17 research outputs found

    Circulating Ouabain Modulates Expression of Claudins in Rat Intestine and Cerebral Blood Vessels

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    The ability of exogenous low ouabain concentrations to affect claudin expression and therefore epithelial barrier properties was demonstrated previously in cultured cell studies. We hypothesized that chronic elevation of circulating ouabain in vivo can affect the expression of claudins and tight junction permeability in different tissues. We tested this hypothesis in rats intraperitoneally injected with ouabain (1 μg/kg) for 4 days. Rat jejunum, colon and brain frontal lobes, which are variable in the expressed claudins and tight junction permeability, were examined. Moreover, the porcine jejunum cell line IPEC-J2 was studied. In IPEC-J2-cells, ouabain (10 nM, 19 days of incubation) stimulated epithelial barrier formation, increased transepithelial resistance and the level of cSrc-kinase activation by phosphorylation, accompanied with an increased expression of claudin-1, -5 and down-regulation of claudin-12; the expression of claudin-3, -4, -8 and tricellulin was not changed. In the jejunum, chronic ouabain increased the expression of claudin-1, -3 and -5 without an effect on claudin-2 and -4 expression. In the colon, only down-regulation of claudin-3 was observed. Chronic ouabain protected the intestine transepithelial resistance against functional injury induced by lipopolysaccharide treatment or by modeled acute microgravity; this regulation was most pronounced in the jejunum. Claudin-1 was also up-regulated in cerebral blood vessels. This was associated with reduction of claudin-3 expression while the expression of claudin-5 and occludin was not affected. Altogether, our results confirm that circulating ouabain can functionally and tissue-specifically affect barrier properties of epithelial and endothelial tissues via Na,K-ATPase-mediated modulation of claudins expression

    Human APP Gene Expression Alters Active Zone Distribution and Spontaneous Neurotransmitter Release at the Drosophila Larval Neuromuscular Junction

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    This study provides further insight into the molecular mechanisms that control neurotransmitter release. Experiments were performed on larval neuromuscular junctions of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster lines with different levels of human amyloid precursor protein (APP) production. To express human genes in motor neurons of Drosophila, the UAS-GAL4 system was used. Human APP gene expression increased the number of synaptic boutons per neuromuscular junction. The total number of active zones, detected by Bruchpilot protein puncta distribution, remained unchanged; however, the average number of active zones per bouton decreased. These disturbances were accompanied by a decrease in frequency of miniature excitatory junction potentials without alteration in random nature of spontaneous quantal release. Similar structural and functional changes were observed with co-overexpression of human APP and β-secretase genes. In Drosophila line with expression of human amyloid-β42 peptide itself, parameters analyzed did not differ from controls, suggesting the specificity of APP effects.These results confirm the involvement of APP in synaptogenesis and provide evidence to suggest that human APP overexpression specifically disturbs the structural and functional organization of active zone and results in altered Bruchpilot distribution and lowered probability of spontaneous neurotransmitter release

    Chronic Nicotine Modifies Skeletal Muscle Na,K-ATPase Activity through Its Interaction with the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor and Phospholemman

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    Our previous finding that the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and the Na,K-ATPase interact as a regulatory complex to modulate Na,K-ATPase activity suggested that chronic, circulating nicotine may alter this interaction, with long-term changes in the membrane potential. To test this hypothesis, we chronically exposed rats to nicotine delivered orally for 21–31 days. Chronic nicotine produced a steady membrane depolarization of ∼3 mV in the diaphragm muscle, which resulted from a net change in electrogenic transport by the Na,K-ATPase α2 and α1 isoforms. Electrogenic transport by the α2 isoform increased (+1.8 mV) while the activity of the α1 isoform decreased (−4.4 mV). Protein expression of Na,K-ATPase α1 or α2 isoforms and the nAChR did not change; however, the content of α2 subunit in the plasma membrane decreased by 25%, indicating that its stimulated electrogenic transport is due to an increase in specific activity. The physical association between the nAChR, the Na,K-ATPase α1 or α2 subunits, and the regulatory subunit of the Na,K-ATPase, phospholemman (PLM), measured by co-immuno precipitation, was stable and unchanged. Chronic nicotine treatment activated PKCα/β2 and PKCδ and was accompanied by parallel increases in PLM phosphorylation at Ser63 and Ser68. Collectively, these results demonstrate that nicotine at chronic doses, acting through the nAChR-Na,K-ATPase complex, is able to modulate Na,K-ATPase activity in an isoform-specific manner and that the regulatory range includes both stimulation and inhibition of enzyme activity. Cholinergic modulation of Na,K-ATPase activity is achieved, in part, through activation of PKC and phosphorylation of PLM

    Chronic Ouabain Prevents Na,K-ATPase Dysfunction and Targets AMPK and IL-6 in Disused Rat Soleus Muscle

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    Sustained sarcolemma depolarization due to loss of the Na,K-ATPase function is characteristic for skeletal muscle motor dysfunction. Ouabain, a specific ligand of the Na,K-ATPase, has a circulating endogenous analogue. We hypothesized that the Na,K-ATPase targeted by the elevated level of circulating ouabain modulates skeletal muscle electrogenesis and prevents its disuse-induced disturbances. Isolated soleus muscles from rats intraperitoneally injected with ouabain alone or subsequently exposed to muscle disuse by 6-h hindlimb suspension (HS) were studied. Conventional electrophysiology, Western blotting, and confocal microscopy with cytochemistry were used. Acutely applied 10 nM ouabain hyperpolarized the membrane. However, a single injection of ouabain (1 µg/kg) prior HS was unable to prevent the HS-induced membrane depolarization. Chronic administration of ouabain for four days did not change the α1 and α2 Na,K-ATPase protein content, however it partially prevented the HS-induced loss of the Na,K-ATPase electrogenic activity and sarcolemma depolarization. These changes were associated with increased phosphorylation levels of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), its substrate acetyl-CoA carboxylase and p70 protein, accompanied with increased mRNA expression of interleikin-6 (IL-6) and IL-6 receptor. Considering the role of AMPK in regulation of the Na,K-ATPase, we suggest an IL-6/AMPK contribution to prevent the effects of chronic ouabain under skeletal muscle disuse

    Skeletal Muscle Na,K-ATPase as a Target for Circulating Ouabain

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    While the role of circulating ouabain-like compounds in the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, kidney and other tissues in health and disease is well documented, little is known about its effects in skeletal muscle. In this study, rats were intraperitoneally injected with ouabain (0.1–10 µg/kg for 4 days) alone or with subsequent injections of lipopolysaccharide (1 mg/kg). Some rats were also subjected to disuse for 6 h by hindlimb suspension. In the diaphragm muscle, chronic ouabain (1 µg/kg) hyperpolarized resting potential of extrajunctional membrane due to specific increase in electrogenic transport activity of the α2 Na,K-ATPase isozyme and without changes in α1 and α2 Na,K-ATPase protein content. Ouabain (10–20 nM), acutely applied to isolated intact diaphragm muscle from not injected rats, hyperpolarized the membrane to a similar extent. Chronic ouabain administration prevented lipopolysaccharide-induced (diaphragm muscle) or disuse-induced (soleus muscle) depolarization of the extrajunctional membrane. No stimulation of the α1 Na,K-ATPase activity in human red blood cells, purified lamb kidney and Torpedo membrane preparations by low ouabain concentrations was observed. Our results suggest that skeletal muscle electrogenesis is subjected to regulation by circulating ouabain via the α2 Na,K-ATPase isozyme that could be important for adaptation of this tissue to functional impairment

    Isoform-Specific Na,K-ATPase Alterations Precede Disuse-Induced Atrophy of Rat Soleus Muscle

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    This study examines the isoform-specific effects of short-term hindlimb suspension (HS) on the Na,K-ATPase in rat soleus muscle. Rats were exposed to 24–72 h of HS and we analyzed the consequences on soleus muscle mass and contractile parameters; excitability and the resting membrane potential (RMP) of muscle fibers; the electrogenic activity, protein, and mRNA content of the α1 and α2 Na,K-ATPase; the functional activity and plasma membrane localization of the α2 Na,K-ATPase. Our results indicate that 24–72 h of HS specifically decreases the electrogenic activity of the Na,K-ATPase α2 isozyme and the RMP of soleus muscle fibers. This decrease occurs prior to muscle atrophy or any change in contractile parameters. The α2 mRNA and protein content increased after 24 h of HS and returned to initial levels at 72 h; however, even the increased content was not able to restore α2 enzyme activity in the disused soleus muscle. There was no change in the membrane localization of α2 Na,K-ATPase. The α1 Na,K-ATPase electrogenic activity, protein and mRNA content did not change. Our findings suggest that skeletal muscle use is absolutely required for α2 Na,K-ATPase transport activity and provide the first evidence that Na,K-ATPase alterations precede HS-induced muscle atrophy

    Chronic Ouabain Prevents Radiation-Induced Reduction in the α2 Na,K-ATPase Function in the Rat Diaphragm Muscle

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    The damaging effect of ionizing radiation (IR) on skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase is an open field of research. Considering a therapeutic potential of ouabain, a specific ligand of the Na,K-ATPase, we tested its ability to protect against the IR-induced disturbances of Na,K-ATPase function in rat diaphragm muscle that co-expresses the α1 and α2 isozymes of this protein. Male Wistar rats (n = 26) were subjected to 6-day injections of vehicle (0.9% NaCl) or ouabain (1 µg/kg/day). On the fourth day of injections, rats were exposed to one-time total-body X-ray irradiation (10 Gy), or a sham irradiation. The isolated muscles were studied 72 h post-irradiation. IR decreased the electrogenic contribution of the α2 Na,K-ATPase without affecting its protein content, thereby causing sarcolemma depolarization. IR increased serum concentrations of ouabain, IL-6, and corticosterone, decreased lipid peroxidation, and changed cellular redox status. Chronic ouabain administration prevented IR-induced depolarization and loss of the α2 Na,K-ATPase electrogenic contribution without changing its protein content. This was accompanied with an elevation of ouabain concentration in circulation and with the lack of IR-induced suppression of lipid peroxidation. Given the crucial role of Na,K-ATPase in skeletal muscle performance, these findings may have therapeutic implications as countermeasures for IR-induced muscle pathology

    Short-Term Mild Hypoxia Modulates Na,K-ATPase to Maintain Membrane Electrogenesis in Rat Skeletal Muscle

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    The Na,K-ATPase plays an important role in adaptation to hypoxia. Prolonged hypoxia results in loss of skeletal muscle mass, structure, and performance. However, hypoxic preconditioning is known to protect against a variety of functional impairments. In this study, we tested the possibility of mild hypoxia to modulate the Na,K-ATPase and to improve skeletal muscle electrogenesis. The rats were subjected to simulated high-altitude (3000 m above sea level) hypobaric hypoxia (HH) for 3 h using a hypobaric chamber. Isolated diaphragm and soleus muscles were tested. In the diaphragm muscle, HH increased the α2 Na,K-ATPase isozyme electrogenic activity and stably hyperpolarized the extrajunctional membrane for 24 h. These changes were accompanied by a steady increase in the production of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances as well as a decrease in the serum level of endogenous ouabain, a specific ligand of the Na,K-ATPase. HH also increased the α2 Na,K-ATPase membrane abundance without changing its total protein content; the plasma membrane lipid-ordered phase did not change. In the soleus muscle, HH protected against disuse (hindlimb suspension) induced sarcolemmal depolarization. Considering that the Na,K-ATPase is critical for maintaining skeletal muscle electrogenesis and performance, these findings may have implications for countermeasures in disuse-induced pathology and hypoxic therapy