840 research outputs found

    Acceptance of mobile services - insights from the Swedish market for mobile telephony

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    The main purpose of the paper is to investigate young peoples’ perspectives on mobile services in order to shed light on the acceptance of mobile services. The knowledge of and interest in mobile services of individuals using such services is analyzed. A second objective is to investigate the reasons for using/not using mobile services. In-depth focus group interviews and secondary empirical data provide the main data. Concerning the youth’s general knowledge of and interest in mobile services, the results point to six things: young people show a low demand for many mobile services, there is a demand for extended, established mobile services, like SMS, the interest in the new services vary, there is low interest in active information search, there is little knowledge of the enabling technology, and the understanding of the pricing is generally low. As concerns reasons for and against usage of mobile services, results point to four central aspects: many individuals could present clearly defined needs for certain services, many indicated an interest in "community usage" of mobile services, they experienced the prices of mobile services to be a hinder for usage, and technology placed limitations on the usage. The paper discusses practical implications on the acceptance of mobile services.Mobile services; mobility; focus groups; telecommunications; wireless; knowledge

    HÀstÀgaren som konsument - Beslutsprocessen för högengagerande produkter och tjÀnster

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    Syfte: Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen Àr att öka förstÄelsen av hÀstÀgaren som konsument. Vi har valt att belysa detta genom att titta pÄ beslutsprocessen för högengamangsprodukter och tjÀnster. Metod: TvÄ olika metoder har anvÀnts som grund till uppsatsen. Den ena metoden bestÄr av ett kvantitativt tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt genom ett elektroniskt frÄgeformulÀr utlagt pÄ internetsidor för hÀstÀgare. Den andra metoden utgörs av intervjuer med kunniga personer inom hÀstbranschen. Resultat: HÀstÀgaren som konsument pÄverkas av ett antal faktorer i sin beslutsprocess. Huvudsakliga sÀrdrag hos hÀstÀgaren kan sammanfattas med att de har hög tilltro till veterinÀren i ett klart övervÀgande antal situationer, de Àr aktiva i sitt informationssökande om hÀsten via internet och de Àr mycket engagerade i sin hÀsts skötsel och hÀlsa vilket ocksÄ yttrar sig i deras val av produkter och tjÀnster

    Foderförsörjning och vÀlfÀrd i ekologisk grisköttproduktion

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    Foder i ekologisk produktion ska till huvuddelen vara hemmaproducerat. BegrĂ€nsade möjligheter att anvĂ€nda tillgĂ€ngliga foderresurser och fodertillsatser innebĂ€r svĂ„righeter nĂ€r det gĂ€ller att tillgodose djurets behov av livsnödvĂ€ndiga aminosyror. Detta kan försĂ€mra produktionen och ger ett försĂ€mrat proteinutnyttjande med förluster av kvĂ€ve till miljön som följd. En viktig del i ekologisk grisproduktion Ă€r att djuren kan utföra sina naturliga beteenden. TillgĂ„ngen till grovfoder ger lĂ€ngre Ă€ttider och bidrar till minskad förekomst av aggressioner och stress. HĂ€lsolĂ€get hos grisar pĂ„verkas av inhysningsform och klimat och kan dĂ€rför skilja mellan utomhus- och inomhusproduktion. Projekt Eko-gris syftar bl.a. till att undersöka hur lĂ€gre innehĂ„ll av aminosyror i fodret samt hur olika inhysningssystem pĂ„verkar slaktsvinens produktion, slaktkroppsegenskaper, köttkvalitet och grisarnas beteende. Vidare studeras förekomst av parasiter och infektionssjukdomar. Produktion och beteende pĂ„verkades inte av fodrets aminosyrainnehĂ„ll, men skiljde mellan ute- och innegrisar. LĂ€gre aminosyranivĂ„ inverkade inte negativt pĂ„ grisarnas dagliga viktökning. Varken foderutnyttjande eller slaktkroppskvalitet skiljde signifikant mellan grupperna. Inte heller pĂ„verkades grisarnas beteenden av fodrets aminosyranivĂ„. Grisarna i utomhussystemet vĂ€xte snabbare Ă€n inomhusgrisarna (910 mot 821 g; p<0,001), men ingen skillnad förelĂ„g i foderutnyttjande (34,3 mot 35,5 MJ/kg viktökning; p=0,203). Inte heller fanns nĂ„gon signifikant skillnad i slaktkroppens köttinnehĂ„ll (56,8 mot 57,9 %; p=0,134). Beteendestudierna visade att utomhusgrisarna rörde sig betydligt mer Ă€n inomhusgrisarna. Det fanns Ă€ven en tendens till att de bökade mer. ”Nosa”, ”nafsa”, ”knuffa” och ”bita-svans” förekom oftare inne Ă€n ute

    Human papillomavirus subtypes are not uncommon

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    AbstractWhile both variants and types of human papillomavirus (HPV) are common, subtypes (2–10% sequence divergence in the L1 gene) have been considered to be rare. We searched GenBank and in-house databases using a 440 nt L1 fragment and identified 7, 30 and 10 subtypes/putative subtypes in the HPV genera Alpha, Beta and Gamma, respectively. The number of types/putative types in each genus was 54, 58 and 103. Thus, there appears to exist at least 47 different subtypes/putative subtypes of HPV and they seem to be particularly common in the genus Beta-papillomavirus

    Evaluating the greenhouse gas impact from biomass gasification systems in industrial clusters – methodology and examples

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    Biomass gasification is identified as one of the key technologies for producing biofuels for the transport sector and can also produce many other types of products. Biomass gasification systems are large-scale industrial systems and it is important to evaluate such systems from economic, environmental and synergetic perspectives before implementation. The objective of this study is to define a methodology for evaluating the greenhouse gas (GHG) impact of different biomass gasification systems and to exemplify the methodology. The ultimate purpose of the methodology is to evaluate the GHG performance of different biomass gasification systems integrated in industrial clusters. A life cycle perspective is applied. Most biomass gasification systems are multiproduct systems, simultaneously producing biofuels, heat at different temperatures and pressures and electricity. The value, in economic terms and in terms of GHG emissions, is well defined for some products (e.g. biofuels), whereas for other products (such as heat and electricity) it is more uncertain and in some cases dependent on time and location

    Labour in suckler cow herds - a study on enterprises in southern Sweden

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    This study aimed at examining labour demand in Swedish suckler cow operations grazing biodiverse semi-natural grasslands. Labour time was successfully recorded by 49 randomly selected farmers and their employees using an application in their mobile phone to register time for different labour tasks every 8th day for one year, crop production excluded. Median labour time for all herds was 17 hours/cow/year with a general lower workload per cow for large herds compared to small herds. Labour demand during the grazing period was however more dependent on the structure of pastures than herd size. The calving period was the most labour-intensive period, whereas supervision on pasture was the most time-consuming task both during the grazing period and the entire year. Large variations among herds indicates that there are often great opportunities for achieving a decreased labour time, not the least in small herds

    From chaos to a new normal—the COVID-19 pandemic as experienced by municipal health and social care providers in Sweden: A qualitative study

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    When the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread around the world, Swedish municipalities were unprepared. Different guidelines on how to act in relation to the disease varied and protective equipment was lacking. This study aims to describe the experiences of health and social care providers of working at municipality level during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 12 assistant nurses, 13 registered nurses, and three physicians were interviewed, individually or in groups, between fall 2020 and spring 2021. The interviews were semi-structured and were analyzed using thematic analysis, utilizing a design following the COREQ-checklist. Three main themes were identified as follows: ‘Initial chaotic situation and uncertainty regarding how to deal with the pandemic’; ‘Continuous changes in organization and work routines’, and ‘Management of the pandemic has become the new normal’. Though health and social care workers eventually managed to embed dealing with COVID-19 as a routine feature of their daily work, municipalities must prepare for future crises

    The Library Treasure Hunt: Reach for the Stars. Introducing First Year Students to the Landscape of Scientific Information

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    One important task for the librarians at Physics and Astronomy Library at Lund University is to teach the students about the library and its resources. The traditional lectures and tours of the library just weren’t working. The library competes with many other introductory activities, such as general orientation, and social events. The aim of the Treasure Hunt is to present the library in a useful and amusing way for new students at the start of their studies. Divided into small groups, the students carry out various tasks at stations in the participating libraries. The hunt takes about two hours and a treasure (a goody bag) waits for them at the end. The evaluations show that the treasure hunt is highly appreciated by the students. They become familiar with the librarians and get to know essential aspects of the library resources. The treasure hunt is important in the students’ later studies as it paves the way for further development of their information retrieval skills. A crucial factor to success of the Treasure Hunt is the cooperation of committed teachers. A challenge for the future is to have the Treasure Hunt integrated in all courses as a compulsory element

    Operational Experience and Initial Results from the First Test Period at CO2 Technology Centre Mongstad

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    AbstractThe CO2 Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) is currently regarded as the largest CO2 capture technology test center for testing and improving CO2 capture. The aim of the TCM facility is to provide a platform for improving CO2 capture processes by establishing the means for technology providers to further develop and verify their technologies on a larger scale, thereby promoting the application of CO2 capture processes at full scale, worldwide.The amine plant at TCM came on-line during the second quarter of 2012. This paper outlines the main functionalities of the amine plant and presents some operational experiences and initial results from the first operation period with MEA. Further testing in the plant over the next 15 months is dedicated to qualification programs aimed towards full third-party facilitated qualifications for large scale plants with ACC technology
