57 research outputs found

    Pemberian Beberapa Dosis Trichokompos Ampas Tahu Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Di Pembibitan Utama

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    Oil palm plantations (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is an important commodity in Indonesia which is constantly increasing both in land area and its production. The increase in land requires a qualified oil palm seedings. One of the appropriate measures to obtain quality seed is by giving organic fertilizer, such as Trichocompost tofu dregs. The research aimed to determine the effect of several doses of Trichocompost tofu dregs and to obtain the best dose for the growth of oil palm in main nursery. The research was conducted at the experimental farm, Technical Implementation Unit, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau. The research started from April to August 2015. The research was conducted experimentally by using completely randomized design (CRD) which consist of 5 treatment and 4 replication then obtained 20 experiment units. Each of the experiment unit consisted of 2 seeds, so it obtain 40 seeds. The treatment tested was giving Trichocompost tofu dregs dose 0 g/plant, 75 g/plant, 150 g/plant, 225 g/plant, and 300 g/plant. The data was analyzed statistically and followed by DNMRT further test at 5% level. Parameters measured was increase of high, increase of stump diameter, increase of midrib number, root volume, and dry wight. The result showed that giving Trichocompost tofu dregs dose 225 g/plant give the best effect on the growth of oil palm in main nursery

    Studi Orientasi Pemasangan Panel Surya Poly Crystalline Silicon Di Area Universitas Riau Dengan Rangkaian Seri-paralel

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    A research has been conducted on the study of the orientation of the criystalline poly silicon solar panel installation at the University of Riau area using a series - parallel circuit. The research was conducted from June 1 to June 14 2014 using solar panels of 4 types of poly silicon criystalline that were arranged in parallel using a series - parallel circuit. From the results of this study, the optimal time and angle of the poly crystalline silicon solar panel was at 09:00 pm at coordinates 00 0 .28.661' LU 101 0 .22.554' BT with elevation angle of 129.36 0 . The power generated was 34.2907 Watt. The power generated by the solar panels was influenced by the temperature, the higher the temperature was the smaller the power generated. Power output of solar panels was influenced by weather conditions. The power generated by the solar panels in sunny weather was greater than that was on a cloudy day. The average power for 14 days was 21,17862 Watt

    Karakterisasi Mikrostruktur Material Feroelektrik Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 (BST) Dengan Variasi Suhu Annealing (Halaman 70 S.d. 72)

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    Sampel Barium Strontium Titanate, Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 (BST) telah disediakan dengan menggunakan reaksi kimia padatan. Mikrostruktur sampel telah dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan teknik difraksi sinar-X (XRD) dan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Sampel disediakan dengan variasi suhu yang berbeda yaitu pada suhu 600oC, 700 oC dan 800oC selama 60 menit di udara. Karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan dengan meningkatnya suhu annealing maka kristaline sampel semakin meningkat dengan struktur tetragonal. Karakterisasi SEM menunjukkan sampel adalah homogen dengan ukuran butiran seragam. Ukuran butiran sampel akan bertambah dengan bertambahnya suhu annealing. Seluruh sampel mempunyai ukuran butiran dalam nanometer

    Pengelompokkan Titik Api Di Provinsi Jambi Dengan Algoritma Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering: Hotspot Clustering in Jambi Province Using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm

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    Kebakaran adalah salah satu bencana yang kerap kali melanda Indonesia, khususnya daerah dengan hutan dan lahan yang luas seperti Provinsi Jambi. Pada tahun 2019 setidaknya terdapat 157.137 hektare hutan dan lahan di Provinsi Jambi terbakar yang menyebabkan kerugian sebesar Rp.12 triliun. Demi mencegah hal tersebut terulang kembali, perlu dilakukan pencegahan dini dengan cara mengelompokkan data titik panas bumi menjadi sejumlah cluster sehingga bisa mengidentifikasi kelompok titik panas mana yang darurat kebakaran. Salah satu metode mengelompokkan titik panas bumi adalah Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering mengelompokkan sejumlah data berdasarkan kemiripan yang membentuk pohon hierarki dari bawah ke atas. Pada penelitian ini, Clustering dilakukan dengan mengelompokkan data menjadi 2 sampai 10 cluster. Evaluasi hasil clustering dilakukan dengan menghitung Silhouette Coefficient dan memilih koefisien yang terbaik dari tiap jumlah cluster. Dengan menggunakan 6.658 row data lalu Confidence, Brightness, dan FRP sebagai atributnya, hasilnya jumlah cluster 2 adalah jumlah cluster terbaik dengan nilai Silhouette Coefficient sebesar 0,5856441. Cluster-1 terdiri dari 6.283 titik dengan rata - rata tingkat kepercayaan 73,49642% yang tergolong sedang, kemudian Cluster-2 terdiri dari 375 titik dengan rata - rata tingkat kepercayaan  99,46133% yang tergolong tinggi sehingga perlu diproritaskan penanggulangannya

    Application of Sulfonated Polystyrene in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell

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    APPLICATION OF SULFONATED POLYSTYRENE IN POLYMER ELECTROLYTE FUEL CELL. Sulfonated polystyrene (SPS) is polyelectrolyte solid that widely used in many aplications. In this works SPS is applied for some parts of polymer electrolyte fuel cell membrane due sulfonate group available in the structure. The investigation involve the application for membrane with addition of small molecules, i.e. benzimidazole and evaluating its microstructure and performance. Application of SPS solution as binding agent in MEA will also be presented. The results show that when using SPS as fuel cell membrane, the additon of small molecules such as benzimidazole would modify its microstrusture as well as improve its ion conductivity. Meanwhile, some improvement still required for application of SPS solution as binding agent for preparation of Membrane Electrode Assembly or MEA