14 research outputs found

    Crowdsourcing Paper Screening in Systematic Literature Reviews

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    Literature reviews allow scientists to stand on the shoulders of giants, showing promising directions, summarizing progress, and pointing out existing challenges in research. At the same time conducting a systematic literature review is a laborious and consequently expensive process. In the last decade, there have a few studies on crowdsourcing in literature reviews. This paper explores the feasibility of crowdsourcing for facilitating the literature review process in terms of results, time and effort, as well as to identify which crowdsourcing strategies provide the best results based on the budget available. In particular we focus on the screening phase of the literature review process and we contribute and assess methods for identifying the size of tests, labels required per paper, and classification functions as well as methods to split the crowdsourcing process in phases to improve results. Finally, we present our findings based on experiments run on Crowdflower

    Active learning from crowd in document screening

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    In this paper, we explore how to efficiently combine crowdsourcing and machine intelligence for the problem of document screening, where we need to screen documents with a set of machine-learning filters. Specifically, we focus on building a set of machine learning classifiers that evaluate documents, and then screen them efficiently. It is a challenging task since the budget is limited and there are countless number of ways to spend the given budget on the problem. We propose a multi-label active learning screening specific sampling technique -objective-aware samplingfor querying unlabelled documents for annotating. Our algorithm takes a decision on which machine filter need more training data and how to choose unlabeled items to annotate in order to minimize the risk of overall classification errors rather than minimizing a single filter error. We demonstrate that objective-aware sampling significantly outperforms the state of the art active learning sampling strategies.</p

    Active learning from crowd in document screening

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    In this paper, we explore how to efficiently combine crowdsourcing and machine intelligence for the problem of document screening, where we need to screen documents with a set of machine-learning filters. Specifically, we focus on building a set of machine learning classifiers that evaluate documents, and then screen them efficiently. It is a challenging task since the budget is limited and there are countless number of ways to spend the given budget on the problem. We propose a multi-label active learning screening specific sampling technique -objective-aware samplingfor querying unlabelled documents for annotating. Our algorithm takes a decision on which machine filter need more training data and how to choose unlabeled items to annotate in order to minimize the risk of overall classification errors rather than minimizing a single filter error. We demonstrate that objective-aware sampling significantly outperforms the state of the art active learning sampling strategies.Human-Centred Artificial Intelligenc

    A review and experimental analysis of active learning over crowdsourced data

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    Training data creation is increasingly a key bottleneck for developing machine learning, especially for deep learning systems. Active learning provides a cost-effective means for creating training data by selecting the most informative instances for labeling. Labels in real applications are often collected from crowdsourcing, which engages online crowds for data labeling at scale. Despite the importance of using crowdsourced data in the active learning process, an analysis of how the existing active learning approaches behave over crowdsourced data is currently missing. This paper aims to fill this gap by reviewing the existing active learning approaches and then testing a set of benchmarking ones on crowdsourced datasets. We provide a comprehensive and systematic survey of the recent research on active learning in the hybrid human–machine classification setting, where crowd workers contribute labels (often noisy) to either directly classify data instances or to train machine learning models. We identify three categories of state of the art active learning methods according to whether and how predefined queries employed for data sampling, namely fixed-strategy approaches, dynamic-strategy approaches, and strategy-free approaches. We then conduct an empirical study on their cost-effectiveness, showing that the performance of the existing active learning approaches is affected by many factors in hybrid classification contexts, such as the noise level of data, label fusion technique used, and the specific characteristics of the task. Finally, we discuss challenges and identify potential directions to design active learning strategies for hybrid classification problems.Web Information System

    GIPSO: Geometrically Informed Propagation for Online Adaptation in 3D LiDAR Segmentation

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    3D point cloud semantic segmentation is fundamental for autonomous driving. Most approaches in the literature neglect an important aspect, i.e., how to deal with domain shift when handling dynamic scenes. This can significantly hinder the navigation capabilities of self-driving vehicles. This paper advances the state of the art in this research field. Our first contribution consists in analysing a new unexplored scenario in point cloud segmentation, namely Source-Free Online Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SF-OUDA). We experimentally show that state-of-the-art methods have a rather limited ability to adapt pre-trained deep network models to unseen domains in an online manner. Our second contribution is an approach that relies on adaptive self-training and geometric-feature propagation to adapt a pre-trained source model online without requiring either source data or target labels. Our third contribution is to study SF-OUDA in a challenging setup where source data is synthetic and target data is point clouds captured in the real world. We use the recent SynLiDAR dataset as a synthetic source and introduce two new synthetic (source) datasets, which can stimulate future synthetic-to-real autonomous driving research. Our experiments show the effectiveness of our segmentation approach on thousands of real-world point clouds (Code and synthetic datasets are available at https://github.com/saltoricristiano/gipso-sfouda)