419 research outputs found

    Genetic factors of hypertension in individuals with different rates of Na-Li counter -transport

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    Currently, hypertension is recognized as one of the most common cardio-vascular diseases. Recent studies indicate the multifactorial nature of this disease, in which much emphasis is given to genetic factors for their role in the development of this disease. With, results based on the identification of genetic markers associated with the risk of developing hypertension vary vastly and remain highly controversial, primarily due to the ethno-genetic and geographical features of the populations under study, there is an urgent need to identify a phenotypic trait that would allow analysis of associations with the risk of developing hypertension irrespective of an individual's ethnic background or geographical location. One such a prospective trait is the rate of Na-Li counter-transport, which remains unchanged for most of an individual's lifetime, with rare exceptions. Hence this study is aimed at identifying the contribution of gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system in the formation of genetic predisposition to hypertension in individuals with different rates of erythrocyte Na-Li counter-transport

    Genetic factors of hypertension in individuals with different rates of Na-Li counter -transport

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    Currently, hypertension is recognized as one of the most common cardio-vascular diseases. Recent studies indicate the multifactorial nature of this disease, in which much emphasis is given to genetic factors for their role in the development of this disease. With, results based on the identification of genetic markers associated with the risk of developing hypertension vary vastly and remain highly controversial, primarily due to the ethno-genetic and geographical features of the populations under study, there is an urgent need to identify a phenotypic trait that would allow analysis of associations with the risk of developing hypertension irrespective of an individual's ethnic background or geographical location. One such a prospective trait is the rate of Na-Li counter-transport, which remains unchanged for most of an individual's lifetime, with rare exceptions. Hence this study is aimed at identifying the contribution of gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system in the formation of genetic predisposition to hypertension in individuals with different rates of erythrocyte Na-Li counter-transport

    Problems of Compensation of Ecological Harm in the Russian Federation

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    The Author of the article considers three subspecies of environmental damage: the damage caused to natural resources, damage to property and damage to the life and health of a citizen, establishes features of the recovery of each of these subspecies. Particular attention is paid to the problems arising from the recovery of environmental damage to life and health of citizens

    Differences in behavior and distribution of permafrost-related lakes in Central Yakutia and their response to climatic drivers

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    The Central Yakutian permafrost landscape is rapidly being modified by land use and global warming, but small-scale thermokarst process variability and hydrological conditions are poorly understood. We analyze lake-area changes and thaw subsidence of young thermokarst lakes on ice-complex deposits (yedoma lakes) in comparison to residual lakes in alas basins during the last 70 years for a local study site and we record regional lake size and distribution on different ice-rich permafrost terraces using satellite and historical airborne imagery. Statistical analysis of climatic and ground-temperature data identified driving factors of yedoma- and alas-lake changes. Overall, lake area is larger today than in 1944 but alas-lake levels have oscillated greatly over 70 years, with a mean alas-lake-radius change rate of 1.663.0 m/yr. Anthropogenic disturbance and forest degradation initiated, and climate forced rapid, continuous yedoma-lake growth. The mean yedoma lake-radius change rate equals 1.261.0 m/yr over the whole observation period. Mean thaw subsidence below yedoma lakes is 6.261.4 cm/yr. Multiple regression analysis suggests that winter precipitation, winter temperature, and active-layer properties are primary controllers of area changes in both lake types; summer weather and permafrost conditions additionally influence yedoma-lake growth rates. The main controlling factors of alas-lake changes are unclear due to larger catchment areas and subsurface hydrological conditions. Increasing thermokarst activity is currently linked to older terraces with higher ground-ice contents, but thermokarst activity will likely stay high and wet conditions will persist within the near future in Central Yakutian alas basins

    Spin-polarized electronic structure of the core-shell ZnO/ZnO:Mn nanowires probed by x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy

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    The combination of x-ray spectroscopy methods complemented with theoretical analysis unravels the coexistence of paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases in the Zn_0.9Mn_0.1O shell deposited onto array of wurtzite ZnO nanowires. The shell is crystalline with orientation toward the ZnO growth axis, as demonstrated by X-ray linear dichroism. EXAFS analysis confirmed that more than 90% of Mn atoms substituted Zn in the shell while fraction of secondary phases was below 10%. The value of manganese spin magnetic moment was estimated from the Mn K{\beta} X-ray emission spectroscopy to be 4.3{\mu}B which is close to the theoretical value for substitutional Mn_Zn. However the analysis of L_2,3 x-ray magnetic circular dichroism data showed paramagnetic behaviour with saturated spin magnetic moment value of 1.95{\mu}B as determined directly from the spin sum rule. After quantitative analysis employing atomic multiplet simulations such difference was explained by a coexistence of paramagnetic phase and local antiferromagnetic coupling of Mn magnetic moments. Finally, spin-polarized electron density of states was probed by the spin-resolved Mn K-edge XANES spectroscopy and consequently analyzed by band structure calculations.Comment: Supplementary information available at http://www.rsc.org/suppdata/ja/c3/c3ja50153a/c3ja50153a.pdf J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 201

    On the origin of continuum and line emission in CTTSs

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    We calculated profiles of CIV 1550, Si IV 1400, NV 1240 and OVI 1035 doublet lines using results of 3D MHD simulations of disc accretion onto young stars with dipole magnetic field. It appeared that our calculations can not reproduce profiles of these lines observed (HST/GHRS-STIS and FUSE) in CTTSs's spectra. We also found that the theory predicts much larger C IV 1550 line flux than observed (up to two orders of magnitude in some cases) and argue that the main portion of accretion energy in CTTSs is liberated outside accretion shock. We conclude that the reason of disagreement between the theory and observation is strongly non-dipole character of CTTS's magnetic field near its surface.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure, 1 table, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 243 "Star-Disk Interaction in Young Stars" (Grenoble, France, May/2007

    Fibula-Brooch with Pendants from the Barrow Studied in the Northern Surrounding Areas of Cherkessk

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    Introduction. The article is devoted to characterizing the decorative features of the fibulabrooch discovered during the study of the mound in the northern surrounding areas of Cherkessk (territory of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia) and stored in the collection of the Stavropol State Museum. The aim of the publication is to introduce the poorly known scientific material into scientific use. A full set of illustrations and accurate measurements will further avoid confusion with the description of the specific artifact (in existing publications there are no drawings; conclusions are based only on photos). Explanations relate to the history of the brooch and details of its decoration. Methods. The comparative typological method is used as a working one. It is based on the classification by material, processing method, form, ornamentation, as well as identifying and studying types of brooches with pendants. The comparative analysis of the decor of the brooch from the Stavropol museum and similar brooches with pendants found in the western part of the North Caucasus shows the variety of polychrome decoration production technologies in the region in the 3rd – 1st centuries BC: preserving the traditions of Bosporan jewelry art; distribution of the elements of Colchian toreutics. Analysis. The paper considers design features of brooches from the Stavropol museum and monuments of the Western Ciscaucasia: details of zoomorphic figurines; characteristics of caste design; wire inlay; form and features of enamel inserts; character of pendant weaving and features of the design of suspended discs. Results. In the production of hollow zoomorphic images of the 3rd – 1st century BC there were two lines of development: 1) simplified modeling of figurines modeled on the pattern of Colchian products of the 5th – 4th centuries BC (Psenafa and others); 2) continuation of the tradition of producing jewelry with enamel (brooch from the mound in the land of Rodina state farm). In the first case, the simplicity and negligence of execution evidence established local production of imitations of Colchian images. In the second case, elegance of images and refinement of execution emphasize the creation of brooches of Karachay-Cherkessia in one of the centers of Bosporus toreutics which was under the influence of Colchian jewelry