11 research outputs found

    Lamb wave near field enhancements for surface breaking defects in plates

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    Near field surface wave ultrasonic enhancements have previously been used to detect surface breaking defects in thick samples using Rayleigh waves. Here, we present analogous surface wave enhancements for Lamb waves propagating in plates. By tracking frequency intensities in selected regions of time-frequency representations, we observe frequency enhancement in the near field, due to constructive interference of the incident wave mode with those reflected and mode converted at the defect. This is explained using two test models; a square based notch and an opening crack, which are used to predict the contribution to the out-of-plane displacement from the reflected and mode converted waves. This method has the potential to provide a reliable method for the near field identification and characterisation of surface breaking defects in plates

    Enhancement of ultrasonic surface waves at wedge tips and angled defects

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    The behaviour of sound waves interacting with wedges has attracted interest from researchers in geophysics and non-destructive testing. We consider here the near-field behaviour of Rayleigh waves incident on wedges and surface-breaking defects which propagate at an angle to the surface, such as rolling contact fatigue on rails. It has been shown that, for a detection point on the edge of the crack tip, a very large signal enhancement is observed for shallow angles. We explain this behaviour through considering the effect of the defect geometry, with changes in the frequency thickness product leading to mode-conversion of the incident Rayleigh wave

    Vibration energy analysis of a plate for defect imaging with a scanning laser source technique

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    Vibration energies generated by laser irradiation to a plate with a crack were calculated by the semi-analytical finite element method to elucidate the principle of defect imaging using a scanning laser source. For normal incidence in the ablation regime, the incident energy increases when the incident source is located in the vicinity of the crack, owing to the effect of the non-propagating A1 modes. For dipole loading in the thermoelastic regime, the vibration energies are completely different, depending on the position of the crack opening. If the crack opening is located opposite the incident source, the vibration energy increases abruptly in the vicinity of the crack, which is affected by the higher-order non-propagating modes as well as the A1 modes. When the crack opening and the incident source are located on the same side, the generated energy approaches zero as the source moves closer to the crack. The energy reduction around the crack is caused by the superposition of the incident wave from dipole loading and the phase-inverted reflected wave. The results of experiments conducted to verify the energy variations in the vicinity of a crack were in good agreement with the numerical results for dipole loading

    Near field enhancements from angled surface defects : a comparison of scanning laser source and scanning laser detection techniques

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    Enhancement of the Rayleigh wave signal amplitude at a surface defect, due to interference of incident, reflected and mode converted waves, has been reported by several authors, and it has been suggested that this could be used as a fingerprint of the presence of such cracking. The scanning laser line source technique in particular, where signal amplitude is enhanced as the laser generating the Rayleigh waves is in the region of a surface defect, has been reported as a suitable detection tool. However, the previous work has looked primarily at defects propagating normal to the surface, which may not always be a suitable approximation, and the enhancement measured when a detection laser rather than a generation laser is near a crack may, in some cases, be more significant. This work explores near field effects for both laser generation and laser detection points near a defect, and compares the enhancements for defects which are angled relative to the surface. We use a combination of finite element method models and experimental results, and probe enhancements of both the amplitude and frequency signals, and show that scanning the detection point may be a better method for locating surface defects if they are inclined at an angle to the surface