106 research outputs found

    Indirect effects of oil products on the environment

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    The article is focused on chemical and radioactive contamination of the environment during hydrocarbon production. The objective of the research is to present relatively unknown facts of indirect long-term environmental effects of hydrocarbon production. Traces of radioactive contamination of soils, ground- and surface water were studied, and also in drinking water in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The authors’ own field and laboratory studies were used. They were performed as part of the preparation of geochemical base map (GHO-1000) of 1:1000000 scale in the Republic of Bashkortostan and in the Ukhto-Izhemsky oil and gas bearing region. The methods applied for laboratory research were inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for soil and bottom sediment samples and atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AMS) for ground- and surface waters. It has been determined that in the areas affected by oil production the chemical pollution aspects include deterioration of the groundwater quality caused by associated water and oil products ingress into aquifers due to violation of the oil and gas well drilling techniques, and soil salination caused by frequent equipment breaks during oil production. Aspects of radiation contamination of the environment during oil production include the intake of radionuclides with associated water, and sometimes with heavy hydrocarbon fractions, as well as the consequences of underground nuclear explosions. It is concluded that the territories of hydrocarbon exploration, production and storage should be classified as areas of potential risk for radioactive contamination and chemical pollution (by inorganic compounds, including heavy metal salts). Uranium concentration in drinking water was determined by the INAA method (instrumental neutron activation analysis)


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    Aim of the study: the study aimed to reveal the sign of coronary atherosclerosis absence using the factor analysis in patients referred for the coronary angiography. Patients and methods: 9409 patients suspected stable coronary artery disease (CAD) or with confirmed diagnosis of CAD from the «Registry of provided coronary angiography» were included in the study. Results of the study: principal factor described about 59% of the variation and included the burdens of 4 parameters (gender, smoking, significant coronary atherosclerosis and hypothyroidism) and was interpreted as factor of coronary atherosclerosis. Conclusions: it was found that the absence of coronary stenosis was associated with female gender, non-smoking status and hypothyroidism. Цель исследования: используя факторный анализ, установить, какие признаки связаны с отсутствием коронарного атеросклероза у пациентов, направленных на коронарную ангиографию. Пациенты и методы: в исследование вошли 9409 стабильных пациентов из «Регистра проведенных операций коронарной ангиографии» как с подозрением на ишемическую болезнь сердца (ИБС), так и с установленным диагнозом ИБС. Результаты: было изучено 5 факторов, объясняющих до 59% вариабельности изучаемого явления. Первый, наиболее значимый фактор объяснял 14% общей дисперсии, содержал нагрузки 4 переменных (пол пациента, курение, значимый коронарный атеросклероз и гипофункция щитовидной железы) и интерпретировался как фактор коронарного атеросклероза. Выводы: продемонстрирована связь отсутствия коронарного атеросклероза с женским полом, отсутствием курения и наличием гипофункции щитовидной железы.

    Dynamics of global and segmental strain as a marker of right ventricular contractility recovery in patients after COVID-19 pneumonia

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    Aim. To study the changes of morphological and functional right ventricular (RV) parameters depending on the severity of coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia over long-term follow-up.Material and methods. A total of 200 patients (men, 51,5%, mean age, 51,4±10,9 years) were examined at 2 control visits (3, 12 months after receiving two negative polymerase chain reaction tests). Patients were divided into following groups: group I (n=94) — lung tissue involvement ≥50% according to inhospital chest computed tomography (chest CT), group II (n=106) — lung tissue involvement˂50% according to chest CT.Results. The groups were comparable in key clinical and functional parameters 3 months after COVID-19 pneumonia. Speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) revealed a significant increase in following global longitudinal strain (LS) parameters: RV free wall endocardial LS (-22,7±3,2% and -24,3±3,8% in group I, p<0,001; -23,2±3,5% and -24,5±3,4% in group II, p><0,001), and RV endocardial LS (-21,0±3,1% and -22,5±3,7% in group I, p><0,001, -21,5±3,2% and -22,6±3,3% in group II, p=0,001 ). Significant increase of segmental endocardial LS was revealed in group I in the basal segments of RV free wall (-26,2±5,1% and -28,1±5,1%, p=0,004) and interventricular septum (IVS) (-16,2 [13,9; 19,5]% and -17,5 [14,6; 21,4]%, p=0,024), IVS middle segment (-20,3±4,1% and -21,5±4,8%, p=0,030), as well as in group II in the apical segments of RV free wall (-21,9±6,7% and -24,4±5,2%, p=0,001) and IVS (-23,7±4,7% and -24,9±4,8%, p=0,014). Conclusion. Recovery of RV function during a 12-month follow-up period in patients with both severe and moderate/mild lung involvement in COVID-19 was detected using the STE method.>˂0,001; -23,2±3,5% and -24,5±3,4% in group II, p˂0,001), and RV endocardial LS (-21,0±3,1% and -22,5±3,7% in group I, p˂0,001, -21,5±3,2% and -22,6±3,3% in group II, p=0,001 ). Significant increase of segmental endocardial LS was revealed in group I in the basal segments of RV free wall (-26,2±5,1% and -28,1±5,1%, p=0,004) and interventricular septum (IVS) (-16,2 [13,9; 19,5]% and -17,5 [14,6; 21,4]%, p=0,024), IVS middle segment (-20,3±4,1% and -21,5±4,8%, p=0,030), as well as in group II in the apical segments of RV free wall (-21,9±6,7% and -24,4±5,2%, p=0,001) and IVS (-23,7±4,7% and -24,9±4,8%, p=0,014).Conclusion. Recovery of RV function during a 12-month follow-up period in patients with both severe and moderate/mild lung involvement in COVID-19 was detected using the STE method


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    This work was financially supported by the Grants Council of the President of the Russian Federation (#NSh-1223.2022.1.3) and Russian Scientific Foundation (Grant # 21-13-00304)

    Improved method for the obtaining DTTA-appended 2,2’-bipyridine ligands for lanthanide cations

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    The composition of the reaction mixture after DTTA tert-butyl ester alkylation with 6'-halomethyl-5-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridines was studied. In addition to the target product, DTTA-appended 2,2’-bipyridine, the corresponding 6'-hydroxymethyl-substituted 2,2’-bipyridine and (5'-phenyl-[2,2'-bipyridin]-6-yl)methyl formate were isolated as by-products in some cases. Finally, an improved procedure for the DTTA tert-butyl ester alkylation with 6'-halomethyl-5-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridines by using Finkelstein reaction was developed

    New 2,5-bis(2-ethylhexyl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione-2,2’-bipyridine-based co-polymer, synthesis, photophysical properties and response to metal cations

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    A new co-polymer based on fragments of 2-(2-pyridyl)monoazatriphenylene and 2,5-bis (2-ethylhexyl)-3,6-di(thiophen-2-yl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione was prepared by using the Sonogashira reaction. The photophysical properties of the polymer were studied. The presence of a strong bathochromic shift of the absorption and emission maxima in comparison with the previously described monomer units is shown. The polymer exhibits an intense “turn-off” response toward Cu2+ cations

    Relationship between left bundle branch block patterns and super-response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with heart failure

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    Aim. To assess a relationship of left bundle branch block (LBBB) patterns defined by electrocardiography (ECG) and echocardiography with super-response (SR) to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT).Material and methods. Sixty patients (mean age, 54,5±10,4 years) were examined at baseline and during follow-up (10,6±3,6 months). Patients were divided into groups: group I (n=31) — decrease of left ventricular end-systolic volume (ESV) ≥30% (super-responders) and II group (n=29) — decrease of LV ESV <30% (non-super-responders). Three strain-markers of LBBB assessed by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) and speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) were used: early contraction of basal or midventricular segment in the septal wall and early stretching of basal or midventricular segment in the lateral wall (marker 1); early peak contraction of the septal wall occurred in the first 70% of the systolic ejection phase (marker 2, septal flash (SF)); early stretching wall that showed peak contraction after aortic valve closure (marker 3). The classical LBBB pattern was defined if all three strain-markers were present. The heterogeneous LBBB pattern was defined if two from three strain-markers were present.Results. At baseline, groups did not differ in main clinical characteristics, including QRS width and LBBB assessed by ECG. Mechanical abnormalities were found only in group I: SF (32,3% vs 0,0%; p=0,001) and apical rocking (19,4% vs 0,0%; p=0,024), as well as classic LBBB mechanical pattern (20,8% vs 0,0%; p=0,05). The complex of heterogeneous LBBB mechanical pattern (odds ratio (OR), 7,512; 95% CI, 1,434-39,632; р=0,025), interventricular mechanical delay (OR, 1,037; 95% CI, 1,005-1,071; р=0,017) and longitudinal strain of interventricular septum mid segment (OR, 0,726; 95% CI, 0,540-0,977; р=0,035) had an independent relationship with SR. According to the ROC analysis, the sensitivity and specificity of model in SR prediction were 77,3% and 91,3% (AUC=0,862; p<0,001).Conclusion. SR is associated with both LBBB mechanical patterns assessed by STE and TDI. LBBB defined by ECG did not have significant association with SR to CRT

    Platinum(II) Acetylacetonate Complex Based on 5-(3-Aminophenyl)-2-(2-thienyl)pyridine: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Photophysical Properties

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    Abstract: The Pt(II) acetylacetonate complex [(L)Pt(Acac)] based on aminophenyl-substituted 2-(2-thienyl)pyridine (L) was synthesized, its photophysical properties were studied and compared with these properties for a similar complex containing no amino group in the ligand. The structure of the complex was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (CIF file CCDC no. 2144689), 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, ESI mass spectrometry, and elemental analysis. © 2022, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-73-10119-PThis study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 18-73-10119-P)