700 research outputs found

    Interpretivism in Information Systems: A Postmodern Epistemology?

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    This paper investigates the relationship between postmodernism, epistemology and interpretivism. The paper\u27s objective is to show that the interpretivist research paradigm shows very clear postmodernist traits. After defining the three concepts the paper attempts to answer two research questions, namely whether interpretivism may be regarded as an epistemology and whether it is a typical postmodern approach to Information Systems science and research. The paper is conceptual, using a philosophical-logical approach

    Gilgamesj. Een oud verhaal opnieuw verteld.

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    Dat ik dit verhaal voor u opnieuw ga vertellen is niet alleen omdat het zoo oud is en zoo mooi—hoewel óók daarom!Dit verhaal is zoo mooi, omdat het eenvoudig is en in zijn eenvoudreëel

    Transdisciplinarity in IS: The Next Frontier in Computing Disciplines

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    The world has become an open or \u27flat\u27 place. Information Systems (IS) students who graduate may wonder where their qualifications will take them in this world. How could they use it to make the most of it? And for those who want to venture into a higher degree, what can they expect in this new venture? I believe with Madni that [t]he time has come for us to begin for (sic) exploiting the \u27flatness\u27 of this world with open minds and a commitment to transdisciplinary research and education, the next frontier in the intellectual and societal growth of human kind (2007:10). This paper explores transdisciplinarity in IS by means of a literature review in order to come to a better understanding of the concept and I hope that it could make a small contribution towards the academic debate

    ,,Soorte” en „Siel"

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    In verband met diskussies oor onderwerpe soos Skepping en Evolusie, die verskil tussen mens en dier, word deur mense wat in hierdie probleme belang stel, maar geen studie gemaak het van die oorspronklike tale van die Heilige Skrif nie, skerp en metaandag gekyk na wat nou presies in ons Afrikaanse vertaling staan. Daarom moet die vertaling baie korrek wees sodat die diskussies nie vertroebel word deur ’n vertaling wat tot verkeerde gevolgtrekkings kan aanleiding gee nie

    In denne beginne

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    Zittend te midden van opmerkingen en beschouwingen over Genesis  11) krijg ik ook onderogeneen artikel van Carl A. Keller met het opschrift: Existentielle und heilsgeschichtliche Deutung der Schópfungsgeschichte(Gnl: l-2:4).2

    Interpretivism in IS – a Postmodernist (or Postpositivist?) Knowledge Theory

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    This paper explores the association between postmodernism and interpretivism. The paper’s objective is to show that the interpretivist research paradigm shows very clear postmodernist traits. After defining the two concepts the paper attempts to answer the research question whether interpretivism is a typical postmodernist approach to Information Systems science and research. The paper is conceptual, using a philosophical-logical approach. It makes a contribution to the discipline of Information Systems by taking the reflection on the continuum of positivism-interpretivism-critical research a level deeper by connecting interpretivism with the broader, encompassing paradigm of postmodernism

    Die Probleem van die Lyde

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    Dit is ’n gangbare uitdrukking: „die probleem van die lyde." Bedoel word dan meestal die lyde van die gelowiges

    Linguistic Informatics: A Humanistic Endeavor

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    This paper discusses the place of research on the use of information systems technologies to store and explore linguistic data. As such, it may be regarded as small contribution to the philosophy of science. After a section on the nature of informatics in general, some general principles will be applied to computer-assisted linguistic studies, and a number of examples will be provided to illustrate the concept of linguistic informatics

    The Mutualistic Relationship between Information Systems and the Humanities

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    The paper explores the nature of the relationship between the study fields of Information Systems and the humanities. Although literature on Humanities Computing states in principle that there is a bi-directional, beneficial symbiotic relationship, most studies and reflections investigate only the application of information technology in the humanities. This implies that the relation is commensalistic rather that mutualistic. However, studies do exist that implement theoretical constructs borrowed from the humanities in various aspects of Information Systems. Therefore, the author pleads that more recognition be given to the pre-discipline of Humanities-enriched Information Systems and proposes theoretical and practical ways to make the field more independent. The paper uses an interpretive research approach and explores the issue at hand on a meta-theoretical level. It suggests that, by building on the foundations of existing, pre-disciplinary enrichment endeavors, a new paradigm of Information Systems research may be acknowledged and nursed in order to facilitate further growth of the discipline
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