9 research outputs found

    One Health perspectives on sustainable rabies prevention in Thailand: a qualitative interview study

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    Rabies is a challenging human and animal health concern that requires a multisectoral and interdisciplinary strategy for prevention and control. The aim of this study was to investigate One Health perspectives on long-term rabies prevention in disease-free subdistricts of Chiang Mai, Thailand. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was carried out in three rabies-free communities with diverse demographics, and the results were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings were gathered from 36 interviews with equal proportions of urban, suburban, and rural populations. Although none of the participants mentioned the term “One Health”, the majority of them comprehended that rather than a one-dimensional approach, a multi-dimensional approach to rabies prevention would be effective. The main theme from the interview analysis was multisectoral collaboration. The role of the local government in collaboration, the involvement of the medical and veterinary branches, and intersectoral action with community engagement were all sub-themes. Community leaders and village health volunteers collaborated with local authorities to connect community members. The use of wired broadcasting as a method of public communication was critical to increasing rabies knowledge and awareness. Human and animal health agencies provided support for rabies vaccine and medical equipment, as well as staff skills and practice training. Community participation in rabies activities contributed to preventing, detecting, and responding to the disease. The One Health concept must be developed and implemented in practice at all levels of all key sectors, particularly among the general population in rabies-endemic areas throughout the country

    Incidence of short-term complications after sterilization between pre-operative antibiotic versus pre- and post-operative antibiotic administration in female cats

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    A sterilization program is implied to control the cat population and set up as national rabies control activities. In Thailand, a few studies have been conducted on postoperative complications and undesired incidents after massive sterilization. This study determined the incidence of short-term sterilization complications in cats with or without postoperative antibiotic administration and the risk of short-term surgical complications. The investigators conducted a clinical trial study. Female cats (n=492) who participated in Chiang Mai municipal birth control activity were assessed and recorded those complications between with and without postoperative antibiotics. The risk factors were analyzed using risk ratios (RR) with a 95% confidence level. Twenty-five cats (5.08%) showed short-term complications in the study. The incidence of short-term complications was not significantly different between cats with postoperative antibiotics (4.92%) and without postoperative antibiotics (5.24%). Cats with external parasites had 2.35 times a short-term complication (RR=1.05-5.27;95%Cl). Duration in captive area, this factor showed that prolong of a cat kept in cage or indoor area play role as a protective factor which less than 2-day in a cage or indoor as the baseline, the risk ratios were 0.38 in 5-day and 0.18 in 7-day, respectively. In conclusion, cat sterilization without post-operative antibiotic administration could be performed under ordinary operation with an aseptic concept

    Keys to good knowledge, attitude and practice on rabies prevention in disease-free communities

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    Many developing countries have recently faced public health challenges due to outbreaks of human rabies, while some areas have remained free from outbreaks of the disease. The aim of this study was to identify keys to good knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) in rabies-free areas of Thailand to provide a functional model for rabies prevention in endemic zones. A cross-sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire in conjunction with interviews that were designed to elicit relevant information. Multivariate logistic regression analysis and content analysis were used to interpret the data obtained from the questionnaire and interviews, respectively. The results gathered from 1,392 respondents and 36 interviewees indicated that age, education and the residential area of the subjects were associated with knowledge and practice, but not with attitude. Late midlife subjects reported good knowledge and practice scores due to some form of personal encounter with rabies and attendance at rabies meetings and campaigns, while secondary education levels or above were associated with higher knowledge and practice scores due to the inclusion of a rabies course in the secondary school curriculum. Moreover, the findings showed that a community using a form of public communication known as wired broadcasting had greater knowledge, and a community organizing comprehensive participatory activities had better practice. Ultimately, it was not only age, education and residential area, but also the integration of appropriate interventions and control measures by the authorities that proved beneficial in making good knowledge and practice more uniform throughout the communities included in the study

    Cultivation of bacterial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance in canine periapical tooth abscesses

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    This research aimed to assess the occurrence of bacterial pathogens and their antimicrobial resistance in dogs presenting with canine periapical tooth abscesses. Sample swabs were performed on 45 dogs who had undergone dental surgery between January 2019 and August 2020 at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Chiang Mai University. Samples were analyzed within 24 hours at Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Chiang Mai University to identify any bacterial species and to investigate their potential antimicrobial susceptibility according to CLSI guidelines. A high proportion of gram-negative and facultative species were identified. Out of the 17 species obtained, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (34.6 %) was determined to be the predominant species followed by Escherichia coli (15.4%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (11.5%), respectively. P. aeruginosa was highly resistant (100.0%) to ampicillin and clindamycin, while E. coli and K. pneumoniae were found to be highly resistant (100.0%) to clindamycin in terms of antimicrobial susceptibility. However, E. coli was more resistant to enrofloxacin, gentamicin, and norfloxacin than K. pneumoniae. When focusing on the resistance rates of all species, clindamycin exhibited the highest degree of resistance, followed by ampicillin and amoxicillin, respectively. Amoxicillin-clavulanate is an empirical antibiotic in our area that has exhibited a resistance rate of 48.7%. The outcomes of our study have suggested that fluoroquinolone and aminoglycoside could be used to treat canine periapical tooth abscesses. However, the renal effect of these drugs must be considered. Importantly, antibiotic selection must depend upon the results of bacterial culture and antimicrobial susceptibility tests in order to reduce any potential antimicrobial resistance issues

    Magendrehung beim Hund – Retrospektive Studie zur inkorporierenden Gastropexie

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    Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) is a potentially life-threatening syndrome of multifactorial origins that require immediate appropriate medical and surgical treatment as well as intensive postoperative care. Many studies have shown multiple risk factors for GDV. They include breed, anatomy, genetics, age, feeding, activities, behaviors and other factors. Surgery should be performed as soon as the GDV dogs have been treated medically and are stable enough to be given general anesthesia. The principal objectives of surgical treatment are decompression and repositioning of the stomach, resection of a possible pathologic gastric wall, and prophylactic permanent gastropexy. In our clinic, a surgical method of choice is ‘Incorporating gastropexy’. We use this technique routinely because this technique is technically simple and can be learned and performed easily. Additionally, this technique takes less surgical time which diminishes the risk of anesthetic complications. The sex distribution of dogs in our study shows that male dogs present slightly more than female dogs with male to female ratio 1.72:1. The result of dog population relative to age in our study is similar toformer studies which older dogs are more common. Fourty-three breeds were represented in our clinic during the six years. The fourth most frequent breeds include the German Shepherd (10.4 %), the Great Dane (7.5 %) and large mixed breed (7.5 %), and the Dobermans (6.4 %), respectively. The third most frequent clinical signs are of distending or tympanic abdomens in 112 (61.87 %), pale mucous membranes in 47 (25.96 %), and tachycardia in 45 (24.86 %), respectively. Thirty-two dogs have one or more associated radiographic findings of problem with their cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and/or reticuloendothelial system. The third most frequent were of GDV with hypovolemic hearts, GDV with gaseous distention of the intestinal loop, and each of GDV with spleenomegaly and GDV with megaesophagus, respectively. Of the 181 GDV-involved symptomatic patients, 125 (69.06 %) dogs were performed gastropexy. Of these 125 dogs underwent gastropexy, 113 (90.40 %) dogs survived and were discharged from the hospital. Of the 181 GDV-involved symptomatic patients, 40 (22.22 %) dogs were treated conservatively. Of these 40 dogs underwent conservative treatment, 26 (65 %) dogs were successfully treated and discharged from the hospital. Of the 181 GDV-involved symptomatic patients, 16 (19.75 %) dogs were performed laparotomy. Of these 16 dogs underwent laparotomy, 15 (93.75 %) dogs were euthanized due to irreversible pathologic changes of the stomach, hypovolumic shock, arrhythmias, splenic thrombosis and recurrent GDV. No dog which underwent laparotomy died. Only one (6.25 %) was discharged from the hospital after removing a foreign body from the stomach and it has been hospitalized of 3 days. In this study, overall survival and survival in the surgically treated group (gastropexy) are 77.35 % and 90.4 %, respectively. It might be concluded that coagulation parameters (aPTT and PT), liver enzymes (ALT, AST, and GLDH), plasma ionized calcium, and duration of clinical signs from onset to first presentation are prognostic indicators for survival and mortality. According to the 90.40 % survival rate of surgically treated group (incorporating gastropexy), this technique seem to be more practical to the surgeon to perform the immediate surgical correction of GDV.Die Torsio ventriculi ist ein potentiell lebensbedrohliches Syndrom multifaktorieller Entstehung, das sowohl eine dringende entsprechende medizinische und chirurgische Behandlung als auch eine intensive postoperative Überwachung/Betreuung erfordert. In verschiedenen Studien sind die vielfĂ€ltigen Risikofaktoren fĂŒr die Torsio ventriculi aufgezeigt worden. Darunter Rasse, Anatomie, genetische Disposition, Alter, ErnĂ€hrung, Temperament, Verhalten und andere mehr. Operationen sollten durchgefĂŒhrt werden, sobald die betroffenen Hunde medizinisch behandelt und stabil genug fĂŒr eine Vollnarkose sind. Die grundlegenden Prinzipien der chirurgischen Intervention sind Entlastung und Reposition des Magens, die Resektion eventuell pathologisch verĂ€nderter Magenwand und die prophylaktische permanente Gastropexie. Eine Methode der Wahl in unserer Klinik ist die „inkorporierende Gastropexie“. Sie wird routinemĂ€ĂŸig angewandt, weil sie technisch einfach ist und leicht erlernt und ausgefĂŒhrt werden kann. Außerdem braucht diese Technik eine verhĂ€ltnismĂ€ĂŸig kurze Operationszeit und vermindert somit das Risiko von Narkosekomplikationen. Die Geschlechterverteilung der Hunde in unserer Untersuchung zeigt, dass mĂ€nnliche Hunde etwas hĂ€ufiger betroffen waren als weibliche, mit einem VerhĂ€ltnis von 1,72:1. Bezogen auf das Alter der Tiere ergab unsere Studie Ă€hnliche Ergebnisse wie vorhergehende Studien, wobei Ă€ltere Hunde hĂ€ufiger betroffen sind. 43 Rassen kamen in unserer Klinik wĂ€hrend der sechs betrachteten Jahre vor. Die vier hĂ€ufigsten sind Deutscher SchĂ€ferhund (10,4%), Deutsche Dogge (7,5%), große Mischlinge (7,5%) und Dobermann (6,4%). Die drei hĂ€ufigsten klinischen Zeichen sind pralles oder aufgeblĂ€htes Abdomen bei 112 (61,87%), blasse Schleimhaut bei 47 (25,96%) und Tachycardie bei 45 (24,86%) Tieren. 32 Hunde haben einen oder mehrere begleitende radiologische Befunde im kardiovaskulĂ€ren System, Magen- Darm-System und/oder retikuloendothelialen System. Die drei hĂ€ufigsten Befunde waren hypovolĂ€misches Herz, aufgegaste Darmschlingen sowie gleichermaßen hĂ€ufig Splenomegalie und Megaösophagus. Von den 181 Torsio ventriculi betroffenen Patienten erhielten 125 (69,06%) eine Gastropexie. Von ihnen ĂŒberlebten 113 (90,40%) und wurden aus der stationĂ€ren Betreuung entlassen. Von den 181 Patienten mit Torsio ventriculi Symptomatik wurden 40 (22,22%) konservativ behandelt. Von diesen 40 Hunden mit einer konservativen Therapie wurden 26 (65%) erfolgreich behandelt und aus der Klinik entlassen. Von den 181 Tieren der Gesamtgruppe erhielten 16 (19,75%) eine Laparotomie. Von diesen mussten 15 (93,75%) euthanasiert werden aufgrund von irreversibler pathologischer VerĂ€nderungen des Magens, hypovolĂ€mischen Schocks, Arrhythmie, Milzthrombose oder rezidivierender Torsio ventriculi. Keines der laparotomierten Tiere verstarb. Nur ein Hund wurde nach Entfernung eines Fremdkörpers aus dem Magen aus der Klinik entlassen, nach dreitĂ€giger stationĂ€rer Behandlung. Von den in dieser Studie betrachteten Hunden haben 77,35% insgesamt ĂŒberlebt und 90,4% der operierten Tiere (Gastropexie). Es kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass Gerinnungsparameter (aPTT und PT), Leberenzyme SGPT, SGOT, GLDH), ionisiertes Calcium im Plasma und die Dauer der klinischen Zeichen von Beginn bis zur ersten Vorstellung Prognoseindikatoren fĂŒr die Überlebensrate und MortalitĂ€t sind. Aufgrund der Überlebensrate von 90,40% der operativ behandelten Gruppe (inkorporierende Gastropexie) scheint diese Operationstechnik fĂŒr den Chirurgen die praktischere Methode zur operativen Korrektur der Torsio ventriculi zu sein

    Surface Modification of Curcumin Microemulsions by Coupling of KLVFF Peptide: A Prototype for Targeted Bifunctional Microemulsions

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    Curcumin is one of the most promising natural therapeutics for use against Alzheimer’s disease. The major limitations of curcumin are its low oral bioavailability and difficulty in permeating the blood–brain barrier. Therefore, designing a delivery system of curcumin to overcome its limitations must be employed. KLVFF, a peptide known as an amyloid blocker, was used in this study as a targeting moiety to develop a targeted drug delivery system. A prototype of transnasal KLVFF conjugated microemulsions containing curcumin (KLVFF-Cur-ME) for the nose-to-brain delivery was fabricated. The KLVFF-Cur-ME was developed by a titration method. A conjugation of KLVFF was performed through a carbodiimide reaction, and the conjugation efficiency was confirmed by FTIR and DSC technique. KLVFD-Cur-ME was characterized for the drug content, globule size, zeta potential, and pH. A transparent and homogeneous KLVFF-Cur-ME is achieved with a drug content of 80.25% and a globule size of 76.1 ± 2.5 nm. The pH of KLVFF-Cur-ME is 5.33 ± 0.02, indicating non-irritation to nasal tissues. KLVFD-Cur-ME does not show nasal ciliotoxicity. An ex vivo diffusion study revealed that KLVFF-Cur-ME partitions the porcine nasal mucosa through diffusion, following the Higuchi model. This investigation demonstrates the successful synthesis of a bifunctional KLVFF-Cur-ME as a novel prototype to deliver anti-AÎČ aggregation via an intranasal administration

    Effectiveness of a Nanohydroxyapatite-Based Hydrogel on Alveolar Bone Regeneration in Post-Extraction Sockets of Dogs with Naturally Occurring Periodontitis

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    Pathological mandibular fracture after dental extraction usually occurs in dogs with moderate to severe periodontitis. A nanohydroxyapatite-based hydrogel (HAP hydrogel) was developed to diminish the limitations of hydroxyapatite for post-extraction socket preservation (PSP). However, the effect of the HAP hydrogel in dogs has still not been widely investigated. Moreover, there are few studies on PSP in dogs suffering from clinical periodontitis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the HAP hydrogel for PSP in dogs with periodontitis. In five dogs with periodontitis, the first molar (309 and 409) of each hemimandible was extracted. Consequently, all the ten sockets were filled with HAP-hydrogel. Intraoral radiography was performed on the day of operation and 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks post operation. The Kruskal–Wallis test and paired t-test were adopted for alveolar bone regeneration analysis. The results demonstrated that the radiographic grading, bone height measurement, and bone regeneration analysis were positively significant at all follow-up times compared to the day of operation. Moreover, the scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy imaging after immersion showed a homogeneous distribution of apatite formation on the hydrogel surface. Our investigation suggested that the HAP hydrogel effectively enhances socket regeneration in dogs with periodontitis and can be applied as a bone substitute for PSP in veterinary dentistry

    Influence of Gallic Acid-Containing Mouth Spray on Dental Health and Oral Microbiota of Healthy Cats—A Pilot Study

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    This pilot study aimed to investigate the effects of gallic acid-containing mouth spray on oral microbiota in healthy cat subjects. Forty healthy cats were recruited and randomly allocated to the control (G1; n = 20) and treatment groups (G2; n = 20). The cats were treated with mouth spray twice daily for 42 days. The changes in the gingival index (GI) and plaque index (PI) were measured at baseline (day 0) and end of the study (42nd day). The changes in the oral microbial composition of representative animals (control, n = 9; and treatment, n = 8) were also evaluated at baseline and end of the study. Oral microbial composition was assessed by amplifying the V1–V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene from supragingival dental plaque DNA extracts. The sequences were annotated using the QIIME 2.0. The GI and PI were significantly reduced after 42 days of treatment. The deep sequencing revealed that mouth spray influenced the cats’ oral microbiome and was significantly diverse. About 20 phyla and 59 species were observed after 42 days of mouth spray usage in cats’ oral microbiota. The number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of post-treatment samples (PoTS) of G2 was greatly reduced compared to other samples. Further analysis revealed that mouth spray acts substantially against Desulfomicrobium orale, one of the known pathogens in periodontal disease. The mouth spray efficiently reduced the growth of 22 species and uprooted 17 species. Moreover, the mouth spray supported the growth of normal oral microbiota, including Moraxella and Neisseria species. The preliminary study suggested that the gallic acids-containing mouth spray could be an essential oral product to improve the oral hygiene of the cats. Moreover, further studies are needed to confirm the beneficial effect of mouth spray on cats