29 research outputs found

    Estimation of some genetic parameters through generation mean analysis in two winter wheat crosses

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    Background and Purpose: The objectives of this study were to estimate gene effects and heritability for three important quantitative traits (grain yield components) in two wheat crosses (Divana/Srpanjka and Soissons/Žitarka). Materials and Methods: Eight generations (namely; P1, P2, F1, F2, Bc1.1. (P1xF1), Bc1.2. (P2xF1), RBc1.1. (F1xP1) and RBc1.2. (F1xP2)) were raised and subjected to generation mean analysis for detecting the nature of gene effects responsible for inheritance of the number of grains, grainweight and single grain weight per spike of the longest culm. Results: Digenic epistatic model was adequate to explain variation in generationmeans for single grain weight in Divana/Srpanjka and for grain weight per spike of the longest culm in Soissons/Žitarka crossing combinations. Additive gene effects were more important for grain weight per spike of the longest culm in Soissons/Žitarka cross, while dominance and epistatic gene effects were predominant in controlling inheritance of single grain weight in Divana/Srpanjka cross. For the number of grains in both crosses, single grain weight in Soissons/Žitarka and grain weight per spike in Divana/Srpanjka crossing combinations, digenic epistatic model failed to explain variation in generation means. Conclusions: These data suggest that in crosses where digenic epistatic model was adequate with predominant positive influence of additive gene effects accompanied with high narrow-sense heritability, it is possible to expect advance for traits studied in further segregation generations. Crosses where digenic epistatic model were insufficient to explain all variation in generation means along with low heritability imply more complex nature of inheritance and/or influence of the environment on the expression of these traits

    The Relation between Dough Rheology and Bread Crumb Properties in Winter Wheat

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    The present paper is focused on rheology dough properties of winter wheat cultivars in relation to bread crumb properties. The rheological characteristics of wheat fl our were evaluated by using Farinograph and Extensograph tests. The image analysis for bread crumb grain assessment was applied as alternative technique for more rapid and efficient measurement of bread characteristics. The highest significant positive correlation (P<0.05) was found between bread crumb properties and extensographic parameters: dough energy, maximum dough resistance and resistance to extensibility ratio. Cultivars ‘Klara’, ‘Barbara’, ‘Žitarka’ and ‘Golubica’ have shown finer and uniform bread crumbs with regard to optimal dough physicochemical characteristics


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    Gluten proteins are primarily responsible for the end-use wheat quality and quite a number of methods for gluten quality evaluation was suggested and applied. The aim of the work presented here was to examine the genotype effect on the ratio of wet gluten to total protein content (WG/P), as measure of wet gluten production per protein unit. Ten winter wheat cultivars of Agricultural Institute Osijek were included in this study. Signifi cant (P<0.05) difference in WG/P ratio was noticed among analyzed cultivars. The ratio of the wet gluten to protein content varied within a broad range depending on genotype. The data showed that, with regard to Gluten Index (GI) value, cultivars with WG/P ratio range from 2.7 to 3.0 had optimal baking characteristics of gluten (GI varied between 75 and 90), while cultivars with strong gluten characteristics (GI>90), known as improvers, had WG/P ratio between 2.3 and 2.4. Signifi cant (P<0.05) negative correlation (r=-0.622) was determined between GI and WG/P ratio.Bjelančevine glutena imaju ključan utjecaj na kakvoću pšenice i preradbenu vrijednost brašna. Cilj rada bio je ispitati u kojoj mjeri je omjer vlažnog glutena i ukupnih bjelančevina (WG/P), kao mjera dobivene količine glutena po jedinici ukupnih bjelančevina, karakteristika genotipa. U radu je analizirano 10 kultivara ozime pšenice Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek. Kultivari se značajno razlikuju (p<0,05) po vrijednostima omjera WG/P. Kultivari S. Žitarka, Barbara, Žitarka i Golubica s omjerom WG/P između 2,7 i 3,0 pokazali su optimalna tehnološka svojstva. Gluten indeks ovih kultivara kreatao se od 75 do 90, dok su kultivari Srpanjka, Ana i Demetra, inače poznati kao poboljšivači obzirom na vrijednost GI>90, imali omjer WG/P između 2,3 i 2,4. Statistički značajna (p<0,05) negativna korelacija (r=-0,622) utvrđena je između GI i omjera WG/P


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    U Osijeku (istočna Hrvatska) tijekom tri godine postavljeni su pokusi s 25 sorti pšenice nastalih u Hrvatskoj, Italiji, Rumunjskoj, Francuskoj i Rusiji. Analizirani su prinos zrna, visina biljke, datum klasanja, masa 1000 zrna, hektolitarska masa, sadržaj proteina, sedimentacijska vrijednost, vlažni gluten, gluten indeks i broj padanja. Najveći prinos ostvarile su sorte \u27Katarina\u27, \u27Alka\u27 i \u27Renata\u27. \u27Alka i \u27Katarina\u27 imale su u prosjeku veće prinose za 15% u odnosu na \u27Slavoniju\u27, za 18% u odnosu na \u27Drpopiu\u27 i \u27Flamuru 85\u27, za 30% u odnosu na \u27Bezostaju 1\u27 i oko 54% u odnosu na \u27Sirban Prolifik\u27 i \u27U1\u27. Najniže prinose u tri godine istraživanja imale su sorte \u27U1\u27 (uvedena u proizvodnju 1936.), ‘Sirban Prolifik’ (uvedena u proizvodnju 1905.) i \u27Dubrava\u27 (priznata 1968.).Experiments with 25 wheat varieties which were developed in the last 100 years in Croatia, Italy, Romania, France and Russia were set up in Osijek (eastern Croatia) during three years. Grain yield, plant height, heading date, 1000 kernel weight, test weight, protein content, sedimentation value, wet gluten, gluten index and falling number were analyzed. Varieties ‘Katarina’, ‘Alka’ and ‘Renata’ had the highest grain yield. ‘Alka’ and ‘Katarina’ had yields in average 15% higher in average 15% higher yields compared with ‘Slavonija’, 18% higher than ‘Dropia’ and ‘Flamura 85’, 30% higher than ‘Bezostaja 1’ and about 54% higher than ‘Sirban Prolifik’ and \u27U1\u27. The lowest grain yield in all three years of research had varieties \u27U1\u27 (introduced in the production in 1936), ‘Sirban Prolifik’ (introduced in the production in 1905) and ‘Dubrava’ (recognized in1968)


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    Kvantitativna svojstva rezultat su genotipa, okoline i njihovih interakcija. Da bi se dobila informacija o reakciji genotipova ozime pšenice na različite okolinske uvjete postavljeni su pokusi u 2006./2007. godini s 24 genotipa ozime pšenice u dvije sjetvene norme (SN) s 300 i 600 zrna/m2 u četiri ponavljanja po shemi slučajnog bloknog rasporeda na četiri lokacije s različitim tipovima tala (Osijek, eutrični kambisol, Tovarnik, černozem, Nova Gradiška, aluvij i Požega, pseudoglejni tip tla). Analiziran je urod zrna, masa 1000 zrna, hektolitarska masa i sadržaj bjelančevina. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike za sva svojstva između genotipova (G), lokacija (L) i sjetvenih normi (SN), te za interakcije GxL i LxSN, a za hektolitarsku masu i interakciju GxSN. S većim urodom zrna najstabilniji genotipovi bili su Alka, Sana i Osk.89/05 u obje sjetvene norme, te Osk.48/07 u normi od 300, i Ficko u sjetvenoj normi od 600 zrna/m2. U obje sjetvene norme najveći urod zrna (78.79 dt/ha; 73.05 dt/ha) i hektolitarska masa (82.1 kg/hl; 81.8 kg/hl), ali uz najmanji sadržaj bjelančevina (11.4%; 11.3%) ostvareni su na lokaciji Tovarnik. Najmanji urod zrna u sjetvenoj normi od 600 zrna/m2 uz najveći sadržaj bjelančevina u obje sjetvene norme (14.1%; 14.4%) ostvaren je na lokaciji Osijek. Na lokaciji Nova Gradiška uz najmanji urod zrna u sklopu od 300 zrna/m2 utvrđena je najveća masa 1000 zrna u obje sjetvene norme. Najmanja hektolitarska i masa 1000 zrna u oba sklopa utvrđena je na lokaciji Požega. Najrodniji genotipovi bili su Lucija, Osk.48/07, Zlata, Srpanjka i Renata. Najveću hektolitarsku masu ostvarili su Felix, Lela, Osk.63/05, Renata i Super Žitarka, a masu 1000 zrna Osk.63/05, Super Žitarka, Renata, Felix i Osk.64/05. Najveći sadržaj bjelančevina utvrđen je kod genotipova Divana, Golubica, Žitarka, Osk.63/05 i Osk.77/05. Ostvaren je veći urod i veća hektolitarska masa zrna svih genotipova u sjetvenoj normi od 600 zrna/m2. Općenito, kod većine genotipova postoji tendencija većeg sadržaja bjelančevina i manje mase 1000 zrna kod norme od 600 zrna/m2 u odnosu na manju sjetvenu normu. Ipak, utvrđena je i specifična reakcija pojedinih genotipova.interactions. To obtain information about the reaction of winter wheat genotypes to different environmental conditions experiments were set in 2006/2007 with 24 winter wheat genotypes in two seeding rates (SN) at 300 and 600 seeds/m2 in four replications in randomized complete block design at four locations with different soil types (Osijek-eutric Cambisols, Tovarnikchernozem, Nova Gradiška, alluvium and Požega, pseudogley-soil type). Grain yield, 1000 kernel weight, test weight and protein content were analyzed. Significant differences were obtained in all traits between genotypes (G), locations (L) and sowing rates (SN) and interactions GxL and LxSN, and for test weight between interaction GxSN. With higher grain yield the most stable genotypes were Alka, Sana and Osk.89/05 at both seeding rates and Osk.48/07 at 300, and Ficko at 600 seeds/m2. In both seeding rates highest grain yield (78.79 dt/ha; 73.05 dt/ha) and test weight (82.1 kg/hl; 81.8 kg/hl), but with the lowest protein content (11.4%, 11.3%) were recorded at location Tovarnik. The lowest grain yield in seeding rate at 600 seeds/m2 and the highest protein content in both seeding rates (14.1%, 14.4%) were recorded at location Osijek. At location Nova Gradiška was the lowest grain yield at 300 seeds/m2 and the highest 1000 kernel weight at both seeding rates. The lowest test weight and 1000 kernel weight at both seeding rates were recorded at location Požega. Best yielding genotypes were Lucija, Osk.48/07, Zlata, Srpanjka and Renata. The highest test weight had genotypes Felix, Lela, Osk.63/05, Renata and Super Žitarka and the highest 1000 kernel weight had Osk.63/05, Super Žitarka, Renata, Felix and Osk.64/05. The highest protein content had genotypes Divana, Golubica, Žitarka, Osk.63/05 and Osk.77/05. All genotypes had the higher yield and test weight in seeding rate at 600 seeds/m2. Generally, there is a tendency to higher protein content and less 1000 kernel weight in seeding rate at 600 seeds/m2. However, specific reactions of individual genotypes can be recorded

    Estimated quantity of deoxynivalenol (DON) in wheat genotypes

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    Mikotoksini (mykes - grč. gljiva, toxikon - grč. otrov) su sekundarni metaboliti kemijski vrlo različite strukture s različitim biološkim učincima. Ovisno o Fusarium vrsti, na zrnima se mogu očekivati mikotoksini: zearalenol, deoksinivalenol (F. graminearum), T-2 toksin, neosolaniol, scirpenol (F. avenaceum), T-2 toksin, HT-2 toksin, tetraol (F. poae). Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati varijabilnost genotipova pšenice kod procijenjenih količina DON-a, a na temelju simptoma bolesti ocijenjenih na 22. dan nakon umjetnih infekcija. Najmanje procijenjene količine DON-a izračunate su kod genotipova Renan (0,8 mg/kg), Soissons (1,0 mg/kg), Sirban Prolifik (1,3 mg/kg) i Libellula (1,5 mg/kg), a najveće kod genotipova Osk.553/98 (7,5 mg/ kg), Osk.554/97 (7,1 mg/kg), Žitarka (6,4 mg/kg), i Zlatna Dolina (5,8 mg/kg).Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of very different chemical structure with different biological effects. Depending on the Fusarium species in grains we can expect mycotoxins: zearalenol, deoxynivalenol (F. graminearum), T-2 toxin, neosolaniol, scirpenol (F. avenaceum), T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, tetraol (F. poae) . The aim of this paper is to present the variability of wheat genotypes with an estimated amount of DON based on symptoms of disease assessed at 22nd day after artificial infections. The lowest estimated amounts of DON in genotypes were calculated for Renan (0.8 mg/kg), Soissons (1.0 mg/kg), Sirban Prolific (1.3 mg/kg) and Libellula (1.5 mg/kg), and the highest in Osk.553/98 (7.5 mg/kg), Osk.554/97 (7.1 mg/kg), Žitarka (6.4 mg/kg) and Zlatna Dolina (5.8 mg/kg)


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    U Republici Hrvatskoj, u razdoblju od 1885. do 2010. godine, požete površine pod pšenicom rasle su do 1964. godine (od 190.000 ha u 1885. god. do 442.000 ha u 1964. god.), a od tada do danas bilježi se pad sve do 2010. godine kada je bila požeta najmanja površina od 141.000 ha. U razdoblju 1885-2010. god., proizvodnja pšenice varirala je od najmanjih 155.000 tona 1897. godine, dok je rekordna proizvo-dnja od 1.6 milijuna tona ostvarena 1990. godine. Promatrajući prosječne prinose, najniži prosječni prinos iznosio je 658 kg/ha (1897. god.), a najveći prinos od 5.483 kg/ha ostvaren je u 2008. godini. U promatranom razdoblju požete površine smanjivale su se na godišnjoj razini od 238 ha, dok su ukupna proizvodnja i prosječni prinosi rasli na godišnjoj razini u iznosu od 8.888 tona ili 37 kg/ha. Analizirajući pojedina razdoblja rezultati pokazuju da su u razdoblju 1885-1914. god. požete površine i proizvodnja rasle na godišnjoj razini od 6.760 ha i 5.473 tone, a prosječni prinosi zrna 5,7 kg/ha/godišnje. U razdoblju 1921-1939. god. požete površine i proizvodnja rasli na godišnjoj razini 2.813 ha i 5.618 tona, a prosječni prinosi zrna 6,5 kg/ha/godišnje. U razdoblju 1945-1991. god. požete površine su se smanjivale na godišnjoj razini od 1.080 ha. Proizvodnja je kontinuirano rasla na godišnjoj razini od 25.026 tona, a prosječni prinos zrna 84 kg/ha/ godišnje. U razdoblju 1992-2010. god. trend smanjivanja požetih površina se nastavio na godišnjoj razini od 2.168 ha, dok je za proizvodnju utvrđeno godišnje smanjivanje od 64 tona. Prosječni prinos zrna rastao je prosječno 61 kg/ha/godišnje.In Republic of Croatia from year 1885 till 2010 wheat harvested area grew from year 1885 to 1964 (from 190,000 ha to 442,000 ha), and since then till nowadays they decreased until year 2010 when harvested area was at the lowest level of 141,000 ha. In the same period wheat production varied from 155,000 tons in year 1897, while the best harvest year of 1.6 millions of tons was recorded in year 1990. In respect of grain yield, the lowest grain yields were recorded in year 1897 (658 kg/ha), and highest of 5,483 kg/ha was in year 2008. In the same period harvested area decreased at the annual level of 238 ha, while total production and grain yields were increased by 8,888 tons and 37 kg/ha annually. In period of year 1885-1914 harvested area and production were increased by 6,760 ha and 5,473 tons annually, and grain yields by 5.7 kg/ha/annually. In period of year 1921-1939 harvested area and production were increased by 2,813 ha and 5,618 tons annually, and grain yields by 6.5 kg/ha/annually while in the period of year 1945-1991 harvested area were decreasing by 1,080 ha annually. Production continuously grew by 25,026 tons annually and grain yield by 84 kg/ha/annually. In period of year 1992-2010 decreasing trend of harvested area has continued by 2,168 ha annually, while wheat production decreased by 64 tons annually. Grain yields were increased by 61 kg/ha/annually


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    The end-use quality of ten winter wheat cultivars was evaluated during the two years period 2004 and 2005 and through multi location trials. A better end-use quality of cultivars was noticed in 2004 compared with 2005. The highest protein, sedimentation value and wet gluten were realized at location Nova Gradiška, while at location Osijek the highest falling number and the highest grain hardness were found. The best flour yield was noticed at location Tovarnik and Nova Gradiška. A lack of protein with the smallest wet gluten production capacity was shown at location Požega, however at this location, as well as at location Osijek, the highest gluten index was noticed. The better mixing tolerance, regarding the degree of softening, was obtained at location Osijek and Nova Gradiška, while the best dough stretching and elasticity properties were obtained at location Osijek. Based on the average values, cultivar Golubica showed the optimal values for the most indirect quality traits. Concerning the mixing behaviour of dough, cultivars Golubica, Zrnka and Janica had the highest farinograph quality number, while cultivars Srpanjka and Alka had the lowest degree of softening. Cultivars Srpanjka and Demetra showed the best dough stretching and elasticity properties.Namjenska kakvoća deset kultivara ozime pšenice je analiziran tijekom dvije 2004. i 2005. godine na višelokacijskom pokusu. U 2004. godini kultivari su na razini prosječnih vrijednosti ostvarili bolju namjensku kakvoću u usporedbi s 2005. Najveće vrijednosti proteina, sedimentacijske vrijednosti i vlažnog glutena ostvarene su na lokaciji Nova Gradiška, dok su na lokaciji Osijeku dobivene najveće vrijednosti broja padanja i tvrdoće zrna. Najbolje izbrašnjavanje je zabilježeno na lokaciji Tovarnik. Lokacija Požega je imala najniži udio proteina s najmanjim kapacitetom produkcije vlažnog glutena, međutim na ovoj lokaciji kao i na lokaciji Osijek ostvarena je najveća vrijednost gluten indeksa. Bolja tolerancija na zamjes, obzirom na stupanj omekšanja tijesta, o stvarena j e n a l okaciji O sijek i N ova G radiška, d ok s u n ajveći o tpor n a rastezanje tijesta i najbolja elastičnost tijesta, obzirom na energiju i maksimalni otpor, ostvareni na lokaciji Osijek. Sveukupno, kultivar Golubica je imao najbolje vrijednosti za većinu indirektnih pokazatelja kakvoće. Promatrajući svojstva tijesta pri zamjesu, kultivari Golubica, Zrnka i Janica su imali najveći farinografski broj kakvoće, dok su najmanji stupanj omekšanja tijesta imali kultivari Srpanjka i Alka. Što se tiče otpora tijesta na rastezanje i svojstva elastičnosti, najbolja svojstva su ostvarili kultivari Srpanjka i Demetra