5 research outputs found

    Response of upper ocean and impact of barrier layer on SIDR cyclone induced sea surface cooling

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    In the present study an attempt has been made to investigate the impact of salinity stratification on the SST during the tropical cyclone (TC) passage. In this context, a severe post monsoon cyclone, Sidr, (Category 4) that developed over the south-eastern Bay of Bengal (BoB) during 11–16 November, 2007 was chosen as a case study. Pre-existence of a thick barrier layer (BL), temperature inversions and a higher effective oceanic layer for cyclogenesis (EOLC) were noticed along the path of the Sidr cyclone. The analysis of available Argo floats along the Sidr cyclone track also revealed less cooling during as well as after its passage as was reported from satellite derived SST. The role of BL on Sidr induced sea surface cooling was investigated using a diagnostic mixed layer model. Model results also depict the reduced sea surface cooling during the passage of Sidr. This is attributed to the presence of BL which results in the inhibition of the entrainment of cool thermocline water into the shallow mixed layer. Climatological as well as in situ observations of tropical cyclone heat potential (TCHP) and EOLC shows that the Sidr cyclone propagated towards the regions of higher EOLC

    Corn starch changes during tortilla and tortilla chip processing.

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    Objective: The present study aimed to investigate effect of addition date seed powder on the chemical composition, rheological properties, diffraction scanning colorimetric, x-ray diffraction, infra-red (IR), flavonoid, antioxidant activity, total phenolic compounds and sensory evaluation of snack from them. Methodology: Raw materials (oat and date seed flour) and snacks were analyzed for their proximate composition, rheological (rapid viscoanalyzer and following number), physical properties, color and texture were subjected to measurements using Differential Scanning Calorimetery (DSC). Each sample was tested for its color, flavor, taste, crispness, appearance and overall acceptability. Results: The obtained results revealed that, incorporation of date seed powder resulted in a significant increase in fibre and ash contents and in a decrease in protein content. Increasing DS levels in snacks led to increase the falling

    Leading edge chemical crystallography service provision and its impact on crystallographic data science in the twenty-first century

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    National facilities provide state-of-the-art crystallographic instrumentation and processes and tend to act as an indicator for the direction of a community in the medium term. There has been a significant step up in terms of instrumentation and approach in the last 10 years which has driven data generation. This has had a significant impact on databases – in turn we observe a substantial change in the use of the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) from relatively basic search/retrieve to gaining deep understanding about factors that govern the solid state. Databases are now able to drive new science in areas such as crystal engineering. Looking forward, we will see more automated pipelining of the data generation process, and this will require better integration with databases. Databases will provide more predictive power – and this will inform the science/crystallography that should be done

    A compendium of cyclic sugar amino acids and their carbocyclic and heterocyclic nitrogen analogues

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