7 research outputs found

    Forming Estimation Cluster Structures from the Point of View of Competitiveness of Potential of Republic Mary El with the Influence of Economic Sanctions of the West

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    Now in any social - economic system including in Mary El Republic, the concept of economic development and competitiveness is actual. Quantity and quality growth of clusters in republic is confirmed with viability of the given model of development of business and territory. The cluster approach in system gives a number of advantages (institutional, innovative, increase of efficiency of production activity) for which account probably to achieve increase in economic growth, change of structural shifts of region, increase in volume of involved direct investments, employment solutions of a problem. Effective realisation of cluster structure demands creation of adequate system of monitoring and a realisation estimation of cluster initiatives. Their continuity should be an important condition of functioning of systems of monitoring, i.e. possibility in real time to trace growth and the barriers interfering development of clusters. It is obvious that cluster structures can be formed both within the limits of one industry, and between industries. Availability of close interrelations between region industries - buyers and manufacturers of goods - testifies to communication of the enterprises of the given industries on a chain of creation of value added and reflects possibility synergetic effect at deepening and expansion of their partner relations. Thus, the close connection between industries pledges conditions for forming cluster structures in increase of competitiveness of potential of region. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p24

    Influence of Factors of Production on Efficiency of Production Systems

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    In the course of functioning of firms the uncountable set of variants of use of factors in various combinations is supposed. Diversification of combinations is caused by scientific and technical progress and a condition of the market of factors of production. Scientific and technical progress and technical revolutions lead to occurrence new (interchanged) factors and a new product. Possibility by means of the factor as a result increases to produce a product so much, how many it is necessary for compensation of the factor and an additional product which is not necessary for factor compensation. This additional stock of a product, as a matter of fact, is an additional product. With its production probably further increase in production. The conclusion from here follows: the best use of incomes of production is a condition of the further increase in its scales, a condition of expansion of reproduction. Thus, as a result of connection of factors of production work products, set of material benefits are created. The quantitative relation of volume (weight) of the received product to the work spent for its production, characterises labour productivity. Important problem at studying of factors of production of their influence on efficiency of production systems is the problem of an optimum combination of factors of production DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p41