175 research outputs found

    Promoting Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Education: The Panacea for Poverty Reduction in Nigeria

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    Poverty among Nigerian people has been noted to be devastating to the extent that Nigeria was ranked 12th among the poorest nations in the world by World Bank in its 2000 World Bank Atlas (Ohia, 2000). Findings also show that most Nigerians live on less than 1 Dollar per day. With poverty, hunger sets in with its attendant crime, corruption and many other social vices. These anomalies are prevalent among Nigerians because of the neglect meted out to TVET, which objectives hinge on the use of head and hands for wealth creation. This paper gives clue to phenomena about creative abilities and entrepreneurial spirit by which possession, one would expectantly become job creator rather than job seeker and as well raise his living standard above poverty level. In conclusion, the paper sadly pointed out that traditional ideas and primitive techniques that served well in the past are relegated in preference for foreign ideas and foreign made goods with minimal concern by Nigerians to improve on local capabilities. What should be done to achieve success were proffered

    Enhancing Quality in Educational Practice and Instructional Delivery by Teachers of Technology and Vocational Education in Nigeria

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    This paper is put together to educate on the best possible means to deliverinstructions to students in technical and vocational education (TVE) programs. Realizing that TVE involves skills acquisition and also practically affiliated, the paper is conscious of this fact. As a result, it highlighted techniques and the factors that determine good teaching assignment as part of best means to achieve success in TVE instructional delivery. Recommendations are proffered based on the highlights

    On the spectrum of the magnetohydrodynamic mean-field alpha^2-dynamo operator

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    The existence of magnetohydrodynamic mean-field alpha^2-dynamos with spherically symmetric, isotropic helical turbulence function alpha is related to a non-self-adjoint spectral problem for a coupled system of two singular second order ordinary differential equations. We establish global estimates for the eigenvalues of this system in terms of the turbulence function alpha and its derivative alpha'. They allow us to formulate an anti-dynamo theorem and a non-oscillation theorem. The conditions of these theorems, which again involve alpha and alpha', must be violated in order to reach supercritical or oscillatory regimes.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figures, to be published in SIAM J. Math. Anal

    Internet: A place for patent retrieval

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    Countries design patent laws according to their respective economic interest. Before one files intellectual property one should know the regimes under which his intellectual property is placed. Intellectual properties are always of intense debate. The basic reason for the controversies is due tolack of transdisciplinary approaches to address patent concepts. In this present mini-review, we are presenting some web links that will help any researcher to get acquainted with the rules and regulationof filling an intellectual property of some countries as internet is now viewed as the place form where retrieval of information is possible with in second

    Spectroscopie de vibration infrarouge du silicium amorphe hydrogéné évaporé

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    Ce travail porte sur l’étude des configurations des liaisons Si-H des couches minces du silicium amorphe hydrogéné évaporé (a-Si:H) préparées dans un bâti ultra-vide (UHV). L’hydrogène atomique est obtenu à l’aide d’un plasma dans un tube à décharge dirigé vers le porte-substrat. Les fréquences de vibrations et la nature des liaisons Si-H ont été analysées à partir des mesures de spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier.Mots-clés : silicium amorphe hydrogéné, absorption infrarouge, transformée de Fourie

    Solving the Class Responsibility Assignment Problem Using Metaheuristic Approach

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    Assigning responsibilities to classes is among first and arguably most important steps when creating objectoriented software design. This step depends greatly on human judgment and experience. In this paper our objective is to automatize assigning responsibilities to classes usingmetaheuristic optimization algorithms. Four different algorithms (simple genetic algorithm, hill climbing, simulated annealing and particle swarm optimization), using class coupling and cohesion metrics, were implemented and their results are compared. Implemented algorithms take semantically annotated responsibility dependency graph as input. This paper describes responsibility dependency graph, implemented algorithms and used coupling and cohesion metrics in detail. Paper also reports on a performed case study. Ultimately, based on results obtained from all implemented algorithms, conclusions on search landscape of class responsibility assignment problem are drawn

    Herschel/HIFI observations of interstellar OH+ and H2O+ towards W49N: a probe of diffuse clouds with a small molecular fraction

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    We report the detection of absorption by interstellar hydroxyl cations and water cations, along the sight-line to the bright continuum source W49N. We have used Herschel's HIFI instrument, in dual beam switch mode, to observe the 972 GHz N = 1 - 0 transition of OH+ and the 1115 GHz 1(11) - 0(00) transition of ortho-H2O+. The resultant spectra show absorption by ortho-H2O+, and strong absorption by OH+, in foreground material at velocities in the range 0 to 70 km/s with respect to the local standard of rest. The inferred OH+/H2O+ abundance ratio ranges from ~ 3 to ~ 15, implying that the observed OH+ arises in clouds of small molecular fraction, in the 2 - 8% range. This conclusion is confirmed by the distribution of OH+ and H2O+ in Doppler velocity space, which is similar to that of atomic hydrogen, as observed by means of 21 cm absorption measurements, and dissimilar from that typical of other molecular tracers. The observed OH+/H abundance ratio of a few E-8 suggests a cosmic ray ionization rate for atomic hydrogen of (0.6 - 2.4) E-16 s-1, in good agreement with estimates inferred previously for diffuse clouds in the Galactic disk from observations of interstellar H3+ and other species.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Computing Brane and Flux Superpotentials in F-theory Compactifications

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    In four-dimensional F-theory compactifications with N=1 supersymmetry the fields describing the dynamics of space-time filling 7-branes are part of the complex structure moduli space of the internal Calabi-Yau fourfold. We explicitly compute the flux superpotential in F-theory depending on all complex structure moduli, including the 7-brane deformations and the field corresponding to the dilaton-axion. Since fluxes on the 7-branes induce 5-brane charge, a local limit allows to effectively match the F-theory results to a D5-brane in a non-compact Calabi-Yau threefold with threeform fluxes. We analyze the classical and instanton contributions to the F-theory superpotential using mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau fourfolds. The F-theory compactifications under consideration also admit heterotic dual descriptions and we discuss the identification of the moduli in this non-perturbative duality.Comment: 75 pages, 1 figure; typos corrected, references adde
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