208 research outputs found

    Nurses' experience of using an application to support new parents after early discharge:an intervention study

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    Background. A development towards earlier postnatal discharge presents a challenge to find new ways to provide information and support to families. A possibility is the use of telemedicine. Objective. To explore how using an app in nursing practice affects the nurses’ ability to offer support and information to postnatal mothers who are discharged early and their families. Design. Participatory design. An app with a chat, a knowledgebase, and automated messages was tried out between hospital and parents at home. Settings. The intervention took place on a postnatal ward with approximately 1,000 births a year. Participants. At the onset of the intervention, 17 nurses, all women, were working on the ward. At the end of the intervention, 16 nurses were employed, all women. Methods. Participant observation and two focus group interviews. The data analysis was inspired by systematic text condensation. Results. The nurses on the postnatal ward consider that the use of the app gives families easier access to timely information and support. Conclusions. The app gives the nurses the possibility to offer support and information to the parents being early discharged. The app is experienced as a lifeline that connects the homes of the new parents with the hospital

    Effect of an electronic reminder of follow-up screening after pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus:a randomized controlled trial

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    AIM: To determine the effectiveness of despatching an electronic reminder of participation in screening for gestational diabetes. The reminder was sent to the women 1–8 years after delivery. METHODS: A registry-based, randomized controlled trial in the North Denmark Region among women with gestational diabetes. Randomization was made, which included seven groups stratified by the child’s birth year (2012–2018). The intervention group received standard care supplemented by an electronic reminder through a secure nationwide email system (n = 731), while the control group received only standard care (n = 732). The primary outcome was based on blood testing for diabetes (OGTT, HbA1c or fasting P-glucose). RESULTS: A total of 471 (32.1%) women participated in screening. The primary outcome was experienced by 257 women (35.1%) in the intervention group and 214 women (29.2%) in the control group. The effect of the reminder seemed to increase with recipient’s age, non-western origin, urban dwelling, and multiparity. Of those who participated in follow-up screening, 56 (3.8%) were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. CONCLUSION: Electronic reminders, based on the principles of informed choice and patient-centred care, to women have been shown to support life-long participation in follow-up screening. Attempts to further stimulation of coverage could however be considered. TRAIL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN registry (22/04/2022, ISRCTN23558707)

    Follow-up after gestational diabetes:a qualitative study of perspectives from general practices

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    BACKGROUND: Women whose pregnancies are complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are approximately eight times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Although regular participation in follow-up screening increases the chance of early detection of diabetes, participation rates are often suboptimal. A better understanding of general practice as a key contextual setting for screening could help inform the development and adoption of, for example, electronic reminder interventions to support women’s participation. AIM: To explore the perspectives of GPs and relevant staff members engaged in early detection of diabetes after gestational diabetes in order to identify barriers to and facilitators of follow-up screening. DESIGN & SETTING: A qualitative interview study undertaken in general practices in the North Denmark Region. METHOD: Based on a purposive sample strategy, 18 semi-structured interviews of 12 GPs and six staff members, who were either nurses or midwives, were analysed using a reflexive thematic analytical approach. RESULTS: The following three main themes were formulated: (1) challenges of addressing women’s risk; (2) prioritisation of early detection of diabetes; and (3) system influence on clinical procedures. CONCLUSION: Follow-up screening was facilitated by knowledge of guidelines. Professional collaboration and adaptation support were found to lead to successful implementation of guidelines in general practice. Supporting GPs and their staff’s reflection and discussion of ways to engage in communication and decisionmaking processes with women is, however, important; it was found to create an important barrier to follow-up screening. Overall, the findings can help inform the future development of interventions to increase uptake

    E-vitamin til økologiske smågrise efter fravænning

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    Virkningen af ekstra E vitamin på fravænningsdiarré blev undersøgt i tre økologiske svinebesætninger. Ved fravænning blev grisene i disse besætninger delt i to hold hvoraf det ene hold fik ekstra naturligt E vitamin i foderet (100 mg/kg), mens kontrolholdet fik samme foderblanding uden ekstra E vitamin. Foderblandingerne i de tre besætninger havde i forvejen et ret højt E vitamin indhold (55-150 mg alfa-tocoferol pr. kg). Gødningskarakter og vægt blev registeret på fravænningsdagen samt 5 dage og ca. 5 uger efter fravænning. Der var stor forskel i graden af diarré i de tre besætninger, men hverken i to problemfrie besætninger eller i en besætning med udbredt fravænningsdiarré havde den ekstra E vitamin nogen virkning på tilvækst og diarré. Foderblandingerne i de tre besætninger levede op til den nye norm for E vitamin (130 mg/FE, hvis E vitaminet tildeles som syntetisk E vitamin), og det er sandsynligt, at ekstra E vitamin udover denne norm er uden virkning. Fravænningsdiarré er i øvrigt et multifaktorielt problem hvor man udover ernæringsmæssige faktorer som E vitamin også skal være opmærksom på det generelle sygdomspres, hygiejne og stress m.m

    Dementia-related adverse events in PARADIGM-HF and other trials in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.

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    Aims: Inhibition of neprilysin, an enzyme degrading natriuretic and other vasoactive peptides, is beneficial in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), as shown in PARADIGM-HF which compared the angiotensin receptor–neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI) sacubitril/valsartan with enalapril. As neprilysin is also one of many enzymes clearing amyloid-β peptides from the brain, there is a theoretical concern about the long-term effects of sacubitril/valsartan on cognition. Therefore, we have examined dementia-related adverse effects (AEs) in PARADIGM-HF and placed these findings in the context of other recently conducted HFrEF trials. Methods and results: In PARADIGM-HF, patients with symptomatic HFrEF were randomized to sacubitril/valsartan 97/103 mg b.i.d. or enalapril 10 mg b.i.d. in a 1:1 ratio. We systematically searched AE reports, coded using the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA), using Standardized MedDRA Queries (SMQs) with ‘broad’ and ‘narrow’ preferred terms related to dementia. In PARADIGM-HF, 8399 patients aged 18–96 years were randomized and followed for a median of 2.25 years (up to 4.3 years). The narrow SMQ search identified 27 dementia-related AEs: 15 (0.36%) on enalapril and 12 (0.29%) on sacubitril/valsartan [hazard ratio (HR) 0.73, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.33–1.59]. The broad search identified 97 (2.30%) and 104 (2.48%) AEs (HR 1.01, 95% CI 0.75–1.37), respectively. The rates of dementia-related AEs in both treatment groups in PARADIGM-HF were similar to those in three other recent trials in HFrEF. Conclusion: We found no evidence that sacubitril/valsartan, compared with enalapril, increased dementia-related AEs, although longer follow-up may be necessary to detect such a signal and more sensitive tools are needed to detect lesser degrees of cognitive impairment. Further studies to address this question are warranted
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