155 research outputs found

    Dialectics of Efficient Change Management in the Regional Social Systems

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    The research has placed emphasis on the role of the social infrastructure sectors, providing social services, which facilitate human potential development in a modern state. Theoretical positions of the scientist considering the nature of social benefits and necessity of the government support for the social sphere has been summarized in the article. The state of the Russian social infrastructure sectors has been considered and the analysis of their performance compared to these of the social infrastructure sectors in other countries has been conducted in the research work. Taking into consideration the performance ratings of the effectiveness of the national education systems, the countries around the world concerning the effectiveness of the health system, the countries around the world concerning the social development level in 2014, the authors have proposed the conceptual approach that makes it possible to consider the correlation and interrelation of the level of the government financing of the social sphere and the dynamics of the contribution of social infrastructure sectors in the development of the human capital, ensuring the gross domestic product increase. The necessity of making innovative changes in the socio-economic systems of the social infrastructure sectors, to improve their performance, taking into account the results obtained, in the first place, in health care, has been wellgrounded and theoretical approaches to the changes management in the socio-economic systems has been studied in the article. The theoretical approaches to the changes management in the socio-economic systems have been studied by the authors. Based on the conducted studies and the formed theoretical basis for improving the level of changes management in open socio-economic systems, for the purpose of development of the theoretical and methodological approaches to changes management as applied to health care sphere, optimization model of management of health care organizations by way of ranking of manageable and unmanageable changes has been proposed. The possibility of using management optimization by way of ranking of manageable and unmanageable changes in the health care management at different levels has been confirmed with high-performance indicators at the micro-, meso- and macro levels in the sector, by the example of implementation of the national project “Health” and innovative organizational changes facilitating the return to work of patients of the working age, which are involved in the gross domestic product formation in the city of Yekaterinburg.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 14-18-00456 “Support of geoecosocioeconomic approach to development of strategic nature resources capacity of the low-studied northern territories within the investment project “Arctic — Central Asia”

    Impurity-induced moments in underdoped cuprates

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    We examine the effect of a nonmagnetic impurity in a two-dimensional spin liquid in the spin-gap phase, employing a drone-fermion representation of spin-1/2 operators. The properties of the local moment induced in the vicinity of the impurity are investigated and an expression for the nuclear-magnetic- resonance Knight shift is derived, which we compare with experimental results. Introducing a second impurity into the spin liquid an antiferromagnetic interaction between the moments is found when the two impurities are located on different sublattices. The presence of many impurities leads to a screening of this interaction as is shown by means of a coherent-potential approximation. Further, the Kondo screening of an impurity-induced local spin by charge carriers is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To be published in Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 56, No. 1

    rac-Diethyl 6-hy­droxy-4-[(2-hy­droxy­eth­yl)amino]-6-methyl-2-phenyl­cyclo­hex-3-ene-1,3-dicarboxyl­ate

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    The title compound, C21H29NO6, is chiral with three stereogenic centres. The crystal is a racemate and consists of enanti­omeric pairs with the relative configuration rac-(2R*,3S*,4R*). The ethyl fragment of the eth­oxy­carbonyl group at position 1 is disordered in a 0.60:0.40 ratio. The crystal packing displays inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonding. An intra­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond also occurs

    Analysis of Users’ Sentiments in Social Media (on the Example of the Astrakhan Region)

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    The article is devoted to the studying of the opinions and sentiments of users of regional communities in the social network VKontakte using methods of machine analysis of text data, supplemented by sociological research methods. In the course of the study, we identified a list of current topics discussed by the inhabitants of the region, determined the most frequently mentioned persons, and analyzed the tone of their mention. Additionally, on the basis of the obtained results, the index of subjective (non-) well-being (ISW) was calculated for each district of the region and a map of the emotional coloring of posts from the communities of the analyzed social network was built. The results of the study can be used to monitor the situation in the region, finding problem areas, elicitation opinion leaders (popular personalities of the region that have a special influence on the opinion of the population), as well as identify the most interesting topics and urgent problems for the population. In perspective, this method of monitoring the social sentiments of the population of the region can be improved by automating the addition of new data to the analytical project. In the future, the addition of mathematical models to the system will make it possible to create graphs for predicting further changes in the region

    Electron-lattice kinetics of metals heated by ultrashort laser pulses

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    We propose a kinetic model of transient nonequilibrium phenomena in metals exposed to ultrashort laser pulses when heated electrons affect the lattice through direct electron-phonon interaction. This model describes the destruction of a metal under intense laser pumping. We derive the system of equations for the metal, which consists of hot electrons and a cold lattice. Hot electrons are described with the help of the Boltzmann equation and equation of thermoconductivity. We use the equations of motion for lattice displacements with the electron force included. The lattice deformation is estimated immediately after the laser pulse up to the time of electron temperature relaxation. An estimate shows that the ablation regime can be achieved.Comment: 7 pages; Revtex. to appear in JETP 88, #1 (1999

    Van der Waals Excluded Volume Model of Multicomponent Hadron Gas

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    A generalization of the Van der Waals excluded volume procedure for the multicomponent hadron gas is proposed. The derivation is based on the grand canonical partition function for the system of particles of several species interacting by hard core potentials. The obtained formulae for thermodynamical quantities are consistent with underlying principles of statistical mechanics as well as with thermodynamical identities. The model can be applied to the analysis of experimental data for particle number ratios in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions.Comment: 8 page

    Quantum spin fluctuations and evolution of electronic structure in cuprates

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    Correlation effects in CuO2_2 layers give rise to a complicated landscape of collective excitations in high-Tc_{\rm c} cuprates. Their description requires an accurate account for electronic fluctuations at a very broad energy range and remains a challenge for the theory. Particularly, there is no conventional explanation of the experimentally observed `resonant' antiferromagnetic mode, which is often considered to be a mediator of superconductivity. Here we model spin excitations of the hole-doped cuprates in the paramagnetic regime and show that this antiferromagnetic mode is associated with electronic transitions between anti-nodal X and Y points of the quasiparticle band that is pinned to the Fermi level. We observe that upon doping of 7-12\% the electronic spectral weight redistribution leads to the formation of a very stable quasiparticle dispersion due to strong correlation effects. The reconstruction of the Fermi surface results in a flattening of the quasiparticle band at the vicinity of the nodal MΓ/2{\rm M}\Gamma/2 point, accompanied by a high density of charge carriers. Collective excitations of electrons between the nodal MΓ/2{\rm M}\Gamma/2 and XM/2{\rm XM}/2 points form the additional magnetic holes state in magnetic spectrum, which protects the antiferromagnetic fluctuation. Further investigation of the evolution of spin fluctuations with the temperature and doping allowed us to observe the incipience of the antiferromagnetic ordering already in the paramagnetic regime above the transition temperature. Additionally, apart from the most intensive low-energy magnetic excitations, the magnetic spectrum reveals less intensive collective spin fluctuations that correspond to electronic processes between peaks of the single-particle spectral function