788 research outputs found

    Induced radioactivity in AB-BNCT: an analysis of the different facilities worldwide

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    The global effort to establish Accelerator-Based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (AB-BNCT) facilities involves various accelerator technologies and neutron-producing targets, each characterized by different properties of the primary beam and neutron spectra they generate. With an emphasis on long-term sustainability, it is essential to minimize the production of residual radioactivity to the lowest possible level, particularly given their intended use in a hospital environment. This paper aims to quantitatively assess the residual radioactivity in these facilities, taking into account both primary and secondary activation. Primary activation primarily arises from the interaction of the proton or deuteron beam and the neutron-producing target. Secondary activation results from neutron-induced reactions on the elements exposed to the neutron flux, with the Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA) being the most exposed one. To assess activation, we evaluated a representative group of target-BSA configurations. Primary activation was calculated based on cross-sectional data and the corresponding target materials. Neutron activation was assessed using Monte Carlo simulations with the MCNP 6.1 code. Regarding target activation, our findings indicate that 9Be targets working with protons of less than 10 MeV represent the cleanest option, while 7Li targets working with protons lead to the highest activation levels. As for BSA activation, the neutron energy is a crucial factor. In the case of standard BSA materials, higher neutron energy results in an increased number of potential reactions that produce radioactive products. Additionally, our findings suggest that radioactivity induced by impurities and minor components in alloyed materials cannot be disregarded and must be taken into account in radioactivity calculations. In summary, this research provides a comprehensive analysis of activation of the commonly used targets and BSA materials, aimed at contributing to the optimization of AB-BNCT facilities from a radiological perspective

    Seeing you seeing me: Stereotypes and the stigma magnification effect

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    © 2015 American Psychological Association. Despite an increased interest in the phenomenon of stigma in organizations, we know very little about the interactions between those who are stigmatized and those who stigmatize them. Integrating both the perceptions of the stigmatized worker and the stigmatizing customer into one model, the present study addresses this gap. It examines the role of stereotypes held by customers of stigmatized organizations and metastereotypes held by the stigmatized workers themselves (i.e., their shared beliefs of the stereotypes customers associate with them) in frontline exchanges. To do so, data regarding frontline workers (vendors) of homeless-advocate newspapers from 3 different sources (vendors, customers, trained observers) were gathered. Multilevel path-analytic hypotheses tests reveal (a) how frontline workers' prototypicality for a stigmatized organization renders salient a stigma within frontline interactions and (b) how stereotypes by customers and metastereotypes by frontline workers interact with each other in such contacts. The results support a hypothesized interaction between frontline workers' metastereotypes and customers' stereotypes-what we call the "stigma magnification effect". The study also derives important practical implications by linking stigma to frontline workers' discretionary financial gains

    The Best Brown Dwarf Yet?: A Companion to the Hyades Eclipsing Binary V471 Tau

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    We have carried out an analysis of about 160 eclipse timings spanning over 30 years of the Hyades eclipsing binary V471 Tauri that shows a long-term quasi-sinusoidal modulation of its observed eclipse arrival times. The O-Cs have been analyzed for the ``light-time'' effect that arises from the gravitational influence of a tertiary companion. The presence of a third body causes the relative distance of the eclipsing pair to the Earth to change as it orbits the barycenter of the triple system. The result of the analysis of the eclipse times yields a light-time semi-amplitude of 137.2+/-12.0 s, an orbital period of P_3 = 30.5+/-1.6 yr and an eccentricity of e_3 = 0.31+/-0.04. The mass of the tertiary component is M_3 sin i_3 = 0.0393+/-0.0038 Mo when a total mass of 1.61+/-0.06 Mo for V471 Tau is adopted. For orbital inclinations i_3 > 35 deg, the mass of the third body would be below the stable hydrogen burning limit of M = 0.07 Mo and it thus would be a brown dwarf. In the next several years (near maximum elongation), it should be feasible to obtain IR images and spectra of V471 Tau C that, when combined with the known mass, age, distance, and [Fe/H], will serve as a benchmark for understanding the physical properties and evolution of brown dwarfs.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Action minimizing fronts in general FPU-type chains

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    We study atomic chains with nonlinear nearest neighbour interactions and prove the existence of fronts (heteroclinic travelling waves with constant asymptotic states). Generalizing recent results of Herrmann and Rademacher we allow for non-convex interaction potentials and find fronts with non-monotone profile. These fronts minimize an action integral and can only exists if the asymptotic states fulfil the macroscopic constraints and if the interaction potential satisfies a geometric graph condition. Finally, we illustrate our findings by numerical simulations.Comment: 19 pages, several figure

    Contact binaries with additional components. III. The adaptive optics detections

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    We present results of the CFHT adaptive optics search for companions of a homogeneous group of contact binary stars, as a contribution to our attempts to prove a hypothesis that these binaries require a third star to become so close as observed. In addition to companions directly discovered at separations of >=1", we introduced a new method of AO image analysis utilizing distortions of the AO diffraction ring pattern at separations of 0.07"-1". Very close companions, with separations in the latter range were discovered in systems HV Aqr, OO Aql, CK Boo, XY Leo, BE Scl, and RZ Tau. More distant companions were detected in V402 Aur, AO Cam, V2082 Cyg. Our results provide a contribution to the mounting evidence that the presence of close companions is a very common phenomenon for very close binaries with orbital periods <1 day.Comment: Full Figs.4 and 5 are in http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/~rucinski/Triples3

    Playing Ping Pong with Light: Directional Emission of White Light

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    Over the last decades, light-emitting diodes (LED) have replaced common light bulbs in almost every application, from flashlights in smartphones to automotive headlights. Illuminating nightly streets requires LEDs to emit a light spectrum that is perceived as pure white by the human eye. The power associated with such a white light spectrum is not only distributed over the contributing wavelengths but also over the angles of vision. For many applications, the usable light rays are required to exit the LED in forward direction, namely under small angles to the perpendicular. In this work, we demonstrate that a specifically designed multi-layer thin film on top of a white LED increases the power of pure white light emitted in forward direction. Therefore, the deduced multi-objective optimization problem is reformulated via a real-valued physics-guided objective function that represents the hierarchical structure of our engineering problem. Variants of Bayesian optimization are employed to maximize this non-deterministic objective function based on ray tracing simulations. Eventually, the investigation of optical properties of suitable multi-layer thin films allowed to identify the mechanism behind the increased directionality of white light: angle and wavelength selective filtering causes the multi-layer thin film to play ping pong with rays of light

    A study of the interacting binary V 393 Scorpii

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    We present high resolution J-band spectroscopy of V 393 Sco obtained with the CRIRES at the ESO Paranal Observatory along with a discussion of archival IUE spectra and published broad band magnitudes. The best fit to the spectral energy distribution outside eclipse gives T1T_{1}= 19000 ±\pm 500 KK for the gainer, T2T_{2}= 7250 ±\pm 300 KK for the donor, E(BV)E(B-V)= 0.13 ±\pm 0.02 mag. and a distance of dd= 523 ±\pm 60 pc, although circumstellar material was not considered in the fit. We argue that V 393 Sco is not a member of the open cluster M7. The shape of the He I 1083 nm line shows orbital modulations that can be interpreted in terms of an optically thick pseudo-photosphere mimicking a hot B-type star and relatively large equatorial mass loss through the Lagrangian L3 point during long cycle minimum. IUE spectra show several (usually asymmetric) absorption lines from highly ionized metals and a narrow Lα\alpha emission core on a broad absorption profile. The overall behavior of these lines suggests the existence of a wind at intermediate latitudes. From the analysis of the radial velocities we find M2/M1M_{2}/M_{1}= 0.24 ±\pm 0.02 and a mass function of ff= 4.76 ±\pm 0.24 M\odot. Our observations favor equatorial mass loss rather than high latitude outflows as the cause for the long variability.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS, main journa

    Effects of liraglutide compared with placebo on events of acute gallbladder or biliary disease in patients with type 2 diabetes at high risk for cardiovascular events in the LEADER randomized trial. Diabetes Care 2019;42:1912-1920

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    Skelin et al. have raised an important issue about competing risk in time-to-event analyses of acute gallbladder or biliary disease in the Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabetes: Evaluation of Cardiovascular Outcome Results (LEADER) trial. We thank them for the opportunity to discuss the data in the light of competing risk from a lower frequency of all-cause death with liraglutide compared with placebo in LEADER

    A Spectroscopic Study of Mass Outflows in the Interacting Binary RY Scuti

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    The massive interacting binary RY Scuti is an important representative of an active mass-transferring system that is changing before our eyes and which may be an example of the formation of a Wolf-Rayet star through tidal stripping. Utilizing new and previously published spectra, we present examples of how a number of illustrative absorption and emission features vary during the binary orbit. We identify spectral features associated with each component, calculate a new, double-lined spectroscopic binary orbit, and find masses of 7.1 +/- 1.2 M_sun for the bright supergiant and 30.0 +/- 2.1 M_sun for the hidden massive companion. Through tomographic reconstruction of the component spectra from the composite spectra, we confirm the O9.7 Ibpe spectral class of the bright supergiant and discover a B0.5 I spectrum associated with the hidden massive companion; however, we suggest that the latter is actually the spectrum of the photosphere of the accretion torus immediately surrounding the massive companion. We describe the complex nature of the mass loss flows from the system in the context of recent hydrodynamical models for beta Lyr, leading us to conclude RY Scuti has matter leaving the system in two ways: 1) a bipolar outflow from winds generated by the hidden massive companion, and 2) mass from the bright O9.7 Ibpe supergiant flowing from the region near the L2 point to fill out a large, dense circumbinary disk. This circumbinary disk (radius ~ 1 AU) may feed the surrounding double-toroidal nebula (radius ~ 2000 AU).Comment: 41 pages with 7 tables and 11 figures, accepted to Ap

    A cyclic bipolar wind in the interacting binary V393 Scorpii

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    V393 Scorpii is a Double Periodic Variable characterized by a relatively stable non-orbital photometric cycle of 253 days. Mennickent et al. argue for the presence of a massive optically thick disc around the more massive B-type component and describe the evolutionary stage of the system. In this paper we analyze the behavior of the main spectroscopic optical lines during the long non-orbital photometric cycle. We study the radial velocity of the donor determining their orbital elements and find a small but significant orbital eccentricity (e = 0.04). The donor spectral features are modeled and removed from the spectrum at every observing epoch using the light-curve model given by Mennickent et al. We find that the line emission is larger during eclipses and mostly comes from a bipolar wind. We find that the long cycle is explained in terms of a modulation of the wind strength; the wind has a larger line and continuum emissivity on the high state. We report the discovery of highly variable chromospheric emission in the donor, as revealed by Doppler maps of the emission lines MgII 4481 and CI 6588. We discuss notable and some novel spectroscopic features like discrete absorption components, especially visible at blue-depressed OI 7773 absorption wings during the second half-cycle, Balmer double emission with V/R-curves showing "Z-type" and "S-type" excursions around secondary and main eclipse, respectively, and H_beta emission wings extending up to +- 2000 km/s. We discuss possible causes for these phenomena and for their modulations with the long cycle.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA