46 research outputs found

    Design Considerations of Resonant DC/DC Converter for Fuel Cell Inverter Application

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    In order to use hydrogen fuel cells in domestic applications either as main power supply or backup source, their low DC output voltage has to be matched to the level and frequency of the utility grid AC voltage. Such power converter systems usually consist of a DC-DC converter and a DC-AC inverter. The paper focuses on double-stage, grid-connected Fuel Cell conversion systems. Comparison of different structures of resonant DC-DC converters, which allows reduced switching losses, are analyzed accounting the specific behavior of Fuel Cells. The converter is elaborated for 5 kW power to match the rated power of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cel

    FUZZY LOGIC jeb izplūdusī loģika elektroiekārtās

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    Mākslīgais intelekts un izplūdusī loģika elektroiekārtu vadības sistēmās tiek plaši pētīti un pielitoti, jo paver jaunas iespējas spēka elektronikas pārveidotāju darbības pilnveidošanā. EPE-PEMC konferencē Rīgā vairāki desmiti referātu bija veltīti šai aktuālajai tēmai

    Aktīvie filtri energoelektronikas iekārtās

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    Šī monogrāfija aplūko spēka filtrus un to vadības sistēmu darbības principus. Monogrāfijas sākumā ir veikta plašāk sastopamo, uz energoelektronikas pārveidotājiem balstīto, elektropārvades un sadales sistēmu kondicionēšanas iekārtu klasifikācija, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot elektroiekārtām harmonisko kropļojumu filtrēšanai. Šīm iekārtām ir veikta populārāko spēka shēmu analīze, uzrādītas to priekšrocības un trūkumi, kā arī atbilstošās pielietojuma svēras

    Izplūdušās loģikas kontroleru pielietojums industriālajā elektronikā un elektropiedziņā

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    Sniegts materiāla izvērtējums par izplūdušās loģikas kontrolleru pielietojumu industriālajā elektronikā un elektropiedziņas vadības sistēmās. Veicot pētījumu apzināti pazīstamāko pasaulē atzīto energoelektronikas un elektropiedziņas konferenču pēdējo gadu materiāli

    Frequency Selective Control of a Parallel Active Filter with Resonance Filter Regulators

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    The paper describes a method for frequency selective control of parallel active filters that are applied for compensation of the current harmonic distortions and the displacement power factor in symmetrical three-phase systems with a known harmonic spectrum. For simulation, an active filter for harmonic current compensation of a three-phase full-bridge diode rectifier was used. Comparative analysis has shown a good agreement between the results obtained experimentally and by simulation

    Variant Management in Vehicle Electric and Electronic Hardware Architectures

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    In this paper, the issues related to a multi controller and in a meantime multi variant systems modeling such as vehicle electric and electronic architectures are described. In this study, an electric/electronic model of the vehicle’s body and powertrain domains has been developed and a set of software scripts and methods to optimize such system’s development like logical network, schematics design, wiring harness and software component organization has been implemented and evaluated

    A Static Synchronous Compensator for Reactive Power Compensation under Distorted Mains Voltage Conditions

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    In this paper a STATCOM system is presented applied for compensation of reactive power under distorted mains conditions. The developed STATCOM control system consists of two regulating loops - DC link voltage control loop with anti-windup PI controller and the current control loop with a feed-forward PI controller. The simulation results indicate that the developed control system performs well, ensuring displacement power factor compensation with good transient and steady state performance even under significantly distorted grid voltage conditions

    A Static Synchronous Compensator for Displacement Power Factor Correction under Distorted Mains Voltage Conditions

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    A STATCOM system is presented in this paper applied for compensation of displacement power factor under distorted mains voltage conditions. The developed STATCOM control system consists of two regulating loops - DC link voltage control loop with anti-windup PI controller and the current control loop with a feed-forward PI controller. The simulation results indicate that the developed control system performs well, ensuring displacement power factor compensation with good transient and steady state performance even under significantly distorted grid voltage condition

    Design of Resonant DC/DC Converter for 5KW Fuel Cell Application

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    In order to use hydrogen fuel cells in domestic applications either as main power supply or backup source, their low DC output voltage has to be matched to the level and frequency of the utility grid AC voltage. Such power converter systems usually consist of a DC-DC converter and a DC-AC inverter. The paper focuses on double-stage, grid-connected Fuel Cell conversion systems. The converter is elaborated for 5 kW power to match the rated power of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell

    A PLL Scheme for Synchronization with Grid Voltage Phasor in Active Power Filter Systems

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    Voltage source inverters connected to the grid in applications such as active power filters require synchronization with the grid voltage. Since in practice the grid voltage can be unbalanced and distorted, but the operation of the whole active filter control system is strongly dependant on precise estimation of grid voltage phase, the fundamental positive sequence phasor of the grid voltage has to be extracted. In this paper a system for smooth estimation of the position of the voltage phasor at the point of common coupling of a parallel active filter system is presented using a sinusoidal signal integrator and a simple software PLL. The performance of the proposed system is verified by simulation and experimental results. The proposed PLL scheme can also be used in other vector oriented control systems