of the non-linear Schr\"odinger equation in higher dimensions and promote these excitations for applications beyond matter wave physics, like energy and information transport in noisy and inhomogeneous environments

    Dynamics of F=2 Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We experimentally investigate and analyze the rich dynamics in F=2 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates of Rb87. An interplay between mean-field driven spin dynamics and hyperfine-changing losses in addition to interactions with the thermal component is observed. In particular we measure conversion rates in the range of 10^-12 cm^3/s for spin changing collisions within the F=2 manifold and spin-dependent loss rates in the range of 10^-13 cm^3/s for hyperfine-changing collisions. From our data we observe a polar behavior in the F=2 ground state of Rb87, while we measure the F=1 ground state to be ferromagnetic. Furthermore we see a magnetization for condensates prepared with non-zero total spin.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Evolution of a spinor condensate: coherent dynamics, dephasing and revivals

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    We present measurements and a theoretical model for the interplay of spin dependent interactions and external magnetic fields in atomic spinor condensates. We highlight general features like quadratic Zeeman dephasing and its influence on coherent spin mixing processes by focusing on a specific coherent superposition state in a F=1 87^{87}Rb Bose-Einstein condensate. In particular, we observe the transition from coherent spinor oscillations to thermal equilibration

    Stretching of polymers in a turbulent environment

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    The interaction of polymers with small-scale velocity gradients can trigger a coil-stretch transition in the polymers. We analyze this transition within a direct numerical simulation of shear turbulence with an Oldroyd-B model for the polymer. In the coiled state the lengths of polymers are distributed algebraically with an exponent alpha=2 gamma-1/De, where gamma is a characteristic stretching rate of the flow and De the Deborah number. In the stretched state we demonstrate that the length distribution of the polymers is limited by the feedback to the flow

    Comparing Frequency Transfer via GNSS and Fiber in a Common-clock Configuration

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    Realizing a clock-based geodetic network with a relative uncertainty level of 10?18 has been a significant objective for the scientific community. This network can be utilized for realizing more accurate geodetic reference frames and for testing the fundamental laws of physics, such as the theory of relativity. Typically, optical fibers are connecting optical clocks in such a network. For the last decades, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) have built a trustful and easy-setup method for frequency and time transfer. However, recently optical fiber link networks showed better frequency instability. In this study, we investigate the limits of GNSS-based frequency transfer links with the help of an optical fiber link as ground truth. Therefore, we analyze the GNSS data acquired in a dedicated common-clock experiment over a 52 km baseline. We focus on developing two algorithms to estimate the receiver clock differences, hence the frequency instability. These are the single difference (SD) approach with ambiguity fixing as a common view technique, and precise point positioning as an all in-view technique. We discuss the frequency instability achieved by the optical fiber link as well. We evaluate further the performance by computing the modified Allan deviation for both cases. The results show that the ambiguity-fixed solution of SD-CV improves the relative frequency instability via GNSS to reach the order of 3–5 · 10^?17 at one day averaging time. In the optical fiber link, which is the basis of the common clock setup, the round-trip instability shows better performance for all averaging times