976 research outputs found

    Killing the Straw Man: Does BICEP Prove Inflation at the GUT Scale?

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    The surprisingly large value of rr, the ratio of power in tensor to scalar density perturbations in the CMB reported by the BICEP2 Collaboration, if confirmed, provides strong evidence for Inflation at the GUT scale. While the Inflationary signal remains the best motivated source, a large value of rr alone would still allow for the possibility that a comparable gravitational wave background might result from a self ordering scalar field (SOSF) transition that takes place later at somewhat lower energy. We find that even without detailed considerations of the predicted BICEP signature of such a transition, simple existing limits on the isocurvature contribution to CMB anisotropies would definitively rule out a contribution of more than 5%5\% to r≈0.2r \approx 0.2,. We also present a general relation for the allowed fractional SOSF contribution to rr as a function of the ultimate measured value of rr. These results point strongly not only to an inflationary origin of the BICEP2 signal, if confirmed, but also to the fact that if the GUT scale is of order 1016GeV10^{16} GeV then either the GUT transition happens before Inflation or the Inflationary transition and the GUT transition must be one and the same.Comment: 3 pages 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physics Letters B . Accepted version revised slightly in response to referee's comment

    Probing the Gravitational Wave Signature from Cosmic Phase Transitions at Different Scales

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    We present a new signature by which to one could potentially discriminate between a spectrum of gravitational radiation generated by a self-ordering scalar field vs that of inflation, specifically a comparison of the magnitude of a flat spectrum at frequencies probed by future direct detection experiments to the magnitude of a possible polarization signal in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. In the process we clarify several issues related to the proper calculation of such modes, focusing on the effect of post-horizon-crossing evolution.Comment: 4 pages, Phys. Rev D version (revised in response to referee's comments

    Higgs seesaw mechanism as a source for dark energy

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    Motivated by the seesaw mechanism for neutrinos which naturally generates small neutrino masses, we explore how a small grand-unified-theory-scale mixing between the standard model Higgs boson and an otherwise massless hidden sector scalar can naturally

    The Scientific Reach of Multi-Ton Scale Dark Matter Direct Detection Experiments

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    The next generation of large scale WIMP direct detection experiments have the potential to go beyond the discovery phase and reveal detailed information about both the particle physics and astrophysics of dark matter. We report here on early results arising from the development of a detailed numerical code modeling the proposed DARWIN detector, involving both liquid argon and xenon targets. We incorporate realistic detector physics, particle physics and astrophysical uncertainties and demonstrate to what extent two targets with similar sensitivities can remove various degeneracies and allow a determination of dark matter cross sections and masses while also probing rough aspects of the dark matter phase space distribution. We find that, even assuming dominance of spin-independent scattering, multi-ton scale experiments still have degeneracies that depend sensitively on the dark matter mass, and on the possibility of isospin violation and inelasticity in interactions. We find that these experiments are best able to discriminate dark matter properties for dark matter masses less than around 200 GeV. In addition, and somewhat surprisingly, the use of two targets gives only a small improvement (aside from the advantage of different systematics associated with any claimed signal) in the ability to pin down dark matter parameters when compared with one target of larger exposure.Comment: 23 pages; updated to match PRD versio
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