7,222 research outputs found

    Dynamic correlations in stochastic rotation dynamics

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    The dynamic structure factor, vorticity and entropy density dynamic correlation functions are measured for Stochastic Rotation Dynamics (SRD), a particle based algorithm for fluctuating fluids. This allows us to obtain unbiased values for the longitudinal transport coefficients such as thermal diffusivity and bulk viscosity. The results are in good agreement with earlier numerical and theoretical results, and it is shown for the first time that the bulk viscosity is indeed zero for this algorithm. In addition, corrections to the self-diffusion coefficient and shear viscosity arising from the breakdown of the molecular chaos approximation at small mean free paths are analyzed. In addition to deriving the form of the leading correlation corrections to these transport coefficients, the probabilities that two and three particles remain collision partners for consecutive time steps are derived analytically in the limit of small mean free path. The results of this paper verify that we have an excellent understanding of the SRD algorithm at the kinetic level and that analytic expressions for the transport coefficients derived elsewhere do indeed provide a very accurate description of the SRD fluid.Comment: 33 pages including 16 figure

    Secondary aerosol formation from atmospheric reactions of aliphatic amines

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    Although aliphatic amines have been detected in both urban and rural atmospheric aerosols, little is known about the chemistry leading to particle formation or the potential aerosol yields from reactions of gas-phase amines. We present here the first systematic study of aerosol formation from the atmospheric reactions of amines. Based on laboratory chamber experiments and theoretical calculations, we evaluate aerosol formation from reaction of OH, ozone, and nitric acid with trimethylamine, methylamine, triethylamine, diethylamine, ethylamine, and ethanolamine. Entropies of formation for alkylammonium nitrate salts are estimated by molecular dynamics calculations enabling us to estimate equilibrium constants for the reactions of amines with nitric acid. Though subject to significant uncertainty, the calculated dissociation equilibrium constant for diethylammonium nitrate is found to be sufficiently small to allow for its atmospheric formation, even in the presence of ammonia which competes for available nitric acid. Experimental chamber studies indicate that the dissociation equilibrium constant for triethylammonium nitrate is of the same order of magnitude as that for ammonium nitrate. All amines studied form aerosol when photooxidized in the presence of NOx with the majority of the aerosol mass present at the peak of aerosol growth consisting of aminium (R3NH+) nitrate salts, which repartition back to the gas phase as the parent amine is consumed. Only the two tertiary amines studied, trimethylamine and triethylamine, are found to form significant non-salt organic aerosol when oxidized by OH or ozone; calculated organic mass yields for the experiments conducted are similar for ozonolysis (15% and 5% respectively) and photooxidation (23% and 8% respectively). The non-salt organic aerosol formed appears to be more stable than the nitrate salts and does not quickly repartition back to the gas phase

    Worldline Approach to Forward and Fixed Angle fermion-fermion Scattering in Yang-Mills Theories at High Energies

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    Worldline techniques are employed to study the general behaviour of the fermion-fermion collision amplitude at very high energies in a non-abelian gauge field theory for the forward and fixed angle scattering cases. A central objective of this work is to demonstrate the simplicity by which the worldline methodology isolates that sector of the full theory which carries the soft physics, relevant to each process. Anomalous dimensions pertaining to a given soft sector are identified and subseuently used to facilitate the renormalization group running of the respective four point functions. Gluon reggeization is achieved for forward, while Sudakov suppression is established for fixed angle scattering.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures in three file

    Determining the phonon DOS from specific heat measurements via maximum entropy methods

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    The maximum entropy and reverse Monte-Carlo methods are applied to the computation of the phonon density of states (DOS) from heat capacity data. The approach is introduced and the formalism is described. Simulated data is used to test the method, and its sensitivity to noise. Heat capacity measurements from diamond are used to demonstrate the use of the method with experimental data. Comparison between maximum entropy and reverse Monte-Carlo results shows the form of the entropy used here is correct, and that results are stable and reliable. Major features of the DOS are picked out, and acoustic and optical phonons can be treated with the same approach. The treatment set out in this paper provides a cost-effective and reliable method for studies of the phonon properties of materials.Comment: Reprint to improve access. 10 pages, 6 figure

    Infinite Momentum Frame Calculation of Semileptonic Heavy \Lambda_b\to\Lambda_c Transitions Including HQET Improvements

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    We calculate the transition form factors that occur in heavy Λ\Lambda-type baryon semileptonic decays as e.g. in ΛbΛc++l+νˉl\Lambda_{b} \to \Lambda_{c}^{+} + l^{-} + \bar{\nu}_{l} . We use Bauer-Stech-Wirbel type infinite momentum frame wave functions for the heavy Λ\Lambda-type baryons which we assume to consist of a heavy quark and a light spin-isospin zero diquark system. The form factors at q2=0 q^{2} = 0 are calculated from the overlap integrals of the initial and final Λ\Lambda-type baryon states. To leading order in the heavy mass scale the structure of the form factors agrees with the HQET predictions including the normalization at zero recoil. The leading order ω\omega-dependence of the form factors is extracted by scaling arguments. By comparing the model form factors with the HQET predictions at O(1/mQ){\cal O}(1/m_{Q}) we obtain a consistent set of model form factors up to O(1/mQ){\cal O}(1/m_{Q}). With our preferred choice of parameter values we find that the contribution of the non-leading form factor is practically negligible. We use our form factor predictions to compute rates, spectra and various asymmetry parameters for the semi-leptonic decay ΛbΛc++l+νˉl\Lambda_{b} \to \Lambda_{c}^{+} + l^{-} + \bar{\nu}_{l} .Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures are included in PostScript format. Final version of paper to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Exclusive Photoproduction of Large Momentum-Transfer K and K* Mesons

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    The reactions gamma p -> K+ Lambda and gamma p -> K* Lambda are analyzed within perturbative QCD, allowing for diquarks as quasi-elementary constituents of baryons. The diquark-model parameters and the quark-diquark distribution amplitudes of proton and Lambda are taken from previous investigations of electromagnetic baryon form factors and Compton-scattering off protons. Unpolarized differential cross sections and polarization observables are computed for different choices of the K and K* distribution amplitudes. The asymptotic form of the K distribution amplitude (proportional to x1 x2) is found to provide a satisfactory description of the K photoproduction data.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures available as tared, compressed and uuencoded PS-file

    Hadronic sizes and observables in high-energy scattering

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    The functional dependence of the high-energy observables of total cross section and slope parameter on the sizes of the colliding hadrons predicted by the model of the stochastic vacuum and the corresponding relations used in the geometric model of Povh and H\"ufner are confronted with the experimental data. The existence of a universal term in the expression for the slope, due purely to vacuum effects, independent of the energy and of the particular hadronic system, is investigated. Accounting for the two independent correlation functions of the QCD vacuum, we improve the simple and consistent description given by the model of the stochastic vacuum to the high-energy pp and pbar-p data, with a new determination of parameters of non-perturbative QCD. The increase of the hadronic radii with the energy accounts for the energy dependence of the observables.Comment: Latex, using Revtex.style . 2 ps figures. To be published in Physical Review D , July 199

    Timelike form factors at high energy

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    The difference between the timelike and spacelike meson form factors is analysed in the framework of perturbative QCD with Sudakov effects included. It is found that integrable singularities appear but that the asymptotic behavior is the same in the timelike and spacelike regions. The approach to asymptotia is quite slow and a rather constant enhancement of the timelike value is expected at measurable large Q2Q^{2}. This is in agreement with the trend shown by experimental data.Comment: 17 pages, report DAPNIA/SPhN 94 0

    Order parameter model for unstable multilane traffic flow

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    We discuss a phenomenological approach to the description of unstable vehicle motion on multilane highways that explains in a simple way the observed sequence of the phase transitions "free flow -> synchronized motion -> jam" as well as the hysteresis in the transition "free flow synchronized motion". We introduce a new variable called order parameter that accounts for possible correlations in the vehicle motion at different lanes. So, it is principally due to the "many-body" effects in the car interaction, which enables us to regard it as an additional independent state variable of traffic flow. Basing on the latest experimental data (cond-mat/9905216) we assume that these correlations are due to a small group of "fast" drivers. Taking into account the general properties of the driver behavior we write the governing equation for the order parameter. In this context we analyze the instability of homogeneous traffic flow manifesting itself in both of the mentioned above phase transitions where, in addition, the transition "synchronized motion -> jam" also exhibits a similar hysteresis. Besides, the jam is characterized by the vehicle flows at different lanes being independent of one another. We specify a certain simplified model in order to study the general features of the car cluster self-formation under the phase transition "free flow synchronized motion". In particular, we show that the main local parameters of the developed cluster are determined by the state characteristics of vehicle motion only.Comment: REVTeX 3.1, 10 pages with 10 PostScript figure

    Survey for Emission-Line Galaxies: Universidad Complutense de Madrid List 3

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    A new low-dispersion objective-prism search for low-redshift (z<0.045) emission-line galaxies (ELG) has been carried out by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the Schmidt Telescope at the Calar-Alto Observatory. This is a continuation of the UCM Survey, which was performed by visual selection of candidates in photographic plates via the presence of the Halpha+[NII]6584 blend in emission. In this new list we have applied an automatic procedure, fully developed by us, for selecting and analyzing the ELG candidates on the digitized images obtained with the MAMA machine. The analyzed region of the sky covers 189 square degrees in nine fields near R.A.=14h & 17h, Dec=25 deg. The final sample contains 113 candidates. Special effort has been made to obtain a large amount of information directly from our uncalibrated plates by using several external calibrations. The parameters obtained for the ELG candidates allow for the study of the statistical properties for the sample.Comment: 13 pages, 18 PostScript figures, 6 JPEG figures, Table 2 corrected. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplements, also available at http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/opera/LIST3_ApJS99