40 research outputs found

    Physico - chemical and colour properties of homemade slavonian sausage

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    A study of physico-chemical properties and instrumental measurement of colour was carried out on seven di!erent brands of traditional Croatian homemade dry fermented sausage known as Slavonian homemade Sausage. Basic physico-chemical properties showed a large variability, except for the values of aw and pH. This can be related to diferent recipes used by di!erent producers, but on the other hand these producers follow traditional production conditions. Parameters related to colour showed little variability, especially L* and a* values. The higher variability of b* could be related to the amount of paprika used in the recipe. Some diferences in L* ,b* and a* values were significantly correlated to moisture, fat and salt content


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    Initial freezing points (Ti) of chicken surimi samples mixed with sodium tripolyphosphate (w = 0.3%), κ-carrageenan (w = 0.5 %) and different mass fractions of polydextrose (w = 1 -10%) were determined by use of differential thermal analysis (DTA). Chicken surimi was produced following a modified procedure of Dawson et al. (1988.) from broiler (Sasso, 12 weeks, 1.73 kg live wt.). Water content in chicken surimi was 84.05% before mixing with added substances. Relations between decrease of the initial freezing point (Ti) as function of mass fractions (w) of the polydextrose were determined by linear regression. Coefficients of determination R2 = 0.90 were obtained. There were differences in the Ti values for samples of chicken surimi and water solution of polydextrose as a function of the mass fraction of polydextrose calculated on the total mass of water. These findings support the assumption that polydextrose interacts with chicken surimi proteins, resulting in an increase in the mass fraction of bound water, which depresses Ti. The results are compared with results for chicken surimi with added different mass fractions of polydextrose (w = 1 -10%) but without κ-carrageenan and with Pham model for prediction Ti

    Investigation of homogeneity and physicochemical characterisation of the Homemade Slavonian Sausage

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the homogeneity of the traditional dry-fermented sausages manufactured in small scale facilities in Eastern Croatia. The homogeneity was estimated by analysis of the physicochemical parameters of 20 di!erent brands of traditional Croatian homemade dry fermented sausage known as Homemade Slavonian Sausage. Sensory analysis and correlation analysis (multivariate method) was performed in order to check if the physicochemical di!erences found, were perceived by the sensory panel. All of that was made in order to perform an exhaustive physicochemical characterisation of the "nal product. The physicochemical results showed that sausages were heterogeneous in composition, but only the heterogeneity in fat content was signi"cantly perceived by the sensory panel. This may indicate that fat content is the most important parameter for sensory evaluation. Also, the highest negative correlation between fat content and slice surface appearance may indicate that visible fat on slice surface influence on panellist’s perception of taste and odour of sausages

    Effetto crioprotettonico di polidestrosi e κ-karagen sulle sardine surimi

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    Diferencijalnom termičkom analizom (DTA) određena je početna temperatura zamrzavanja Ti uzoraka surimija srdele koji su pomiješani s κ-karagenom (w = 0,5%) i u različitim masenim omjerima s polidekstrozom (w = 1 - 10%). Povezanost mjernih uređaja s računalom omogućilo je neposredno on-line praćenje procesa odmrzavanja uzorka s velikom osjetljivošću mjerenja temperature (10 mK), frekvencijom uzorkovanja (3,5 kHz) i statističkom filtracijom izmjerenih vrijednosti temperature i vremena (pravilo ± 3s ), te jednostavnu obradu i grafičku interpretaciju podataka. Maseni udio vode u uzorku surimija srdele prije miješanja s dodanim tvarima iznosio je 79,05%. Početna temperatura zamrzavanja uzoraka surimija srdele određena je iz DTA krivulja. Linearnom regresijom određena je funkcionalna ovisnost masenog udjela dodanih tvari w i početnih temperatura zamrzavanja Ti. Za sve uzorke određeni su koeficijenti determinacije koji za uzorke surimija srdele pomiješane s κ-karagenom i u različitim masenim omjerima s polidekstrozom iznose R2 = 0,62. Najveće krioskopsko sniženje početne temperature zamrzavanja pokazuju uzorci surimija srdele s dodatkom κ-karagena (w = 0,5%) i 10 % polidekstroze te iznosi -2,75 ºC. Eksperimentalni rezultati uspoređeni su s literaturnim podacima.Initial freezing points (Ti) of surimi samples prepared from Sardina philchardus mixed with sodium tripolyphosphate (w = 0.3%), κ - carrageenan (w = 0.5%) and different mass fractions of polydextrose (w = 1 -10%) were determined by use of differential thermal analysis (DTA). On-line connection between measuring instrument and a computer made possible direct monitoring of thawing process of the sample with high temperature sensitivity (10 mK), frequency sampling rate (3.5 kHz) and statistical filtration of measured temperature and graphic interpretation of the results. Water content in surimi was 79.05% before mixing with the added substances. The initial freezing point of surimi samples were determined from the DTA curves. Relations between decreases of the initial freezing point Ti as function of mass fractions of the added substances w were determined by linear regression. Coefficients of determination R2 = 0.62 were determined for all samples of surimi mixed with κ - carrageenan and different mass fractions of polydextrose. The largest effect of cryoscopic depression on the initial freezing point Ti was found in the samples of surimi with added κ - carrageenan (w = 0.5%) and polydextrose (w = 10%), with the value of - 2.75 ºC. The results were compared and discussed with the literature data.Durch die differenziale thermische Analyse (DTA) wurde die Anfangstemperatur des Gefrierens T¡ der Surimisardinenmuster bestimmt, die mit Iskaragen (w=0,5 %) und in verschiedenen Massenverhältnissen mit Polidextrose (w=1 – 10%) vermischt waren. Die Verbundenheit der Messinstrumente mit dem Computer ermöglichte eine unmittelbare on line Beobachtung des Abtauenprozesses von Mustern mit großer Empfindlichkeit der Temperaturmessung (10mK), die Musterungfrequenz (3,5 kHz) und die statische Filtration der gemessten Temperatur- und Zeitwerte (Regel ±3σ), sowie einfache Bearbeitung und graphische Interpretation der Angaben. Der Massenanteil von Wasser in den Surimisardinenmustern betrug vor der Mischung mit zusätzlichen Stoffen 79,05 %. Die Anfangstemperatur des Gefrierens von Surimisardinenmustern wurde aus der DTA Krümmung bestimmt. Durch die lineare Regression wurden die funktionale Abhängigkeit des Massenanteils der zugefügten Stoffe w und die Anfangstemperatur T¡ bestimmt. Für alle Muster wurden die Determinationskoeffizienten bestimmt, die für die Surimisardinenmuster vermischt mit Iskaragen und in verschiedenen Massenverhältnissen mit Polidextrose R² = 0,62 betrugen. Die größte krioskopische Verminderung der Anfangstemperatur des Gefrierens zeigen die Surimisardinenmuster mit Zusatz von k-Karagen (w=0,5%) und 10% Polidextrose und sie beträgt –2,75° C. Die Experimentalresultate wurden mit den literarischen Angaben verglichen.La temperatura iniziale di congelamento Ti dei campioni di sardine surimi, mischiati con il carageno κ (w = 0,5%) e con la polidestrosi in differenti rapporti di massa (w = 1 - 10%) è stata determinata dall’analisi differenziale termica (ADT). Siccome gli strumenti di misura erano collegati con il computer, era possibile osservare on-line il processo di decongelamento del campione, con grande sensibilità del misuramento di temperatura (10 mK), con la frequenza di campionamento (3,5 kHz) e con la filtrazione statistica di ottenuti valori di temperatura e di tempo (regola ± 3s ), e anche una semplice elaborazione dati, inclusa l’interpretazione grafica di dati. La percentuale di massa dell’acqua nel campione di sardina surimi era 79,05% prima di esser stata mischiata con le sostanze aggiunte. La temperatura iniziale di congelamento dei campioni di sardine surimi è stata determinata dalle curve ADT. La dipendenza funzionale di percentuale di massa delle sostanze aggiunte w e le temperature iniziali Ti è stata determinata dalla regressione lineare. Per tutti i campioni sono stati determinati i coefficienti di determinazione, i quali valgono R2 = 0,62 per i campioni di sardina surimi mischiati con il carageno κ e con il destrosio per varie percentuali di massa. Il più grande abbassamento crioscopico di temperatura iniziale di congelamento rappresentano i campioni di sardina surimi con l’aggiunta di carageno κ (w = 0,5%) e il 10% di polidestrosi, e quello vale -2,75 ºC. I risultati sperimentali sono stati paragonati con i dati dalla letteratura

    Salt reduction in Homemade Slavonian Sausage: effect on compositional, physico-chemical, colour and texture parameters, sensory characteristics and hygienic quality

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    Sažetak Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati prihvatljivost domaćih slavonski kobasica sa smanjenim udjelom soli. Ispitan je učinak smanjenja udjela NaCl-a na senzorska, mikrobiološka i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva domaćih slavonskih kobasica. Senzorske analize i korelacijske matrice (multivarijatna metoda) su provedene kako bi se provjerilo percipiraju li senzorski analitičari utvrđene razlike između kontrolnog uzorka kobasice (2% NaCl) i kobasica sa smanjenim udjelima NaCl-a u fizikalno-kemijskim svojstvima, boji i teksturi. Prema rezultatima, može se pretpostaviti da smanjenje udjela NaCl-a utječe na povećanje broja enterobakterija i Staphylococcus aureus vrste, no ipak, svi su uzorci mikrobiološki ispravni prema važećim zakonskim propisima. Senzorska analiza je pokazala da panelisti ne osjete značajne razlike u pojedinim senzorskim svojstvima, no kada se uzmu u obzir faktori značajnosti pojedinih svojstava, uzorci se statistički značajno razlikuju prema ukupnoj ocjeni kvalitete. Najbolje ocjene će dobiti kobasice sa najvišim udjelom soli, najviše elastičnosti, najmanjeg udjela masti i kolagena. Najveća razlika između uzorka sa smanjenim udjelom soli za 40% i ostalih uzoraka, u svim pojedinačnim senzorskim svojstvima i ukupnoj ocjeni kvalitete, pokazuju da se smanjenje udjela soli ispod više od 30% ipak ne preporučuje.The aim of this study was to investigate acceptability of the Homemade Slavonian Sausage with reduced mass fraction of salt. The effect of reducing mass fractions of NaCl in some sensory, microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of Homemade Slavonian Sausage was evaluated. Sensory analysis and correlation analysis (multivariate method) was performed in order to check if the physicochemical, colour and texture differences found between control (2% NaCl) and sausages with decreasing mass fraction of NaCl were perceived by the sensory panel. According to results, it seems that reduction of NaCl affects the increase in the number of Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcus aureus, but all samples were microbiologically safe according to current legislation. Sensory analysis showed that the panelists do not sense a significant difference in individual characteristics, but when you take into account the factors of significance of individual properties, the samples differ significantly in overall quality rating. The best grades will bee given to sausages with the highest mass fraction of salt, the highest springiness, the lowest mass fraction of fat and the lowest mass fraction of connective tissue. The biggest differences between the sample with 40% salt reduction and other samples in all the individual sensory characteristics and overall quality indicate that reduction of salt below more than 30% is still not recommended

    Proteomics-Based Approach for Detailing the Allergenic Profile of Cannabis Chemotypes

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    Allergic sensitization to cannabis is an emerging public health concern and is difficult to clinically establish owing to lack of standardized diagnostic approaches. Attempts to develop diagnostic tools were largely hampered by the Schedule I restrictions on cannabis, which limited accessibility for research. Recently, however, hemp was removed from the classified list, and increased accessibility to hemp allows for the evaluation of its practical clinical value for allergy diagnosis. We hypothesized that the proteomic profile is preserved across different cannabis chemotypes and that hemp would be an ideal source of plant material for clinical testing. Using a proteomics-based approach, we examined whether distinct varieties of cannabis plant contain relevant allergens of cannabis. Cannabis extracts were generated from high tetrahydrocannabinol variety (Mx), high cannabidiol variety (V1-19) and mixed profile variety (B5) using a Plant Total Protein Extraction Kit. Hemp extracts were generated using other standardized methods. Protein samples were subjected to nanoscale tandem mass spectrometry. Acquired peptides sequences were examined against the Cannabis sativa database to establish protein identity. Non-specific lipid transfer protein (Can s 3) level was measured using a recently developed ELISA 2.0 assay. Proteomic analysis identified 49 distinct potential allergens in protein extracts from all chemotypes. Most importantly, clinically relevant and validated allergens, such as profilin (Can s 2), Can s 3 and Bet v 1-domain-containing protein 10 (Can s 5), were identified in all chemotypes at label-free quantification (LFP) intensities \u3e 106. However, the oxygen evolving enhancer protein 2 (Can s 4) was not detected in any of the protein samples. Similarly, Can s 2, Can s 3 and Can s 5 peptides were also detected in hemp protein extracts. The validation of these findings using the ELISA 2.0 assay indicated that hemp extract contains 30-37 ng of Can s 3 allergen per µg of total protein. Our proteomic studies indicate that relevant cannabis allergens are consistently expressed across distinct cannabis chemotypes. Further, hemp may serve as an ideal practical substitute for clinical testing, since it expresses most allergens relevant to cannabis sensitization, including the validated major allergen Can s 3

    Impact of technological parameters, supplements and microbial population on quality of Slavonian kulen

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    Uzorcima slavonskog kulena pripremljenim s različitim masenim udjelima kuhinjske soli i različitim vrstama dodanih starter kultura ispitane su promjene sastava mikrobne populacije te su uspoređeni učinci dodatka autohtone mikrobne populacije (Lactobacillus curvatus C1, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 i Staphylococcus xylosus K1), izoliranih iz 5 gotovih uzoraka slavonskog kulena i komercijalne starter kulture (Lactobacillus sakei, Staphylococcus carnosus i Staphylococcus xylosus) na fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska svojstva te mikrobiološku ispravnost slavonskog kulena fazno tijekom proizvodnog procesa (1., 20., 90. i 150. dan). Također ispitana su funkcionalna i tehnološka svojstva bakterijskih izolata (Lactobacillus acidophilus 1A, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 i Staphylococcus xylosus K1), izoliranih iz senzorski najbolje ocijenjenog slavonskog kulena na kraju proizvodnog procesa, u svrhu određivanja potencijalne autohtone funkcionalne starter kulture za slavonski kulen. Autohtona mikrobna populacija dodana u nadjev slavonskog kulena rezultirala je proizvodom boljih fizikalno-kemijskih i senzorskih svojstava, što potvrđuje da su autohtone bakterijske vrste bolje prilagođene procesnim uvjetima te uvjetima u slavonskom kulenu kao hranjivoj podlozi od komercijalne starter kulture. Ispitana fukcionalna i tehnološka svojstva bakterijskih izolata (Lactobacillus acidophilus 1A, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 i Staphylococcus xylosus K1), iz senzorski najbolje ocijenjenog slavonskog kulena to pokazuju.Samples of slavonian kulen, prepared with different NaCl content and different types of added starter cultures, underwent analyses including tracking changes in microbial population and monitoring the effects of added autochthonous microbial population (Lactobacillus curvatus C1, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 and Staphylococcus xylosus K1 - isolated from 5 ready-made samples of slavonian kulens) and commercial starter culture (Lactobacillus sakei, Staphylococcus carnosus and Staphylococcus xylosus), on physico-chemical and sensory properties and microbiological safety of slavonian kulen during production process (1st, 20th, 90th and 15th day). Functional and technological properties of bacterial isolates (Lactobacillus acidophilus 1A, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 i Staphylococcus xylosus K1), isolated from sensory best valuated slavonian kulen in this production process, were also evaluated to determine potential autochthonous functional starter culture for slavonian kulen production. Autochthonous microbial population added to slavonian kulen mixture gave better physico-chemical and sensory properties of slavonian kulen which affirms that autochthonous bacterial species are more adaptable to process conditions in slavonian kulen as a culture medium, oppose to commercial starter culture. Tested functional and technological properties of bacterial isolates (Lactobacillus acidophilus 1A, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 and Staphylococcus xylosus K1 - from sensory best valuated slavonian kulen) affirm this

    Impact of technological parameters, supplements and microbial population on quality of Slavonian kulen

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    Uzorcima slavonskog kulena pripremljenim s različitim masenim udjelima kuhinjske soli i različitim vrstama dodanih starter kultura ispitane su promjene sastava mikrobne populacije te su uspoređeni učinci dodatka autohtone mikrobne populacije (Lactobacillus curvatus C1, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 i Staphylococcus xylosus K1), izoliranih iz 5 gotovih uzoraka slavonskog kulena i komercijalne starter kulture (Lactobacillus sakei, Staphylococcus carnosus i Staphylococcus xylosus) na fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska svojstva te mikrobiološku ispravnost slavonskog kulena fazno tijekom proizvodnog procesa (1., 20., 90. i 150. dan). Također ispitana su funkcionalna i tehnološka svojstva bakterijskih izolata (Lactobacillus acidophilus 1A, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 i Staphylococcus xylosus K1), izoliranih iz senzorski najbolje ocijenjenog slavonskog kulena na kraju proizvodnog procesa, u svrhu određivanja potencijalne autohtone funkcionalne starter kulture za slavonski kulen. Autohtona mikrobna populacija dodana u nadjev slavonskog kulena rezultirala je proizvodom boljih fizikalno-kemijskih i senzorskih svojstava, što potvrđuje da su autohtone bakterijske vrste bolje prilagođene procesnim uvjetima te uvjetima u slavonskom kulenu kao hranjivoj podlozi od komercijalne starter kulture. Ispitana fukcionalna i tehnološka svojstva bakterijskih izolata (Lactobacillus acidophilus 1A, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 i Staphylococcus xylosus K1), iz senzorski najbolje ocijenjenog slavonskog kulena to pokazuju.Samples of slavonian kulen, prepared with different NaCl content and different types of added starter cultures, underwent analyses including tracking changes in microbial population and monitoring the effects of added autochthonous microbial population (Lactobacillus curvatus C1, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 and Staphylococcus xylosus K1 - isolated from 5 ready-made samples of slavonian kulens) and commercial starter culture (Lactobacillus sakei, Staphylococcus carnosus and Staphylococcus xylosus), on physico-chemical and sensory properties and microbiological safety of slavonian kulen during production process (1st, 20th, 90th and 15th day). Functional and technological properties of bacterial isolates (Lactobacillus acidophilus 1A, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 i Staphylococcus xylosus K1), isolated from sensory best valuated slavonian kulen in this production process, were also evaluated to determine potential autochthonous functional starter culture for slavonian kulen production. Autochthonous microbial population added to slavonian kulen mixture gave better physico-chemical and sensory properties of slavonian kulen which affirms that autochthonous bacterial species are more adaptable to process conditions in slavonian kulen as a culture medium, oppose to commercial starter culture. Tested functional and technological properties of bacterial isolates (Lactobacillus acidophilus 1A, Lactobacillus plantarum 1P, Leuconostoc mesenteroides MK1 and Staphylococcus xylosus K1 - from sensory best valuated slavonian kulen) affirm this

    Investigation of homogeneity and physicochemical characterisation of the Homemade Slavonian Sausage

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the homogeneity of the traditional dry-fermented sausages manufactured in small scale facilities in Eastern Croatia. The homogeneity was estimated by analysis of the physicochemical parameters of 20 di!erent brands of traditional Croatian homemade dry fermented sausage known as Homemade Slavonian Sausage. Sensory analysis and correlation analysis (multivariate method) was performed in order to check if the physicochemical di!erences found, were perceived by the sensory panel. All of that was made in order to perform an exhaustive physicochemical characterisation of the "nal product. The physicochemical results showed that sausages were heterogeneous in composition, but only the heterogeneity in fat content was signi"cantly perceived by the sensory panel. This may indicate that fat content is the most important parameter for sensory evaluation. Also, the highest negative correlation between fat content and slice surface appearance may indicate that visible fat on slice surface influence on panellist’s perception of taste and odour of sausages