16 research outputs found

    Systematic review on nine hallmarks of neurodegenerative disease

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    249-257Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are the primary diseases in neurodegenerative diseases. Nowadays, AD is common in one of the ten individuals whose age is more than 65, and its prevalence is kept on increasing with aging. Very few treatments and no effective treatments are available for curing neurodegenerative diseases. Pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and their association with the nine hallmarks of aging were clearly described in this review. Instability in genomic, attrition in telomere, alterations in epigenetics, proteostasis loss, dysfunction in mitochondria, senescence in cells, sensing of deregulated nutrition, exhaustion of stem cells, and alterations in intercellular communication are the nine biological hallmarks of Aging. Improving the medical facilities for neurodegenerative diseases is very much essential. Doctors and researchers are doing surplus research to overcome the unavailability of proper treatments for such neurodegenerative diseases. Reason and the causes behind the diseases and their effects are explained in this review to enhance the further research to help the society

    Progress and future challenges in gene vectors, gene therapy systems and gene expressions

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    Genetic engineering has made sizeable contributions to technical innovation, agriculture, and the development of pharmaceuticals. Various approaches were evolved to control the genetic cloth of cells using both viral and nonviral vector architectures. Gene therapy aims to reverse pathological traits with the aid of the use of viral and nonviral gene shipping mechanisms. Gene transfer motors have made massive strides in becoming more environmentally pleasant, much less risky, and nonimmunogenic, as well as making an allowance for lengthy-time period transgene expression. One of the most tough components of correctly enforcing gene healing treatments in the clinical putting is adjusting gene expression extremely tightly and constantly as and while it's required. This research work will cognizance on using viral vectors for gene concentrated on biological applications with various gene expressions. Due to improvements in viral vector engineering and superior gene regulatory systems to permit and adjust tightly therapeutic gene expression, the technology for using genes to offer a preferred treatment has confirmed to be an effective approac

    Economic Impact of Transport Infrastructure in Ethiopia: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment

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    This article examines the relevant relationship between transport infrastructure and foreign direct investment (FDI) in explaining economic growth from the road and air transport perspectives in Ethiopia over the period 1981 to 2017. To determine the economic effect of transport infrastructure, first, we assess the co-integration between transport infrastructure and economic growth using the autoregressive distributed lag bound test model. Once co-integration is established, the elasticity of economic growth is estimated using Ordinary Least Square estimation techniques. Second, we perform the hierarchical multiple regression to estimate the mediation impact of FDI in the association between transport infrastructure and economic growth. Initially, we have standardized all variables. Then, we estimate the mediating effect of FDI. To validate the consistency of our method, we check the robustness of our model. The obtained result shows that transport infrastructure has a significant long-term economic effect, and the short-run dynamics show the speed of adjustment is corrected by 81% each year toward the long-run path, and thereby transport infrastructure attracts FDI in Ethiopia. Moreover, FDI plays a significant mediating role, thereby increasing the economic growth performance of the country in Ethiopia. The study extends previous research and increases the validity of the findings by investigating the economic impact of transport infrastructure in the Ethiopian context. Moreover, this study is the first research study that explores the mediating role of FDI in the relationship between transport infrastructure and economic growth in Ethiopia

    Effect of the Cryogenically Treated Copper Nozzle Used in Plasma Arc Machining of S235 Steel

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    The investigation was carried out by making use of the design of experiments method in order to achieve its objective, which was to study wear analysis in relation to a cryogenically treated nozzle that was utilized in plasma arc machining. Kerf width and surface roughness are two output characteristics that are key variables in deciding the quality of the cut and the efficiency of the operation. Both of these metrics are outputted by the process. While machining S235 steel, an investigation into the impact that nozzle treatment has on various quality metrics is currently under way. The examination is carried out with the arc voltage, the cutting speed, and the gas pressure, all serving as important components. A cryogenic treatment of the nozzle material using liquid nitrogen at a temperature of −194°C has been attempted in an effort to increase the life of the nozzle. Machining is performed using two different nozzle conditions, such as cryogenically treated and cryogenically untreated, with regard to the input parameter combinations that have been selected. To have a better understanding of the wear behavior of nozzles, an image from a scanning electron microscope is studied. Because of the treatment, the production of wear tracks in the direction that gas flow takes has been drastically decreased. This, in turn, has increased the cutting efficiency by decreasing the amount of arc current that was necessary. In addition, a grey relational analysis is carried out in order to find the best possible machining settings in both conditions. The parameters that were optimized for a nozzle that had been cryogenically treated were 6 bar of gas pressure, 120 amperes of arc current, and 1800 of cutting speed per minute. The use of cryogenic treatment resulted in a reduction of surface roughness by 0.4670 µm and a narrowing of the kerf width by 0.96 mm. It is clear from the SEM pictures of untreated and cryogenically treated nozzles that thermal distortion and wear in the nozzle tip area are minimized to a greater extent in the treated nozzle. This is evidenced by the fact that the treated nozzle has a more uniform appearance

    Seasonal variations in the phenolic profile, antioxidant activity, and mineral content of south Indian black tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)

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    Abstract In the Anamallais region of south India, crop shoots from the UPASI-3, UPASI-9, UPASI-17, Assam seedlings, and TRI-2043 cultivars were examined for seasonal variations in total phenolics, antioxidant activity, and minerals during four harvest seasons: summer (January to March), premonsoon (April and May), monsoon (June to September), and winter (October to December) of two consecutive years. The total phenolics of all cultivars were lower in monsoon period and grew over rest of the seasons and it was greater during summer. Crop shoot antioxidant activity as measured by the DPPH radical scavenging experiment exhibited a similar pattern to total phenolics. Summer was the season with the highest antioxidant activity across all cultivars, followed by premonsoon, winter, and monsoon. On the other hand, the employed cultivars differed noticeably in terms of seasonal change of minerals. These results appear to indicate that the harvest period is hypercritical in deciding the antioxidant potency of tea crop shoots

    Investigation on Pollution Control Device (PCD) in iron foundry industry to reduce environmental chemicals

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    Right from the olden days, many products have been made according to foundry practices in order to generate prosperity in the societies in which they operate while reaping these types of benefits through the operation of foundries. It is alarming that the emissions released by foundries affect human health. Therefore, foundries installed Pollution Control devices (PCDs), in accordance with this development; researchers examined the effectiveness of these PCDs in controlling emissions from foundries in different parts of the world. The emission control obtained by installing these PCDs is explained in this article based on the data gathered from the survey. The cartridge filter equipped with an induction furnace reduced the concentration of SPM to less than 20 mg/Nm3. This result of the investigation indicates that the cartridge filter built into the induction furnace achieves the best efficiency in controlling contaminants from iron foundries. Interestingly, the operation of the cartridge filter has yet to be documented. Therefore, the construction operation, the performance of the cartridge filter, and its efficiency in achieving contaminations control in foundries are described. This will provide useful information on the use of cartridge filters in an induction furnace to reduce Iron foundry emissions

    An analysis of environment effect on ethanol blends with plastic fuel and blend optimization using a full factorial design

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    Abstract There is a growing amount of plastic waste that needs to be properly disposed of in order to protect the environment from the negative effects of increasing reliance on plastic products. Recent interest has focused on chemical recycling as a means of reducing plastic's negative environmental effects. Converting waste plastics into basic petrochemicals allows them to serve as hydrocarbon feedstock or fuel oil through pyrolysis operations. Scientists have taken a keen interest in the production of bioethanol from renewable feedstocks due to its potential as a source of energy and alternative fuel. Due to its beneficial effects on the environment, ethanol has emerged as a promising biofuel. In this paper, energy recovered from low-density polyethylene and high-density polyethylene waste was converted into an alternative plastic fuel and evaluated for its environmental impact with the blending of ethanol in a diesel engine. Ternary fuel blends with 20%, 30%, and 40% waste plastic fuel and 10%, 15%, and 20% ethanol with standard diesel were tested. The study found that blending 10% ethanol with 20% plastic fuel decreased fuel consumption by around 7.9% compared to base diesel. Carbon monoxide emissions are reduced by about 10.2%, and hydrocarbon emissions are reduced by about 13.43% when using the same ternary blend. The optimum values of fuel consumption and emissions were obtained by full factorial design for a ternary fuel blend of 10% ethanol and 20% plastic fuel at the full load condition

    Development of alkali activated paver blocks for medium traffic conditions using industrial wastes and prediction of compressive strength using random forest algorithm

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    Abstract Geopolymer is an environment friendly construction material that could be synthesized using either the natural source or the industrial byproducts such as flyash and GGBS. The characteristics of the Geopolymer rely on the proportion of the flyash and GGBS and the concentration of the activator solution used. In this research work, the effect of partial replacement of flyash with GGBS in proportions such as 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40% is investigated. Also Molarity of NaOH are tested from 8 to 14 M and both the parameters are optimized. In this optimized Geopolymer concrete, the utilization of iron slag as a partial substitute for river sand in various proportions such as 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 35, 40 and 45% are investigated. The optimized Geopolymer concrete with iron slag is investigated for its performance as a paver block with incorporation of banana fiber in proportions such as 0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 and is compared with conventional cement concrete paver block. The results show that there is a significant enhancement in the properties of Geopolymer concrete with the different levels of optimization and the utilization of natural banana fiber. The developed sustainable paver block was found to with stand medium traffic conditions as per IS 15658:2006. Further this study employed random forest (RF) algorithm for the prediction of compressive strength of geopolymer concrete specimens for the variable parameters such as molarity of alkaline solution, Flyash/GGBS ratio and partial replacement of river sand with iron slag. The performance evaluation parameters represented high accuracy of developed RF model. This research work unleashes a heft potential of Geopolymer concrete to develop economical eco-friendly sustainable paver blocks to the society through mitigation of environmental strain on the ecosystem

    Systematic review on nine hallmarks of neurodegenerative disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are the primary diseases in neurodegenerative diseases. Nowadays, AD is common in one of the ten individuals whose age is more than 65, and its prevalence is kept on increasing with aging. Very few treatments and no effective treatments are available for curing neurodegenerative diseases. Pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and their association with the nine hallmarks of aging were clearly described in this review. Instability in genomic, attrition in telomere, alterations in epigenetics, proteostasis loss, dysfunction in mitochondria, senescence in cells, sensing of deregulated nutrition, exhaustion of stem cells, and alterations in intercellular communication are the nine biological hallmarks of Aging. Improving the medical facilities for neurodegenerative diseases is very much essential. Doctors and researchers are doing surplus research to overcome the unavailability of proper treatments for such neurodegenerative diseases. Reason and the causes behind the diseases and their effects are explained in this review to enhance the further research to help the society

    Growth, yield, and yield variables of onion (Allium Cepa L.) varieties as influenced by plantspacing at DambiDollo, Western Ethiopia

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    Abstract Onion (Allium cepa L.) is an important bulb plant grown worldwide. Proper use of the agronomic practice has undoubtedly contributed to growing crop yields. The right level of any farming practice, like the distance between plants, plant density, date of planting, and time of harvest, can produce the wanted outcomes. Therefore, this research was piloted to evaluate the influence of plant spacing on the development of bulb harvest-related traits of onion varieties in Dambi Dollo University, Western Ethiopia, in 2021. Three onion varieties (Adama red, Monarch, Nafis) and four intra-row spaces (6 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm, and 12 cm) in factorial combinations were settled by a complete randomized block design which was simulated three times. The findings of the study indicate that all the factors related to crop growth and bulb yield of onion varieties were mainly influenced by different kinds and plant spacing. Conversely, the collaboration of these two factors did not affect all other factors, but the interaction of the two factors had a great effect on the days to maturity measured in this study. The highest plant height was registered on the onion planted at a distance of 10 cm (59.83 cm) and 12 cm (59.08 cm) distance between plants. The high commercial yields (34.44 t ha−1) and entire bulb yield (35.40 t ha−1) were found in the Nafis variety. The highest marketable yields (31.12 ha−1) and entire marketable yield (31.78 ha−1) were recorded on an onion plant planted 10 cm between plants. Therefore, in the research area, farmers can use a variety of Nafis and a 10 cm distance between plants to increase their onion production