1,165 research outputs found

    QCD Physics at Tevatron

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    Limits on monopole fluxes from KFG experiment

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    The nucleon decay experiment at KGF at a depth of 2.3 Km is eminently suited for the search of Grand Unified theory (GUT) monopoles, whose velocities at the present epoch are predicted to be around 0.001C. At this depth the cosmic ray background is at a level 2/day in the detector of size 4m x 6m x 3.7m and one can look for monopoles traversing the detector in all directions, using three methods, i.e., (1) dE/dx (ionization); (2) time of flight and (3) catalysis of nucleon decay. The detector is composed of 34 layers of proportional counters arranged in horizontal planes one above the other in an orthogonal maxtrix. Each of the 1594 counters are instrumented to measure ionization in the gas (90% Argon + 10% Methane) as well as the time of arrival of particles

    Stakeholder engagement in hydro-climatic services in India: report of pump priming project April 2019

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    The India-UK Water Centre (IUKWC) promotes cooperation and collaboration between the complementary priorities of NERC-MoES water security research. This report presents an overview of a research project funded as a pump priming activity by the India-UK Water Centre (IUKWC), carried out between July–October 2017. Project activities included: a webinar, a desk-based literature review, a series of expert interviews and a participatory workshop held at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, in September 2017. The research was led by Dr Zareen Pervez Bharucha (Anglia Ruskin University), who worked with a team of scholars from the UK and India. This report outlines the key activities undertaken during the project, gives an overview of our research methods, and outlines the main findings. It is intended for participants in the research process, members of the India-UK Water Centre, and other stakeholders who have an interest in developing hydro-climatic services in India or comparable contexts. It should be read in conjunction with a State of the Science brief available on the IUKWC website (www.iukwc.org)

    Stamping out cancer

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    Data acquisition system for phase-2 KGF proton decay experiment

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    Phase-2 of KGF proton decay experiment using 4000 proportional counters will start operating from middle of 1985. The detection systems, in addition to measuring the time information to an accuracy of 200 n see, also records ionization in the hit counters. It also monitors different characteristics of the counters like pulse height spectrum, pulse width spectrum and counting rate. The acquisition system is discussed

    Fetal malnutrition and adult chronic disease

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    Since the fetal origins of adult disease hypothesis was put forward, more than 30 studies around the world have indicated low-birth-weight (LBW) infants have a higher incidence of hypertension and impaired glucose tolerance. India ranks second in incidence of LBW among South East Asian countries and is experiencing a transition of disease pattern from communicable disease to non-communicable disease. Whether this could be explained in part by LBW infants who experienced better nutrition at a later age is explored here. An earlier cohort with accurate birth weights was traced and enrolled into the study. A sample of 50 LBW and 78 normal birth weight (NBW) individuals are reported on here. Though the odds ratio (OR) estimates of risk factors for coronary heart disease and diabetes tended to be higher in LBWs who were better nourished at the time of the study, they were not statistically different. Similarly, OR estimates for risk factors tended to be higher in LBWs who put on more weight than the median of NBWs, but they were not significant. Logistic regressions with several variables indicated significant influence of body mass index on systolic (P<0.007) and diastolic (P<0.004) blood pressures. Since the risk associations are weak, more studies are needed to put the hypothesis on a firm footing

    Results on nucleon life-time from the Kolar gold field experiment

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    The KGF nucleon decay experiment has been in operation since October 1980 with a 140 ton calorimetric detector at a depth of 2.3 Km underground. The detector comprises 34 layers of proportional counters arranged in an orthogonal geometry with 12 mm thick iron plates in between successive layers. The proportional counters are made up of square (10 x 10 square centimeters) iron plates of wall thickness 2.3 mm. Each of the 1600 counters is instrumented to provide data on ionization, DE/dx and arrival time. The visible energy of a particle is determined to an accuracy of approximately 20% from the ionization and range of its track. The end point ionization of a stopping track provides the direction of motion as well as the nature of the particle (mu/pi,k,p). Decay of mu is recorded with an overall efficiency of only 20% in view of the thickness of 13 g/square centimeters between successive layers

    A City in Common: A Framework to Orchestrate Large-scale Citizen Engagement around Urban Issues

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    Citizen sensing is an approach that develops and uses lightweight technologies with local communities to collect, share and act upon data. In doing so it enables them to become more aware of how they can tackle local issues. We report here on the development and uptake of the 'City- Commons Framework for Citizen Sensing', a conceptual model that builds on Participatory Action Research with the aim of playing an integrating role: outlining the processes and mechanisms for ensuring sensing technologies are co-designed by citizens to address their concerns. At the heart of the framework is the idea of a city commons: a pool of community-managed resources. We discuss how the framework was used by communities in Bristol to measure and monitor the problem of damp housing

    Muon and neutrino results from KGF experiment at a depth of 7000 hg/square cm

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    The KGF nucleon decay experiment at a depth of 7000 hg/sq cm has provided valuable data on muons and neutrinos. The detector comprised of 34 crossed layers of proportional counters (cross section 10 x 10 sq cm; lengths 4m and 6m) sandwiched between 1.2 cm thick iron plates can record tracks of charged particles to an accuracy of 1 deg from tracks that traverse the whole of the detector. A special two-fold coincidence system enables the detector to record charged particles that enter at very large zenith angles. In a live time of 3.6 years about 2600 events have been recorded. These events include atmospheric muons, neutrino induced muons from rock, stopping muons, showers and events which have their production vertex inside the detectors. The results on atmospheric muons and neutrino events are presented