13 research outputs found


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    In the title compound, [Fe(C5H5)(C32H23FN3OS)], both the thiazolidine ring and the pyrrolidine ring adopt a twist conformation on the N—C(H) bridging bond. Their mean planes are inclined to one another by 10.05 (10)°, and they make dihedral angles of 82.09 (10) and 89.67 (11)°, respectively, with the cyclopentane ring. The F atom deviates by −0.0238 (2) Å from the benzene ring to which it is attached. In the crystal, molecules are linked by a pair of C—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming inversion dimers

    <i>Verrucous carcinoma </i> - report on two cases

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    Squamous cell carcinoma is a common malignant tumor of the keratinizing cells of the epidermis. Verrucous carcinoma or Ackerman&#x2032;s tumor is a subtype of low grade squamous cell carcinoma that can affect cutaneous and mucous surfaces. Two cases of Verrucous carcinoma affecting the lip and oral mucous membrane (oral florid papillomatosis) are being reported. One patient had a co-existent sub mucous fibrosis, a pre-malignant lesion and two auto-immune disorders, i.e., diabetes mellitus and vitiligo


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    In the title compound, [Fe(C5H5)(C32H24N3OS)], both the thiazolidine ring and the pyrrolidine ring adopt an envelope conformation, with the S atom and the phenyl-bearing C atom, respectively, as the flaps. The thiazolidine ring mean plane makes a dihedral angle of 59.08&#8197;(11)&#176; with the pyrrolidine ring mean plane, which in turn makes a dihedral angle of 83.40&#8197;(10)&#176; with the cyclopentane ring, indicating that the latter two rings are almost orthogonal to one another. In the crystal, a pair of C&#8212;H...O hydrogen bonds link the molecules forming inversion dimers. The dimers are linked via &#960;&#8211;&#960; interactions [centroid&#8211;centroid distance = 3.7764&#8197;(10)&#8197;&#197;] involving the quinoxaline moieties forming chains propagating along [1-10]


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    In the title compound, [Fe(C5H5)(C33H25BrN3O)], the fused four-ring system, 11H-indeno[1,2-b]quinoxaline is essentially planar, with a maximum deviation of 0.087&#8197;(3)&#8197;&#197; from the least-squares plane of the attached benzene ring. The pyrrolidine rings adopt envelope conformation and make a dihedral angle of 51.76&#8197;(19)&#176; with each other. The cyclopentadiene rings of the ferrocenyl moiety have an eclipsed conformation. The Br atom deviates by 0.0190&#8197;(9)&#8197;&#197; from the attached benzene ring. The molecular structure features an intramolecular C&#8212;H...N interaction, which generates an S(8) ring motif. The crystal packing features C&#8212;H...O interactions, which generate R22(18) centrosymmetric dimers, as well as C&#8212;H...&#960; interactions

    Graphdiyne–ZnO Nanohybrids as an Advanced Photocatalytic Material

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    The utility of carbonaceous materials for hybrid semiconductor photocatalysts has been rapidly increasing in recent years due to the synergetic effect via interfacial charge transfer reactions. In this study, we prepared a novel graphdiyne–ZnO nanohybrid by the hydrothermal method and examined its photocatalytic properties on the degradation of two azo dyes (methylene blue and rhodamine B). Interestingly, the graphdiyne–ZnO nanohybrids showed superior photocatalytic properties than that of the bare ZnO nanoparticles as evidenced by the absorption spectra and total organic carbon analyses. Moreover, the rate constant of graphdiyne–ZnO nanohybrids is nearly 2-fold higher compared to that of the bare ZnO nanoparticles on the photodegradation of both azo dyes. Further, a plausible mechanism for the enhanced photocatalytic properties of the graphdiyne–ZnO nanohybrids has been discussed. This work on the development of graphdiyne-based semiconductor photocatalysis can provide new insights into the design of novel hybrid photocatalysts for potential applications in the environmental remediation sectors

    Comparison of dietary profile of a rural south Indian population with the current dietary recommendations for prevention of non-communicable diseases (CURES 147)

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    Background & objectives: Despite the rising prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in rural India, data on the dietary profile of the rural Indian population in relation to the recommendations for prevention of NCDs are scarce. This study was conducted to assess the dietary intake of a rural south Indian population in relation to the current dietary recommendations for the prevention of NCDs. Methods: The dietary profiles of 6907 adults aged ≥ 20 yr, from a cluster of 42 villages in Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu State in southern India, were assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of general obesity was 27.4 per cent and that of abdominal obesity, 14.0 per cent among this rural population. The median daily energy intake of the population was 2034 (IQR 543) kcals. More than 3/4 th of the calories (78.1%) were provided by carbohydrates. Refined cereals, mainly polished rice, was the major contributor to total calories. About 45 per cent of the population did not meet WHO recommendation for protein due to low intake of pulses, flesh foods and dairy products and more than half (57.1%) exceeded the limit of salt intake; 99 per cent of the population did not meet WHO recommendations for fruits and vegetables and 100 per cent did not meet the requirement of n-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids. Interpretation & conclusions: The dietary profile of this rural south Indian population reflected unhealthy choices, with the high consumption of refined cereals in the form of polished white rice and low intake of protective foods like fruits, vegetables, n-3 poly and monounsaturated fatty acids. This could potentially contribute to the increase in prevalence of NCDs like diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases in rural areas and calls for appropriate remedial action