15 research outputs found

    Sadržaj olova. mangana i kadmija u inhalabilnoj i respirabilnoj frakciji lebdećih čestica - prva istraživanja

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    This paper describes a pilot study of lead, manganese, and cadmium content in thoracic particle fraction and high-risk respirable fraction of airborne particles. Samples were collected at one measuring site in Zagreb during autumn 1998 and spring 1999. The results show that the total heavy metal content is found in the high-risk respirable particle fraction, and point to two main pollution sources, the first for lead and manganese and the other for cadmium.Prikazani su početni rezultati određivanja sadržaja olova, mangana i kadmija u inhalabilnoj i respirabilnoj frakciji lebdećih čestica mjerenih na jednome mjernom mjestu u Zagrebu tijekom jeseni 1998. i proljeća 1999. godine. Iz rezultata je vidljivo da se cjelokupan sadržaj istraživanih metala nalazi u respirabilnoj frakciji čestica. Dominiraju dva izvora onečiŔćenja, jedan za čestice, olovo i mangan te drugi za kadmij. Istraživanja se nastavljaju

    Koncentracije lebdećih čestica u atmosferi Zagreba u razdoblju 1975.-1993.

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    Daily average mass concentrations of total suspended particulate matter were measured at three sampling sites in Zagreb, and evaluated for the period April 1975 - March 1993. Each sampling site represented a different town area (residential, business and administrative, industrial) with different traffic density and type of energent used for space heating. The time trends of concentration levels could, to a certain extent, be attributed to traffic flow modification in the vicinity of the sampling sites, introduction of natural gas in dwellings and degree of energy consumption influenced by the standard of living. Periodograms show a well pronounced seasonal dependence of total suspended particulate matter concentrations, with high concentrations during winters. Analysis of the results in respect to the European Community air quality limits (1) and the levels of other pollutants (SO2 and smoke) leads to the conclusion that particulates being a persistent permanent problem have become a major issue concerning ambient air pollution in Zagreb.Prosječne dnevne koncentracije ukupnih lebdećih čestica, mjerene na tri lokacije u gradu Zagrebu, prikazane su za razdoblje 1. travnja 1975. do 31, ožujka 1993. godine. Svako od mjernih mjesta predstavlja različito područje grada s obzirom na gustoću prometa, vrstu energenta koji se upotrebljava za grijanje prostora, namjenu zgrada i sl. Vremenski trendovi koncentracija mogu se do stanovite mjere pripisati promjenama u režimu prometa u blizini mjernih mjesta, uvođenju plina na pojedinim područjima te razini koriÅ”tenja energije ovisno o promjenama životnog standarda. Periodogrami pokazuju dobro izraženu sezonsku ovisnost koncentracija, s poviÅ”enim vrijednostima tijekom hladnog dijela godine. Usporedba dobivenih rezultata s preporučenim graničnim vrijednostima Europske zajednice vodi do zaključka da su lebdeće čestice najvažniji i stalni problem onečiŔćenja atmosfere u gradu Zagreb

    Sulfati, nitrati i kloridi u frakcijama različitih veličina lebdećih čestica

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    This paper describes a pilot study of chloride, nitrate, and sulphate content in thoracic and highrisk respirable fractions of airborne particles. Samples were collected at one measuring site in Zagreb in autumn 1998 and spring 1999. The results showed that almost total chloride, nitrate, and sulphate content was present in the respirable particle fraction. The average mass contribution of these pollutants to the particle mass amounted to 25%. Although chloride mass concentrations were quite low, the findings indicated that all pollutants originated from the same source.Istraživanja pokazuju da praćenje razina koncentracija samo ukupnih lebdećih čestica nije dostatno te da je povezanost negativnih zdravstvenih učinaka bolja s razinama koncentracija pojedinih frakcija veličina čestica i njihovih sastojaka. Prikazani su početni rezultati određivanja sadržaja klorida, nitrata i sulfata u inhalabilnoj i respirabilnoj frakciji lebdećih čestica mjerenih na jednome mjernom mjestu u Zagrebu tijekom jeseni 1998. i proljeća 1999. godine. Frakcije PM10 i PM2,5 lebdećih čestica skupljane su na membranskim filtrima uz izdvajanje nerespirabilnog dijela čestica iz uzorka uporabom impaktora. Masene koncentracije frakcija lebdećih čestica određene su gravimetrijski, dok su masene koncentracije u vodi topljivih sulfata, nitrata i klorida u frakcijama lebdećih čestica određene metodom ionske kromatografije. Rezultati pokazuju da se pretežni dio navedenih onečiŔćenja nalazi u respirabilnoj frakciji lebdećih čestica te da njihov doprinos ukupnoj masi čestica iznosi oko 25%. Iako su koncentracije klorida bile pretežito niske, moguće je zaključiti da sva navedena onečiŔćenja potječu pretežito iz istog izvora

    Istraživanja onečiŔćenja zraka

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    The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the research in the area of air pollution, carried out exclusively at the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health and performed by the scientists of the Institute. For the past fifty years, air quality has been studied at work, in the ambient air of urban and industrial areas, and in various indoor environments without occupational exposure. Methods for sampling and measuring air pollutants have been introduced or developed and verified. The behaviour and the fate of air pollutants in the environment have also been investigated. Since the primary goal of the studies was to assess the extent of human exposure to air pollutants, the data were used to calculate the risk for various population groups. A dynamic model of exposure for various population groups relied on calculations of collected data, taking into account time spent in various microenvironments. This text describes the cooperation of the Institute with other institutions and agencies on the national and international level and outlines the current and prospective activities.Dan je pregled istraživanja na području onečiŔćenja zraka provedenih većinom u Institutu za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, koja su izveli znanstveni suradnici Instituta. Proučavali su kakvoću zraka na radnim mjestima, u vanjskom zraku gradskih i industrijskih područja i u atmosferi različitih zatvorenih prostora u kojima izloženost nije posljedica proizvodnje. Uveli su i provjerili metode skupljanja i mjerenja onečiŔćujućih tvari iz zraka. Istraživali su ponaÅ”anje i sudbinu onečiŔćujućih tvari u okoliÅ”u. Kako je prvenstveni cilj istraživanja bio ocjena izloženosti ljudi onečiŔćenom zraku, podatke istraživanja su rabili za izračunavanje izloženosti pojedinih skupina stanovnika uzimajući u obzir vrijeme provedeno u pojedinim mikrookolinama. Razvijen je i dinamički model izloženosti ljudi. Opisana je suradnja s drugim institucijama i organizacijama na državnoj i međunarodnoj razini. Dan je i pregled aktivnosti koje su do sada u toku, kao i onih koje se planiraju izvesti u skoroj budućnosti

    Učinak duŔikova dioksida na broj posjeta hitnim službama

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    The paper describes an investigation of shortterm effects of NO2 concentrations in the air on the number of emergency room visits caused by respiratory impairments, particularly asthma in adults and children. The data were collected from clinical emergency room records from July 1, 1994 to December 31, 1995. Concurrently, readings of average weekly concentrations of NO2 (Āµg/m3), average weekly temperature (Ā°C), air pressure (kPa), and relative humidity (%) were registered. Trend and seasonality effects were estimated by the locally weighted regression (LOESS). After standardising for trend, seasonality, and meteorological conditions, the number of cases was regressed on weekly NO2 concentration, including the current and the previous week concentrations and autocorrelated residual. The weekly average NO2 concentrations were significantly associated with the number of emergency asthma cases for children and adults and with the total number of emergency respiratory cases in children, but not in adults. The results suggest that health effects of NO2 on risk groups can be detected even in moderately polluted environments. The effect is more pronounced in children.Analizirani su kratkoročni učinci prosječnih tjednih koncentracija NO2 u zraku na broj posjeta hitnim službama zbog pogorÅ”anja stanja bolesti respiratornog sustava, posebno astme u odraslih i djece. Podaci su prikupljeni iz knjiga hitnih službi u razdoblju od 1. srpnja 1994. do 31. prosinca 1995. Bilježene su prosječne tjedne koncentracije NO2 (Āµg/m3), prosječne tjedne temperature (Ā°C), tlak zraka (kPa) i relativna vlaga (%). Trend i sezonalnost procijenjeni su lokalnom ponderiranom regresijom (LOESS). Nakon isključivanja učinka trenda, sezonalnosti i meteoroloÅ”kih uvjeta, broj hitnih slučajeva modeliran je u ovisnosti o tjednim koncentracijama NO2, uključujući koncentracije za tekući i prethodni tjedan te autokorelaciju reziduala. Prosječne tjedne koncentracije NO2 statistički su značajno povezane s brojem hitnih slučajeva astme u djece i odraslih s ukupnim brojem hitnih respiratornih slučajeva u djece, ali ne i u odraslih. Rezultati pokazuju da i pri umjereno visokim koncentracijama NO2 možemo opaziti učinak onečiŔćenja na zdravlje, pogotovo u osoba iz skupina poviÅ”enog rizika. Taj utjecaj na zdravlje osobito je naglaÅ”en u djece

    Mass Concentrations of Water-Soluble Ions in PM2.5_{2.5} Particle Fraction Measured at Urban Background Site in Croatia

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    Mass concentrations of PM2.5_{2.5} particle fraction, water-soluble anion species (Clāˆ’^{-}, NO3_{3}āˆ’^{-}, SO4_{4}2āˆ’^{2-}) and cation species (Na+^{+}, NH4_{4}+^{+}, K+^{+}, Mg2+^{2+}, Ca2+^{2+}) were determined, to investigated the relationship between pollutant mass concentrations, contribution of measured species to PM2.5_{2.5} mass and prediction of the pollutant sources. Daily PM2.5_{2.5} samples were taken over three years 2014 ā€“ 2016 at urban background site (UBS) in northern part of Zagreb, Croatia. Mass concentrations of PM2.5_{2.5} particle fraction were determined by gravimetry according to the standard HRN EN 14907:2006 (EN 14907:2005) and HRN EN 12341:2014 (EN 12341:2014). Water-soluble ionic species were analysed using Thermo Scientific ā€“ ICS 5000 Capillary ion chromatography. Annual average PM2.5_{2.5} mass concentration ranged from 19.6 Ī¼g māˆ’3^{-3} to 22.7Ī¼g māˆ’3^{-3} respectively. The annual average ion mass concentrations at UBS followed the order SO4_{4}āˆ’2^{-2} > NO3_{3}āˆ’^{-} > NH4_{4}+^{+} > K+^{+} > Ca2+^{2+} > Clāˆ’^{-} > Na+^{+} > Mg2+^{2+}, respectively, contributed from 26.5% to 31.5% to the overall PM2.5_{2.5} mass, respectively. Annual average mass ratios of (NO3_{3}āˆ’^{-})/(SO4_{4}2āˆ’^{2-}) obtained in PM2.5_{2.5} ranged from 0.76 to 1.07, respectively, indicating that mobile source emission was an important contributor to particle mass at UBS. The prediction of the pollutant sources, we ran the principal component analysis (PCA), which was performed using the STATISTICA 12.0 statistical packages. After varimax rotation, the obtained principal component factors were found to account for 95% of the variance. Factor loadings > 0.7 were considered significant

    Utjecaj tipova vremena na razine koncentracija metala sadržanih u frakciji lebdećih čestica PM10 u atmosferi iznad Zagreba

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    This study investigates the influence of weather types found over the continental part of Croatia on daily PM10 concentrations and concentrations of metallic compounds in PM10 (namely manganese, lead and cadmium) in air during 2000ā€“2002 period. Pollutant concentrations were measured at the northern, residential part of Zagreb, far from major pollution sources. Weather types were determined from synoptic charts. In the employed categorization six different patterns were recognized: radiation weather type, high pressure ridge, precipitation weather type, southeastern advection, northeastern advection and wind weather type. The most frequently, elevated concentrations were related to radiation weather type and southeastern advection, while the lowest concentrations were recorded during the wind weather type. Obtained results generally suggest a major role of the local pollution sources, and particularly of the Zagreb industrial zone, in suspended particles/metallic compounds pollution. Since cadmium exhibits somewhat different behavior, the role of the long-range transport in cadmium pollution needs to be further investigated. Synoptic conditions favorable for elevated concentrations occurred in about 37% of investigated days. Typically, these conditions are characterized by 1) the weak winds and turbulence, and consequently, inefficient pollutant concentration dilution (the nighttime and wintertime radiative conditions); or 2) southeastern airflow (southeastern advection and daytime radiative conditions), which transports pollutants from industrial zone of Zagreb towards the measuring site. Due to the latter, particulate pollutants emitted in the industrial zone pass rather frequently above the eastern part of Zagreb.U radu je istražen utjecaj tipova vremena na dnevne koncentracije frakcije lebdećih čestica PM10 te olova, mangana i kadmija sadržanih u PM10 u razdoblju od 2000. do zaključno 2002. godine. Koncentracije su mjerene u sjevernom, rezidancijalnom dijelu Zagreba, podalje od većih izvora onečiŔćujućih tvari. Tipovi vremena (radijacijski, greben visokog tlaka, oborinski, vjetreni te jugoistočna i sjeverozapadna advekcija), određeni su na temelju sinoptičkih karata. PoviÅ”ene koncentracije primijećene su tijekom radijacijskoga tipa i jugoistočne advekcije, a najniže tijekom vjetrenoga tipa vremena. Rezultati općenito ukazuju na važnu ulogu lokalnih izvora onečiŔćenja, naročito industrijske zone. Kako je slika za kadmij donekle drugačija, u daljnjem radu potrebno je ispitati ulogu daljinskog prijenosa u onečiŔćenju kadmijem. Uvjeti koji pogoduju povićenim razinama onečiŔćenja dogodili su se tijekom promatranog razdoblja u 37% ispitanih dana, a općenito ih karakterizira: 1) slab vjetar i slaba turbulencija, odnosno slabo razrijeđivanje onečiŔćujuće tvari (noću i zimi tijekom radijacijskog tipa vremena), ili 2) jugoistočno strujanje (pri jugoistočnoj advekciji te danju tijekom radijacijskog tipa) koje prenosi polutante od industrijske zone prema mjernom mjestu. Stoga onečiŔćujuće tvari koje su emitirane u industrijskoj zoni prilično često prolaze nad istočnim dijelom Zagreba

    Wood Dust Exposure in Wood Industry and Forestry

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    The aim of the study was to determine occupational exposure in Croatian wood processing industry and forest workers to harmful effects of wood dust on the risk of nose, nasal cavity and lung carcinoma. Mass concentrations of respirable particles and total wood dust were measured at two wood processing plants, three woodwork shops, and one lumbering site, where 225 total wood dust samples and 221 respirable particle samples were collected. Wood dust mass concentration was determined by the gravimetric method. Mass concentrations exceeding total wood dust maximal allowed concentration (MAC, 3 mg/m3) were measured for beechwood and oakwood dust in 38% (79/206) of study samples from wood processing facilities (plants and woodwork shops). Mass concentrations of respirable particles exceeding MAC (1 mg/m3) were recorded in 24% (48/202) of samples from wood processing facilities (mean 2.38_2.08 mg/m3 in plants and 3.6 Ā±2.22 mg/m3 in woodwork shops). Thus, 13% (27/206) of work sites in wood processing facilities failed to meet health criteria according to European guidelines. Launching of measures to reduce wood dust emission to the work area is recommended

    Is Association between Mortality and Air Pollution due to a Short Temporal Displacement?

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    Standard methodology for analysis of air pollution epidemiological time series expresses effects in terms of relative risk, i.e. increases in the number of events associated with a short term increase in air pollution. However, even large relative mortality rates may in fact reflect a very small effect in terms of person-years life loss. In Zagreb, mortality in 1995ā€“1997 was significantly associated with concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). We have used STL decomposition of time series into additive components of decreasing smoothness to test the hypothesis that mortality ā€” air pollution association is due to short term mortality displacement. According to our results association between mortality and concentrations of NO2 remains statistically significant at time scales ranging from a few days to 1ā€“2 months