177 research outputs found

    Emulating Non-Abelian Topological Matter in Cold Atom Optical Lattices

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    Certain proposed extended Bose-Hubbard models may exhibit topologically ordered ground states with excitations obeying non-Abelian braid statistics. A sufficient tuning of Hubbard parameters could yield excitation braiding rules allowing implementation of a universal set of topologically protected quantum gates. We discuss potential difficulties in realizing a model with a proposed non-Abelian topologically ordered ground state using optical lattices containing bosonic dipoles. Our direct implementation scheme does not realize the necessary anisotropic hopping, anisotropic interactions, and low temperatures

    Nearsightedness of Electronic Matter in One Dimension

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    The concept of nearsightedeness of electronic matter (NEM) was introduced by W. Kohn in 1996 as the physical principal underlining Yang's electronic structure alghoritm of divide and conquer. It describes the fact that, for fixed chemical potential, local electronic properties at a point rr, like the density n(r)n(r), depend significantly on the external potential vv only at nearby points. Changes Δv\Delta v of that potential, {\it no matter how large}, beyond a distance R\textsf{R}, have {\it limited} effects on local electronic properties, which tend to zero as function of R\textsf{R}. This remains true even if the changes in the external potential completely surrounds the point rr. NEM can be quantitatively characterized by the nearsightedness range, R(r,Δn)\textsf{\textsf{R}}(r,\Delta n), defined as the smallest distance from rr, beyond which {\it any} change of the external potential produces a density change, at rr, smaller than a given Δn\Delta n. The present paper gives a detailed analysis of NEM for periodic metals and insulators in 1D and includes sharp, explicit estimates of the nearsightedness range. Since NEM involves arbitrary changes of the external potential, strong, even qualitative changes can occur in the system, such as the discretization of energy bands or the complete filling of the insulating gap of an insulator with continuum spectrum. In spite of such drastic changes, we show that Δv\Delta v has only a limited effect on the density, which can be quantified in terms of simple parameters of the unperturbed system.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Proper incorporation of self-adjoint extension method to Green's function formalism : one-dimensional δ\delta^{'}-function potential case

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    One-dimensional δ\delta^{'}-function potential is discussed in the framework of Green's function formalism without invoking perturbation expansion. It is shown that the energy-dependent Green's function for this case is crucially dependent on the boundary conditions which are provided by self-adjoint extension method. The most general Green's function which contains four real self-adjoint extension parameters is constructed. Also the relation between the bare coupling constant and self-adjoint extension parameter is derived.Comment: LATEX, 13 page

    Dimensional crossover of a boson gas in multilayers

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    We obtain the thermodynamic properties for a non-interacting Bose gas constrained on multilayers modeled by a periodic Kronig-Penney delta potential in one direction and allowed to be free in the other two directions. We report Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) critical temperatures, chemical potential, internal energy, specific heat, and entropy for different values of a dimensionless impenetrability P0P\geqslant 0 between layers. The BEC critical temperature TcT_{c} coincides with the ideal gas BEC critical temperature T0T_{0} when P=0P=0 and rapidly goes to zero as PP increases to infinity for any finite interlayer separation. The specific heat CVC_{V} \textit{vs} TT for finite PP and plane separation aa exhibits one minimum and one or two maxima in addition to the BEC, for temperatures larger than TcT_{c} which highlights the effects due to particle confinement. Then we discuss a distinctive dimensional crossover of the system through the specific heat behavior driven by the magnitude of PP. For T<TcT<T_{c} the crossover is revealed by the change in the slope of logCV(T)\log C_{V}(T) and when T>TcT>T_{c}, it is evidenced by a broad minimum in CV(T)C_{V}(T).Comment: Ten pages, nine figure

    Enhanced suppresion of localization in a continuous Random-Dimer Model

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    We consider a one-dimensional continuous (Kronig-Penney) extension of the (tight-binding) Random Dimer model of Dunlap et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 88 (1990)]. We predict that the continuous model has infinitely many resonances (zeroes of the reflection coefficient) giving rise to extended states instead of the one resonance arising in the discrete version. We present exact, transfer-matrix numerical calculations supporting, both realizationwise and on the average, the conclusion that the model has a very large number of extended states.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Figures available on request, REVTeX 3.0, MA/UC3M/1/9

    On the Green function of linear evolution equations for a region with a boundary

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    We derive a closed-form expression for the Green function of linear evolution equations with the Dirichlet boundary condition for an arbitrary region, based on the singular perturbation approach to boundary problems.Comment: 9 page

    Phonon Hall effect in ionic crystals in the presence of static magnetic field

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    We study phonon Hall effect (PHE) for ionic crystals in the presence of static magnetic field. Using Green-Kubo formula, we present an exact calculation of thermal conductivity tensor by considering both positive and negative frequency phonons. Numerical results are shown for some lattices such as hexagonal lattices, triangular lattices, and square lattices. We find that the PHE occurs on the nonmagnetic ionic crystal NaCl, although the magnitude is very small which is due to the tiny charge-to-mass ratio of the ions. The off-diagonal thermal conductivity is finite for nonzero magnetic field and changes sign for high value of magnetic field at high temperature. We also found that the off-diagonal thermal conductivity diverges as ±1/T\pm{1/T} at low temperature

    Spin dependent point potentials in one and three dimensions

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    We consider a system realized with one spinless quantum particle and an array of NN spins 1/2 in dimension one and three. We characterize all the Hamiltonians obtained as point perturbations of an assigned free dynamics in terms of some ``generalized boundary conditions''. For every boundary condition we give the explicit formula for the resolvent of the corresponding Hamiltonian. We discuss the problem of locality and give two examples of spin dependent point potentials that could be of interest as multi-component solvable models.Comment: 15 pages, some misprints corrected, one example added, some references modified or adde

    Friedel oscillations in a gas of interacting one-dimensional fermionic atoms confined in a harmonic trap

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    Using an asymptotic phase representation of the particle density operator ρ^(z)\hat{\rho}(z) in the one-dimensional harmonic trap, the part δρ^F(z)\delta \hat{\rho}_F(z) which describes the Friedel oscillations is extracted. The expectation value with respect to the interacting ground state requires the calculation of the mean square average of a properly defined phase operator. This calculation is performed analytically for the Tomonaga-Luttinger model with harmonic confinement. It is found that the envelope of the Friedel oscillations at zero temperature decays with the boundary exponent ν=(K+1)/2\nu = (K+1)/2 away from the classical boundaries. This value differs from that known for open boundary conditions or strong pinning impurities. The soft boundary in the present case thus modifies the decay of Friedel oscillations. The case of two components is also discussed.Comment: Revised version to appear in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physic

    Low-frequency plasma conductivity in the average-atom approximation

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    Low-frequency properties of a plasma are examined within the average-atom approximation, which presumes that scattering of a conducting electron on each atom takes place independently of other atoms. The relaxation time tau distinguishes a high-frequency region omega tau > 1, where the single-atom approximation is applicable explicitly, from extreme low frequencies omega tau < 1, where, naively, the single-atom approximation is invalid. A proposed generalization of the formalism, which takes into account many-atom collisions, is found to be accurate in all frequency regions, from omega =0 to omega tau >1, reproducing the Ziman formula in the static limit, results based on the Kubo-Greenwood formula for high frequencies, and satisfying the conductivity sum-rule precisely. The correspondence between physical processes leading to the conventional Ohm's law and the infrared properties of QED is discussed. The suggested average-atom approach to frequency-dependent conductivity is illustrated by numerical calculations for the an aluminum plasma in the temperature range 2--10 eV.Comment: 9 pages 3 figure