17 research outputs found

    Psychoacoustic Test to Determine Sound Quality Metric Indicators of Rotorcraft Noise Annoyance

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    Noise certification metrics such as Effective Perceived Noise Level and Sound Exposure Level are used to ensure that helicopters meet regulations, but these metrics may not be good indicators of annoyance since noise complaints against helicopters persist. Sound quality (SQ) metrics, specifically fluctuation strength, tonality, impulsiveness, roughness, and sharpness, are explored to determine their relationship with annoyance. A psychoacoustic test was conducted at the NASA Langley Research Center Exterior Effects Room to assess annoyance to helicopter-like sounds over a range of SQ metric values. The amplitude, phase, and frequency of the AS350 helicopter main and tail rotor blade passage signal harmonics were manipulated to produce 105 unique helicopter-like sounds with prescribed values of SQ metrics. All sounds were set to roughly the same loudness level. These sounds were played to 40 subjects who rated each sound for annoyance. Analyses given in this paper point to which SQ metrics are important to the helicopter noise annoyance response

    Peak Sidelobe Level Distribution Computation for Ad Hoc Arrays using Extreme Value Theory

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    Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is used to analyze the peak sidelobe level distribution for array element positions with arbitrary probability distributions. Computations are discussed in the context of linear antenna arrays using electromagnetic energy. The results also apply to planar arrays of random elements that can be transformed into linear arrays.Engineering and Applied Science

    A Recording-Based Method for Auralization of Rotorcraft Flyover Noise

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    Rotorcraft noise is an active field of study as the sound produced by these vehicles is often found to be annoying. A means to auralize rotorcraft flyover noise is sought to help understand the factors leading to annoyance. Previous work by the authors focused on auralization of rotorcraft fly-in noise, in which a simplification was made that enabled the source noise synthesis to be based on a single emission angle. Here, the goal is to auralize a complete flyover event, so the source noise synthesis must be capable of traversing a range of emission angles. The synthesis uses a source noise definition process that yields periodic and aperiodic (modulation) components at a set of discrete emission angles. In this work, only the periodic components are used for the source noise synthesis for the flyover; the inclusion of modulation components is the subject of ongoing research. Propagation of the synthesized source noise to a ground observer is performed using the NASA Auralization Framework. The method is demonstrated using ground recordings from a flight test of the AS350 helicopter for the source noise definition

    A perception-driven autonomous urban vehicle

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    This paper describes the architecture and implementation of an autonomous passenger vehicle designed to navigate using locally perceived information in preference to potentially inaccurate or incomplete map data. The vehicle architecture was designed to handle the original DARPA Urban Challenge requirements of perceiving and navigating a road network with segments defined by sparse waypoints. The vehicle implementation includes many heterogeneous sensors with significant communications and computation bandwidth to capture and process high-resolution, high-rate sensor data. The output of the comprehensive environmental sensing subsystem is fed into a kino-dynamic motion planning algorithm to generate all vehicleFigure 1: Talos in action at the National Qualifying Event. motion. The requirements of driving in lanes, three-point turns, parking, and maneuvering through obstacle fields are all generated with a unified planner. A key aspect of the planner is its use of closed-loop simulation in a Rapidly-exploring Randomized Trees (RRT) algorithm, which can randomly explore the space while efficiently generating smooth trajectories in a dynamic and uncertain environment