3 research outputs found

    Minimization and estimation of the variance of prediction errors for cross-validation designs.

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    We consider the mean prediction error of a classification or regression procedure as well as its cross-validation estimates, and investigate the variance of this estimate as a function of an arbitrary cross-validation design. We decompose this variance into a scalar product of coefficients and certain covariance expressions, such that the coefficients depend solely on the resampling design, and the covariances depend solely on the data’s probability distribution. We rewrite this scalar product in such a form that the initially large number of summands can gradually be decreased down to three under the validity of a quadratic approximation to the core covariances. We show an analytical example in which this quadratic approximation holds true exactly. Moreover, in this example, we show that the leave-p–out estimator of the error depends on p only by means of a constant and can, therefore, be written in a much simpler form. Furthermore, there is an unbiased estimator of the variance of K–fold cross-validation, in contrast to a claim in the literature. As a consequence, we can show that Balanced Incomplete Block Designs have smaller variance than K–fold cross-validation. In a real data example from the UCI machine learning repository, this property can be confirmed. We finally show how to find Balanced Incomplete Block Designs in practice

    Correcting classifiers for sample selection bias in two-phase case-control studies.

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    Epidemiological studies often utilize stratified data in which rare outcomes or exposures are artificially enriched. This design can increase precision in association tests but distorts predictions when applying classifiers on non-stratified data. Several methods correct for this so-called sample selection bias, but their performance remains unclear especially for machine learning classifiers. With an emphasis on two-phase case-control studies, we aim to assess which corrections to perform in which setting and to obtain methods suitable for machine learning techniques, especially the random forest. We propose two new resampling-based methods to resemble the original data and covariance structure: stochastic inverse-probability oversampling and parametric inverseprobability bagging. We compare all techniques for the random forest and other classifiers, both theoretically and on simulated and real data. Empirical results show that the random forest profits from only the parametric inverse-probability bagging proposed by us. For other classifiers, correction is mostly advantageous, and methods perform uniformly. We discuss consequences of inappropriate distribution assumptions and reason for different ...

    A strategy for high-dimensional multivariable analysis classifies childhood asthma phenotypes from genetic, immunological, and environmental factors.

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    Background Associations between childhood asthma phenotypes and genetic, immunological, and environmental factors have been previously established. Yet, strategies to integrate high-dimensional risk factors from multiple distinct data sets, and thereby increase the statistical power of analyses, have been hampered by a preponderance of missing data and lack of methods to accommodate them. Methods We assembled questionnaire, diagnostic, genotype, microarray, RT-qPCR, flow cytometry, and cytokine data (referred to as data modalities) to use as input factors for a classifier that could distinguish healthy children, mild-to-moderate allergic asthmatics, and nonallergic asthmatics. Based on data from 260 German children aged 4-14 from our university outpatient clinic, we built a novel multilevel prediction approach for asthma outcome which could deal with a present complex missing data structure. Results The optimal learning method was boosting based on all data sets, achieving an area underneath the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for three classes of phenotypes of 0.81 (95%-confidence interval (CI): 0.65-0.94) using leave-one-out cross-validation. Besides improving the AUC, our integrative multilevel learning approach led to tighter CIs than using smaller complete predictor data sets (AUC = 0.82 [0.66-0.94] for boosting). The most important variables for classifying childhood asthma phenotypes comprised novel identified genes, namely PKN2 (protein kinase N2), PTK2 (protein tyrosine kinase 2), and ALPP (alkaline phosphatase, placental). Conclusion Our combination of several data modalities using a novel strategy improved classification of childhood asthma phenotypes but requires validation in external populations. The generic approach is applicable to other multilevel data-based risk prediction settings, which typically suffer from incomplete data