10,423 research outputs found

    Sharp increase of the effective mass near the critical density in a metallic 2D electron system

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    We find that at intermediate temperatures, the metallic temperature dependence of the conductivity \sigma(T) of 2D electrons in silicon is described well by a recent interaction-based theory of Zala et al. (Phys. Rev. B 64, 214204 (2001)). The tendency of the slope d\sigma/dT to diverge near the critical electron density is in agreement with the previously suggested ferromagnetic instability in this electron system. Unexpectedly, it is found to originate from the sharp enhancement of the effective mass, while the effective Lande g factor remains nearly constant and close to its value in bulk silicon

    Flow diagram of the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions

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    The discovery of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in two-dimensional (2D) electron systems challenged the veracity of one of the most influential conjectures in the physics of disordered electrons, which states that `in two dimensions, there is no true metallic behaviour'; no matter how weak the disorder, electrons would be trapped and unable to conduct a current. However, that theory did not account for interactions between the electrons. Here we investigate the interplay between the electron-electron interactions and disorder near the MIT using simultaneous measurements of electrical resistivity and magnetoconductance. We show that both the resistance and interaction amplitude exhibit a fan-like spread as the MIT is crossed. From these data we construct a resistance-interaction flow diagram of the MIT that clearly reveals a quantum critical point, as predicted by the two-parameter scaling theory (Punnoose and Finkel'stein, Science 310, 289 (2005)). The metallic side of this diagram is accurately described by the renormalization group theory without any fitting parameters. In particular, the metallic temperature dependence of the resistance sets in when the interaction amplitude reaches gamma_2 = 0.45 - a value in remarkable agreement with the one predicted by the theory.Comment: as publishe

    Metal-insulator transition in a 2D electron gas: Equivalence of two approaches for determining the critical point

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    The critical electron density for the metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional electron gas can be determined by two distinct methods: (i) a sign change of the temperature derivative of the resistance, and (ii) vanishing activation energy and vanishing nonlinearity of current-voltage characteristics as extrapolated from the insulating side. We find that in zero magnetic field (but not in the presence of a parallel magnetic field), both methods give equivalent results, adding support to the existence of a true zero-field metal-insulator transition.Comment: As publishe

    A Droplet State in an Interacting Two-Dimensional Electron System

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    It is well known that the dielectric constant of two-dimensional (2D) electron system goes negative at low electron densities. A consequence of the negative dielectric constant could be the formation of the droplet state. The droplet state is a two-phase coexistence region of high density liquid and low density "gas". In this paper, we carry out energetic calculations to study the stability of the droplet ground state. The possible relevance of the droplet state to recently observed 2D metal-insulator transition is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications

    Ground state properties of the 2D disordered Hubbard model

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    We study the ground state of the two-dimensional (2D) disordered Hubbard model by means of the projector quantum Monte Carlo (PQMC) method. This approach allows us to investigate the ground state properties of this model for lattice sizes up to 10×1010 \times 10, at quarter filling, for a broad range of interaction and disorder strengths. Our results show that the ground state of this system of spin-1/2 fermions remains localised in the presence of the short-ranged Hubbard interaction.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Development of a food antioxidant complex of plant origin

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    Розроблено антиоксидантний комплекс для використання в оліях, жирах та продуктах харчування, що потребують збагачення біологічно активними речовинами рослинного походження. Досліджено раціональні умови одержан- ня водно-етанольних екстрактів із рослинної сировини: кори дубу, листя евкаліпту та листя зеленого чаю. Отримано антиоксидант, що здатен запобігати окисненню жировмісних продуктів, зберігаючи їх високу поживну цінність. Антиоксидантні речовини природного походження дозволять створювати збалансовані за складом продукти з підвищеним строком придатності із збереженням початкового природного складу та структури компонентів. Також розроблений антиоксидант є додатковим джерелом речовин, що допомагають організму боротися з вільними радикалами, що утворюються внаслідок фізичних та психічних навантажень. До складу антиоксидантів рослинного походжен- ня входять антиоксидантні вітаміни (токофероли та аскорбінова кислота), рослинні феноли та тиолові антиоксиданти (глутатіон, ліпоєва кислота), мікроелементи. Ці складові беруть участь у процесах гальмування окиснення. Також до таких антиоксидантів входять селен, цинк, фолати та інші речовини. Для планування експериментальних досліджень для кожного виду рослинної сировини стосовно антиоксидантної активності виділених речовин використано повний факторний експеримент першого порядку. Виявлено синергізм дії антиоксидантних речовин при одночасному використанні екстрактів з кори дубу, листя евкаліпта, листя зеленого чаю. Розроблений антиоксидант підвищує період індукції модельної речовини (олії соняшникової) у 2,7 рази, тоді як під час використання антиоксидантів окремо з кожного виду рослин найкращий показник збільшення періоду індукції склав 1,9. Отже, розроблений антиоксидант здатен сприяти збереженню якості і безпечності жировмісних продуктів харчування. Використання даного антиоксиданту може бути запропоновано для продуктів харчування людей, що потребують додаткового введення антиоксидантів та біологічно активних речовин до раціону харчування. Зокрема, це важливо для спортсменів

    Sex and Age Differences in Lipoprotein Metabolism Proatherogenic Changes under the Experimental Metabolic Syndrome in Hamsters

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    The unbalanced high-calorie diet can be the cause of a number of pathological states, including metabolic syndrome (MS). It is well known that the risk of MS increases with age, but gender differences in age-related lipid metabolism changes under this pathology are not fully understood

    IceCube-Plus: An Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Telescope

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    While the first kilometer-scale neutrino telescope, IceCube, is under construction, alternative plans exist to build even larger detectors that will, however, b e limited by a much higher neutrino energy threshold of 10 PeV or higher rather than 10 to 100 GeV. These future projects detect radio and acoustic pulses as w ell as air showers initiated by ultra-high energy neutrinos. As an alternative, we here propose an expansion of IceCube, using the same strings, placed on a gri d with a spacing of order 500 m. Unlike other proposals, the expanded detector uses methods that are understood and calibrated on atmospheric neutrinos. Atmosp heric neutrinos represent the only background at the energies under consideratio n and is totally negligible. Also, the cost of such a detector is understood. We conclude that supplementing the 81 IceCube strings with a modest number of addi tional strings spaced at large distances can almost double the effective volume of the detector. Doubling the number of strings on a 800 m grid can deliver a d etector that this a factor of 5 larger for horizontal muons at modest cost.Comment: Version to be published in JCA

    On Lebesgue measure of integral self-affine sets

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    Let AA be an expanding integer n×nn\times n matrix and DD be a finite subset of ZnZ^n. The self-affine set T=T(A,D)T=T(A,D) is the unique compact set satisfying the equality A(T)=dD(T+d)A(T)=\cup_{d\in D} (T+d). We present an effective algorithm to compute the Lebesgue measure of the self-affine set TT, the measure of intersection T(T+u)T\cap (T+u) for uZnu\in Z^n, and the measure of intersection of self-affine sets T(A,D1)T(A,D2)T(A,D_1)\cap T(A,D_2) for different sets D1,D2ZnD_1,D_2\subset Z^n.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Indication of the ferromagnetic instability in a dilute two-dimensional electron system

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    The magnetic field B_c, in which the electrons become fully spin-polarized, is found to be proportional to the deviation of the electron density from the zero-field metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional electron system in silicon. The tendency of B_c to vanish at a finite electron density suggests a ferromagnetic instability in this strongly correlated electron system.Comment: 4 pages, postscript figures included. Revised versio