426 research outputs found
Prehistoric Migrations: the Case of the Single Grave and Corded Ware Cultures
Prehistoric Migrations - the Case of the Single Grave and Corded Ware Culture
Rescue Archaeology in Denmark 1970-1982
Rescue Archaeology in Denmark 1970-198
An iterative method for the approximation of fibers in slow-fast systems
In this paper we extend a method for iteratively improving slow manifolds so
that it also can be used to approximate the fiber directions. The extended
method is applied to general finite dimensional real analytic systems where we
obtain exponential estimates of the tangent spaces to the fibers. The method is
demonstrated on the Michaelis-Menten-Henri model and the Lindemann mechanism.
The latter example also serves to demonstrate the method on a slow-fast system
in non-standard slow-fast form. Finally, we extend the method further so that
it also approximates the curvature of the fibers.Comment: To appear in SIAD
Canards in stiction: on solutions of a friction oscillator by regularization
We study the solutions of a friction oscillator subject to stiction. This
discontinuous model is non-Filippov, and the concept of Filippov solution
cannot be used. Furthermore some Carath\'eodory solutions are unphysical.
Therefore we introduce the concept of stiction solutions: these are the
Carath\'eodory solutions that are physically relevant, i.e. the ones that
follow the stiction law. However, we find that some of the stiction solutions
are forward non-unique in subregions of the slip onset. We call these solutions
singular, in contrast to the regular stiction solutions that are forward
unique. In order to further the understanding of the non-unique dynamics, we
introduce a regularization of the model. This gives a singularly perturbed
problem that captures the main features of the original discontinuous problem.
We identify a repelling slow manifold that separates the forward slipping to
forward sticking solutions, leading to a high sensitivity to the initial
conditions. On this slow manifold we find canard trajectories, that have the
physical interpretation of delaying the slip onset. We show with numerics that
the regularized problem has a family of periodic orbits interacting with the
canards. We observe that this family has a saddle stability and that it
connects, in the rigid body limit, the two regular, slip-stick branches of the
discontinuous problem, that were otherwise disconnected.Comment: Submitted to: SIADS. 28 pages, 12 figure
A stiction oscillator under slowly varying forcing: Uncovering small scale phenomena using blowup
In this paper, we consider a mass-spring-friction oscillator with the
friction modelled by a regularized stiction model in the limit where the ratio
of the natural spring frequency and the forcing frequency is on the same order
of magnitude as the scale associated with the regularized stiction model. The
motivation for studying this situation comes from \cite{bossolini2017b} which
demonstrated new friction phenomena in this regime. The results of Bossolini et
al 2017 led to some open problems, that we resolve in this paper. In
particular, using GSPT and blowup we provide a simple geometric description of
the bifurcation of stick-slip limit cycles through a combination of a canard
and a global return mechanism. We also show that this combination leads to a
canard-based horseshoe and are therefore able to prove existence of chaos in
this fundamental oscillator system
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