15 research outputs found

    Chasing Brane Inflation in String-Theory

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    We investigate the embedding of brane anti-brane inflation into a concrete type IIB string theory compactification with all moduli fixed. Specifically, we are considering a D3-brane, whose position represents the inflaton Ï•\phi, in a warped conifold throat in the presence of supersymmetrically embedded D7-branes and an anti D3-brane localized at the tip of the warped conifold cone. After presenting the moduli stabilization analysis for a general D7-brane embedding, we concentrate on two explicit models, the Ouyang and the Kuperstein embeddings. We analyze whether the forces, induced by moduli stabilization and acting on the D3-brane, might cancel by fine-tuning such as to leave us with the original Coulomb attraction of the anti D3-brane as the driving force for inflation. For a large class of D7-brane embeddings we obtain a negative result. Cancelations are possible only for very small intervals of Ï•\phi around an inflection point but not globally. For the most part of its motion the inflaton then feels a steep, non slow-roll potential. We study the inflationary dynamics induced by this potential.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures. Final version published in JCA

    DBI Inflation using a One-Parameter Family of Throat Geometries

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    We demonstrate the possibility of examining cosmological signatures in the DBI inflation setup using the BGMPZ solution, a one-parameter family of geometries for the warped throat which interpolate between the Maldacena-Nunez and Klebanov-Strassler solutions. The warp factor is determined numerically and subsequently used to calculate cosmological observables including the scalar and tensor spectral indices, for a sample point in the parameter space. As one moves away from the KS solution for the throat the warp factor is qualitatively different, which leads to a significant change for the observables, but also generically increases the non-Gaussianity of the models. We argue that the different models can potentially be differentiated by current and future experiments.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures; v2: section 4 expanded, references added; v3: typos fixe

    Universality in D-brane Inflation

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    We study the six-field dynamics of D3-brane inflation for a general scalar potential on the conifold, finding simple, universal behavior. We numerically evolve the equations of motion for an ensemble of more than 7 \times 10^7 realizations, drawing the coefficients in the scalar potential from statistical distributions whose detailed properties have demonstrably small effects on our results. When prolonged inflation occurs, it has a characteristic form: the D3-brane initially moves rapidly in the angular directions, spirals down to an inflection point in the potential, and settles into single-field inflation. The probability of N_{e} e-folds of inflation is a power law, P(N_{e}) \propto N_{e}^{-3}, and we derive the same exponent from a simple analytical model. The success of inflation is relatively insensitive to the initial conditions: we find attractor behavior in the angular directions, and the D3-brane can begin far above the inflection point without overshooting. In favorable regions of the parameter space, models yielding 60 e-folds of expansion arise approximately once in 10^3 trials. Realizations that are effectively single-field and give rise to a primordial spectrum of fluctuations consistent with WMAP, for which at least 120 e-folds are required, arise approximately once in 10^5 trials. The emergence of robust predictions from a six-field potential with hundreds of terms invites an analytic approach to multifield inflation.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Brane inflation and the WMAP data: a Bayesian analysis

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    The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) constraints on string inspired ''brane inflation'' are investigated. Here, the inflaton field is interpreted as the distance between two branes placed in a flux-enriched background geometry and has a Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) kinetic term. Our method relies on an exact numerical integration of the inflationary power spectra coupled to a Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo exploration of the parameter space. This analysis is valid for any perturbative value of the string coupling constant and of the string length, and includes a phenomenological modelling of the reheating era to describe the post-inflationary evolution. It is found that the data favour a scenario where inflation stops by violation of the slow-roll conditions well before brane annihilation, rather than by tachyonic instability. Concerning the background geometry, it is established that log(v) > -10 at 95% confidence level (CL), where "v" is the dimensionless ratio of the five-dimensional sub-manifold at the base of the six-dimensional warped conifold geometry to the volume of the unit five-sphere. The reheating energy scale remains poorly constrained, Treh > 20 GeV at 95% CL, for an extreme equation of state (wreh ~ -1/3) only. Assuming the string length is known, the favoured values of the string coupling and of the Ramond-Ramond total background charge appear to be correlated. Finally, the stochastic regime (without and with volume effects) is studied using a perturbative treatment of the Langevin equation. The validity of such an approximate scheme is discussed and shown to be too limited for a full characterisation of the quantum effects.Comment: 65 pages, 15 figures, uses iopart. Shortened version, updated references. Matches publication up to appendix B kept on the arXi

    Towards an Explicit Model of D-brane Inflation

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    We present a detailed analysis of an explicit model of warped D-brane inflation, incorporating the effects of moduli stabilization. We consider the potential for D3-brane motion in a warped conifold background that includes fluxes and holomorphically-embedded D7-branes involved in moduli stabilization. Although the D7-branes significantly modify the inflaton potential, they do not correct the quadratic term in the potential, and hence do not cause a uniform change in the slow-roll parameter eta. Nevertheless, we present a simple example based on the Kuperstein embedding of D7-branes, z_1=constant, in which the potential can be fine-tuned to be sufficiently flat for inflation. To derive this result, it is essential to incorporate the fact that the compactification volume changes slightly as the D3-brane moves. We stress that the compactification geometry dictates certain relationships among the parameters in the inflaton Lagrangian, and these microscopic constraints impose severe restrictions on the space of possible models. We note that the shape of the final inflaton potential differs from projections given in earlier studies: in configurations where inflation occurs, it does so near an inflection point. Finally, we comment on the difficulty of making precise cosmological predictions in this scenario. This is the companion paper to arXiv:0705.3837.Comment: 68 pages, 6 figures; v2: fixed typos, added refs and clarifications; v3: expanded discussion of inflection point inflatio

    Constraining Running Non-Gaussianity

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    The primordial non-Gaussian parameter fNL has been shown to be scale-dependent in several models of inflation with a variable speed of sound. Starting from a simple ansatz for a scale-dependent amplitude of the primordial curvature bispectrum for two common phenomenological models of primordial non-Gaussianity, we perform a Fisher matrix analysis of the bispectra of the temperature and polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation and derive the expected constraints on the parameter nNG that quantifies the running of fNL(k) for current and future CMB missions such as WMAP, Planck and CMBPol. We find that CMB information alone, in the event of a significant detection of the non-Gaussian component, corresponding to fNL = 50 for the local model and fNL = 100 for the equilateral model of non-Gaussianity, is able to determine nNG with a 1-sigma uncertainty of Delta nNG = 0.1 and Delta nNG = 0.3, respectively, for the Planck mission. In addition, we consider a Fisher matrix analysis of the galaxy power spectrum to determine the expected constraints on the running parameter nNG for the local model and of the galaxy bispectrum for the equilateral model from future photometric and spectroscopic surveys. We find that, in both cases, large-scale structure observations should achieve results comparable to or even better than those from the CMB, while showing some complementarity due to the different distribution of the non-Gaussian signal over the relevant range of scales. Finally, we compare our findings to the predictions on the amplitude and running of non-Gaussianity of DBI inflation, showing how the constraints on a scale-dependent fNL(k) translate into constraints on the parameter space of the theory.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figure

    Lectures on Cosmic Inflation and its Potential Stringy Realizations

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    These notes present a brief introduction to Hot Big Bang cosmology and Cosmic Inflation, together with a selection of some recent attempts to embed inflation into string theory. They provide a partial description of lectures presented in courses at Dubrovnik in August 2006, at CERN in January 2007 and at Cargese in August 2007. They are aimed at graduate students with a working knowledge of quantum field theory, but who are unfamiliar with the details of cosmology or of string theory.Comment: 68 pages, lectures given at Dubrovnik, Aug 2006; CERN, January 2007; and Cargese, Aug 200

    Warped Wilson Line DBI Inflation

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    We propose a novel inflationary scenario in string theory in which the inflaton field is a 'Wilson line' degree of freedom in the worldvolume of a probe Dp-brane, in a warped flux compactification. Kinetic terms for Wilson line fields on the world volume of a D-brane take a nonstandard Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) form. Thus, we work in the framework of DBI inflation. This extends the original slow roll Wilson line inflationary scenario, where only the quadratic piece was considered. Warped DBI Wilson line inflation offers an attractive alternative to ordinary (position field) DBI inflation, inasmuch as observational and theoretical constraints get considerably relaxed. Besides the standard large non-Gaussianities in DBI scenarios, it is also possible to achieve an observable amount of gravitational waves.Comment: v3: Typos corrected, Published in JCAP; 21 page