6 research outputs found

    Degradation of inkjet ink by greensand and ultrasonic sonification

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    The study describes the degradation of inkjet ink at low frequency ultrasound (US) and greensand to compare their reactivity. Environmental sonochemistry is a rapidly growing area and an example of the advanced oxidation process (AOP) that deals with the destruction of organic species in aqueous solutions. Greensand is a granular material coated with a thin layer of manganese dioxide (MnO2) which is among the strongest natural oxidants. In our study magenta inkjet water-based printing ink was dissolved in distilled water and the solutions obtained after degradation were analysed in terms of total organic compound (TOC) and absorption curves in the visible spectra. Also used for the process monitoring was high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The efficiency of discoloration is significantly affected by the effluent pH. The efficiency of discolouration was higher when the pH of initial solution was 2 with respect to the initial solution pH of 5.5. In all solutions, irrespective of the initial pH value and the processing method the oxidation of polyhydric alcohols occurs. Although the decomposition is significant, surface peaks resulting from HPLC analysis are very small. Decolourization is closely related to the cleavage of the – C=C and -N=N- bonds, and oxidation of polyhydric alcohol to the formation of monosaccharides, carboxylic acids or other low molecular weight compounds with a lesser number of unsaturated double bonds. These compounds have low UV absorbance or they absorb below 200 nm and therefore their detection is impossible. Thus, the obtained total organic compound results indicate a small degree of mineralization. The effectiveness of the low-frequency ultrasound (20 kHz) oxidation is similar to the effectiveness of oxidation by greendsand

    Analysis of bisphenol a in thermochromic printing inks, their prints on paper and soil samples during the anaerobic paper degradation

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    Termokromne boje su materijal čija je uporaba u porastu, a glavne komponente često su im pseudoestrogeni bisfenol A i benzofenon. Za identifikaciju i kvantifikaciju ovih spojeva u termokromnim bojama razvijena je tekućinskokromatografska metoda obrnutih faza s UV-detekcijom. Tri od analiziranih petnaest uzoraka boja sadržavali su bisfenol A s masenim udjelima oko 2 %, a dva uzorka benzofenon s masenim udjelima od 0,34 % i 0,66 %. Termokromna boja koja sadrži bisfenol A i koju je moguće tiskati u laboratorijskim uvjetima otisnuta je na različite vrste papira. Razvijena je tekućinskokromatografska metoda za određivanje bisfenola A u termokromnim otiscima na papiru ekstrakcijom metanolom. Maseni udio bisfenola A u papirima bio je od 0,126 mg g‒1 do 0,778 mg g‒1. Otisci termokromne boje koja sadrži bisfenol A podvrgnuti su anaerobnoj razgradnji u tlu čime su simulirani uvjeti razgradnje na deponiju otpada. Razvijena je tekućinskokromatografska metoda s UV-detekcijom kojom je određen maseni udio bisfenola A u tlu u vremenu od 14 do 150 dana razgradnje papira i procijenjena brzina njegova raspada. Tijekom anaerobne ragradnje maseni udio bisfenola A u termokromnim papirima smanjio se do vrijednosti bliske granici određivanja metode od 0,0025 mg g‒1. Maseni udio bisfenola A u tlu tijekom anaerobne razgradnje se povećavao i nakon 150 dana razgradnje bio je od 3,21 ng g‒1 do 35,1 ng g‒1.Thermochromic inks, materials increasingly used, may contain pseudo-estrogens bisphenol A and benzophenone as main ingredients. To identify and quantify these compounds, reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method with UV-detection was developed. Three out of 15 analyzed samples contained bisphenol A in mass fractions of about 2 %. Two samples contained benzophenone with mass fractions of 0,34 % and 0,66 %. Thermochromic ink that contains bisphenol A and was applicable in laboratory conditions was printed on various types of papers. Liquid chromatographic method for determination of bisphenol A extracted in methanol was developed. Mass fraction of bisphenol A in papers was from 0,126 mg g–1 to 0,788 mg g–1. Prints of thermochromic ink containing bisphenol A were subjected to anaerobic degradation in soil to simulate the conditions at a landfill site. Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method with UV-detection was developed to determine mass fraction of bisphenol A in soil at time intervals from 14 to 150 days, and the rate of its degradation was estimated. During the anaerobic degradation, mass fraction of bisphenol A in papers decreased to value close to detection limit of the method of 0,0025 mg g–1. Mass fraction of bisphenol A in soil increased during the anaerobic degradation, and after 150 days ranged from 3,21 ng g–1 to 35,1 ng g–1

    Analysis of bisphenol a in thermochromic printing inks, their prints on paper and soil samples during the anaerobic paper degradation

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    Termokromne boje su materijal čija je uporaba u porastu, a glavne komponente često su im pseudoestrogeni bisfenol A i benzofenon. Za identifikaciju i kvantifikaciju ovih spojeva u termokromnim bojama razvijena je tekućinskokromatografska metoda obrnutih faza s UV-detekcijom. Tri od analiziranih petnaest uzoraka boja sadržavali su bisfenol A s masenim udjelima oko 2 %, a dva uzorka benzofenon s masenim udjelima od 0,34 % i 0,66 %. Termokromna boja koja sadrži bisfenol A i koju je moguće tiskati u laboratorijskim uvjetima otisnuta je na različite vrste papira. Razvijena je tekućinskokromatografska metoda za određivanje bisfenola A u termokromnim otiscima na papiru ekstrakcijom metanolom. Maseni udio bisfenola A u papirima bio je od 0,126 mg g‒1 do 0,778 mg g‒1. Otisci termokromne boje koja sadrži bisfenol A podvrgnuti su anaerobnoj razgradnji u tlu čime su simulirani uvjeti razgradnje na deponiju otpada. Razvijena je tekućinskokromatografska metoda s UV-detekcijom kojom je određen maseni udio bisfenola A u tlu u vremenu od 14 do 150 dana razgradnje papira i procijenjena brzina njegova raspada. Tijekom anaerobne ragradnje maseni udio bisfenola A u termokromnim papirima smanjio se do vrijednosti bliske granici određivanja metode od 0,0025 mg g‒1. Maseni udio bisfenola A u tlu tijekom anaerobne razgradnje se povećavao i nakon 150 dana razgradnje bio je od 3,21 ng g‒1 do 35,1 ng g‒1.Thermochromic inks, materials increasingly used, may contain pseudo-estrogens bisphenol A and benzophenone as main ingredients. To identify and quantify these compounds, reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method with UV-detection was developed. Three out of 15 analyzed samples contained bisphenol A in mass fractions of about 2 %. Two samples contained benzophenone with mass fractions of 0,34 % and 0,66 %. Thermochromic ink that contains bisphenol A and was applicable in laboratory conditions was printed on various types of papers. Liquid chromatographic method for determination of bisphenol A extracted in methanol was developed. Mass fraction of bisphenol A in papers was from 0,126 mg g–1 to 0,788 mg g–1. Prints of thermochromic ink containing bisphenol A were subjected to anaerobic degradation in soil to simulate the conditions at a landfill site. Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method with UV-detection was developed to determine mass fraction of bisphenol A in soil at time intervals from 14 to 150 days, and the rate of its degradation was estimated. During the anaerobic degradation, mass fraction of bisphenol A in papers decreased to value close to detection limit of the method of 0,0025 mg g–1. Mass fraction of bisphenol A in soil increased during the anaerobic degradation, and after 150 days ranged from 3,21 ng g–1 to 35,1 ng g–1

    Analysis of bisphenol a in thermochromic printing inks, their prints on paper and soil samples during the anaerobic paper degradation

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    Termokromne boje su materijal čija je uporaba u porastu, a glavne komponente često su im pseudoestrogeni bisfenol A i benzofenon. Za identifikaciju i kvantifikaciju ovih spojeva u termokromnim bojama razvijena je tekućinskokromatografska metoda obrnutih faza s UV-detekcijom. Tri od analiziranih petnaest uzoraka boja sadržavali su bisfenol A s masenim udjelima oko 2 %, a dva uzorka benzofenon s masenim udjelima od 0,34 % i 0,66 %. Termokromna boja koja sadrži bisfenol A i koju je moguće tiskati u laboratorijskim uvjetima otisnuta je na različite vrste papira. Razvijena je tekućinskokromatografska metoda za određivanje bisfenola A u termokromnim otiscima na papiru ekstrakcijom metanolom. Maseni udio bisfenola A u papirima bio je od 0,126 mg g‒1 do 0,778 mg g‒1. Otisci termokromne boje koja sadrži bisfenol A podvrgnuti su anaerobnoj razgradnji u tlu čime su simulirani uvjeti razgradnje na deponiju otpada. Razvijena je tekućinskokromatografska metoda s UV-detekcijom kojom je određen maseni udio bisfenola A u tlu u vremenu od 14 do 150 dana razgradnje papira i procijenjena brzina njegova raspada. Tijekom anaerobne ragradnje maseni udio bisfenola A u termokromnim papirima smanjio se do vrijednosti bliske granici određivanja metode od 0,0025 mg g‒1. Maseni udio bisfenola A u tlu tijekom anaerobne razgradnje se povećavao i nakon 150 dana razgradnje bio je od 3,21 ng g‒1 do 35,1 ng g‒1.Thermochromic inks, materials increasingly used, may contain pseudo-estrogens bisphenol A and benzophenone as main ingredients. To identify and quantify these compounds, reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method with UV-detection was developed. Three out of 15 analyzed samples contained bisphenol A in mass fractions of about 2 %. Two samples contained benzophenone with mass fractions of 0,34 % and 0,66 %. Thermochromic ink that contains bisphenol A and was applicable in laboratory conditions was printed on various types of papers. Liquid chromatographic method for determination of bisphenol A extracted in methanol was developed. Mass fraction of bisphenol A in papers was from 0,126 mg g–1 to 0,788 mg g–1. Prints of thermochromic ink containing bisphenol A were subjected to anaerobic degradation in soil to simulate the conditions at a landfill site. Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method with UV-detection was developed to determine mass fraction of bisphenol A in soil at time intervals from 14 to 150 days, and the rate of its degradation was estimated. During the anaerobic degradation, mass fraction of bisphenol A in papers decreased to value close to detection limit of the method of 0,0025 mg g–1. Mass fraction of bisphenol A in soil increased during the anaerobic degradation, and after 150 days ranged from 3,21 ng g–1 to 35,1 ng g–1