9 research outputs found

    Overview of the experimental setup.

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    <p>The position of coral larvae was observed in six Plexiglas tubes that were arranged around three central underwater loudspeakers to control for the effect of other factors that might influence the movement of larvae (e.g., currents, underwater light fields). Coral larvae are not drawn to scale.</p

    The experimental underwater sound field.

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    <p>Analysis of RMS power gradients on all three axes of the experimental set-up (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0010660#pone-0010660-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a>) during playback showed a 4.4 dB gradient within the chamber. Recordings were taken at three locations along the apparatus. The gradient in the measurements is near to a cylindrical model of geometric spreading (R<sub>L</sub> = S<sub>L</sub> – 10 log (R/R<sub>ref</sub>)), as expected for shallow water environments, except that instead of a geometric model parameter of 10, the measured value was 11.1 (SEM = 1.4).</p

    Movement of coral larvae towards reef sounds.

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    <p>(A) The proportion of coral larvae at various distances from speakers playing reef sounds are given as averages of Day 1 and 2 of the experiment (+1SEM). (B) Proportion of larvae at each distance class that were observed against the upper surface of the chambers (i.e., the surface nearest the speakers) when reef sounds were played from above (blue) and sounds were played from aside (light blue). Data are shown as averages from Day 3 of the experiment (+1SEM).</p

    Size distribution of conch in Barbuda.

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    <p>Yellow bars represent juvenile, nonreproductive conch (no flared lip), blue bars represent adult conch (with flared lip), gray represents overlap. The dashed line at 18 cm indicates the legal size of capture for conch in Barbuda.</p

    Map of Barbuda.

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    <p>Map of survey sites and types of surveys conducted, with newly-implemented no-take zones marked in light gray and zones where net fishing is prohibited marked in darker gray. The 3 nm territorial waters are indicated with a dashed line. Codrington Village is marked along the eastern edge of Codrington Lagoon. The inset map shows the Eastern Caribbean, with Barbuda marked with a red box.</p

    Size frequency histogram of lobster data.

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    <p>Light blue bars represent males, yellow bars represent females, and gray bars represent overlap. The vertical dashed line is at 95 mm carapace length, the minimum legal size in Barbuda.</p

    Total fish biomass.

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    <p>Spatial distribution of the total biomass of fish communities around Barbuda. Colors and sizes of symbols indicate bins of biomass density, in units of g m<sup>-2</sup>.</p