1,059 research outputs found

    Effects of aerobic training with and without weight loss on insulin sensitivity and lipids

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of exercise training with modest or greater weight loss (≥3%) or not (<3%) on insulin sensitivity, lipoprotein concentrations, and lipoprotein particle size in overweight and obese participants. Methods: Adults (N = 163, body mass index: 25–37 [kg/m2]) participated in 8 months of exercise training. Insulin sensitivity, lipid concentrations, lipid particle size and other cardiometabolic variables were measured at baseline and follow-up. Participants were categorized by whether they achieved at least modest weight loss (≥ 3%) or not (<3%) following the intervention. Results: A greater improvement in insulin sensitivity was observed in adults performing exercise training with at least modest weight loss (2.2 mU·l-1 ·min -1, CI: 1.5 to 2.8) compared to those who did not (0.8 mU·l-1 ·min -1, CI: 0.5 to 1.2). Similar results were observed for acute insulin response, triglycerides, non-HDL cholesterol concentration, low density lipoprotein (LDL) particle size and high density lipoprotein (HDL) particle size (p<0.05), when all exercise groups were combined. No significant results across weight loss categories were observed for LDL, HDL, glucose, or insulin levels. Conclusion: The present study suggests that aerobic exercise combined with at least modest weight loss leads to greater improvements in insulin sensitivity, triglycerides as well as other non-traditional lipid risk factors (non-HDL cholesterol, HDL/LDL particle size). Clinicians should advocate patients who are overweight/obese to exercise and obtain modest weight loss for improved cardiovascular benefits

    Prospective relationships between body weight and physical activity: an observational analysis from the NAVIGATOR study

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    Objectives: While bidirectional relationships exist between body weight and physical activity, direction of causality remains uncertain and previous studies have been limited by self-reported activity or weight and small sample size. We investigated the prospective relationships between weight and physical activity. Design: Observational analysis of data from the Nateglinide And Valsartan in Impaired Glucose Tolerance Outcomes Research (NAVIGATOR) study, a double-blinded randomised clinical trial of nateglinide and valsartan, respectively. Setting Multinational study of 9306 participants. Participants: Participants with biochemically confirmed impaired glucose tolerance had annual measurements of both weight and step count using research grade pedometers, worn for 7 days consecutively. Along with randomisation to valsartan or placebo plus nateglinide or placebo, participants took part in a lifestyle modification programme. Outcome measures: Longitudinal regression using weight as response value and physical activity as predictor value was conducted, adjusted for baseline covariates. Analysis was then repeated with physical activity as response value and weight as predictor value. Only participants with a response value preceded by at least three annual response values were included. Results: Adequate data were available for 2811 (30%) of NAVIGATOR participants. Previous weight (χ2=16.8; p&lt;0.0001), but not change in weight (χ2=0.1; p=0.71) was inversely associated with subsequent step count, indicating lower subsequent levels of physical activity in heavier individuals. Change in step count (χ2=5.9; p=0.02) but not previous step count (χ2=0.9; p=0.34) was inversely associated with subsequent weight. However, in the context of trajectories already established for weight (χ2 for previous weight measurements 747.3; p&lt;0.0001) and physical activity (χ2 for previous step count 432.6; p&lt;0.0001), these effects were of limited clinical importance. Conclusions: While a prospective bidirectional relationship was observed between weight and physical activity, the magnitude of any effect was very small in the context of natural trajectories already established for these variables

    Chronic Heart Failure and Exercise Intolerance: The Hemodynamic Paradox

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    Heart failure represents a major source of morbidity and mortality in industrialized nations. As the leading hospital discharge diagnosis in the United States in patients over the age of 65, it is also associated with substantial economic costs. While the acute symptoms of volume overload frequently precipitate inpatient admission, it is the symptoms of chronic heart failure, including fatigue, exercise intolerance and exertional dyspnea, that impact quality of life. Over the last two decades, research into the enzymatic, histologic and neurohumoral alterations seen with heart failure have revealed that hemodynamic derangements do not necessarily correlate with symptoms. This “hemodynamic paradox” is explained by alterations in the skeletal musculature that occur in response to hemodynamic derangements. Importantly, gender specific effects appear to modify both disease pathophysiology and response to therapy. The following review will discuss our current understanding of the systemic effects of heart failure before examining how exercise training and cardiac resynchronization therapy may impact disease course

    Relationships between Adipose Tissue and Cytokine Responses to a Randomized Controlled Exercise Training Intervention

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    Adipose-derived cytokines play a prominent role in mediating the metabolic consequences of obesity and excess body fat. Given this, we hypothesized that alterations in adipose tissue stores incurred with exercise training would be reflected in changes in systemic cytokine concentrations. The Studies of Targeted Risk Reduction Intervention through Defined Exercise (STRRIDE), where pronounced changes in adipose tissue stores were observed in the absence of significant changes in dietary intake, provided an ideal setting in which to test this hypothesis. Participants were randomized to six months of inactivity or one of three types of aerobic exercise training regimens: low-amount-moderate- intensity, low-amount-vigorous-intensity, and high-amount-vigorous-intensity. Plasma samples were collected at baseline and two weeks after cessation of six months of exercise training or inactivity. In 189 participants, concentrations of seventeen cytokines were measured using Bio-Plex Cytokine Assays (BioRad, CA); ten additional cytokines were measured in sixty of these subjects. Of all cytokines tested, the only concentration changes that approached statistical significance were those for granulocyte monocyte-colony stimulating factor and vascular endothelial growth factor, which appeared to increase with training in the low-amount-high-intensity group only (P<0.05 for both cytokines). No response to exercise training was noted for any additional cytokine in any of the groups. No relationships were observed between changes in cytokine concentrations and changes in fat mass or other measures of body habitus. In contradiction to our hypothesis, despite significant alterations in body composition, exercise training produced limited cytokine responses. Originally published Metabolism, Vol. 57, No. 4, Apr 200

    Dietary carbohydrate intake and high sensitivity C reactive protein in at-risk women and men

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    Background— The quality and quantity of dietary carbohydrate intake, measured as dietary glycemic load (GL), is associated with a number of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and, in healthy young women, is related to increased high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) concentrations. Our objective was to determine if GL is related to hsCRP and other measures of CVD risk in a population of sedentary, overweight, dyslipidemic middle-aged women and men enrolled in an exercise intervention trial (STRRIDE). Methods— This was a cross-sectional evaluation of the relationships between measures of dietary carbohydrate intake, calculated from food frequency questionnaire data, and CVD risk factors, including plasma hsCRP, measured in 171 subjects. Results— After adjusting for energy intake, GL and other measures of carbohydrate intake were not independently related to hsCRP (P>0.05 for all). In analyses performed separately for each gender, only the quantity of carbohydrate intake was independently related to hsCRP (R2=0.28; P<0.04), and this relationship was present for women but not for men. The strongest relationship identified between GL and any CVD risk factor was for cardiorespiratory fitness (R2=0.12; P<0.02); an elevated GL was associated with a lower level of fitness in all subjects, and this relationship persisted even when the findings were adjusted for energy intake and gender (R2=0.48; P<0.03). Conclusions— In middle-aged, sedentary, overweight to mildly obese, dyslipidemic individuals, consuming a diet with a low GL is associated with better cardiorespiratory fitness. Our findings suggest that the current literature relating carbohydrate intake and hsCRP should be viewed with skepticism, especially in the extension to at-risk populations that include men. Originally published American Heart Journal, Vol. 154, No. 5, Nov 200

    Effects of exercise amount and intensity versus a combined exercise and lifestyle intervention on metabolic syndrome in adults with prediabetes: a STRRIDE-PD randomized trial

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    The purpose of this secondary analysis was to determine what portion of the effects of a Diabetes Prevention Program-like intervention on metabolic syndrome (MetS) could be achieved with exercise alone, as well as to determine the relative importance of exercise intensity and amount to the total exercise effect on MetS. Sedentary, overweight adults with prediabetes were randomly assigned to one of four 6-month interventions: 1) low-amount/moderate-intensity (10 kcal/kg/week at 50% peak V˙O2); 2) high-amount/moderate-intensity (16 kcal/kg/week at 50% peak V˙O2); 3) high-amount/vigorous-intensity (16 kcal/kg/week at 75% peak V˙O2); or 4) diet (7% weight loss) plus low-amount/moderate-intensity (10 kcal/kg/week at 50% peak V˙O2). The primary outcome of this secondary analysis was change in the MetS z-score. A total of 130 participants had complete data for all five Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III MetS criteria. The diet-and-exercise group statistically outperformed the MetS z-score and the ATP III score compared to the exercise alone group. Aerobic exercise alone achieved 24%–50% of the total effect of the combined diet-and-exercise intervention on the MetS score. Low-amount moderate-intensity exercise quantitatively performed equal to or better than the interventions of high-amount moderate-intensity or high-amount vigorous-intensity exercise in improving the MetS score. The combined diet-and-exercise intervention remains more efficacious in improving the MetS z-score. However, all three exercise interventions alone showed improvements in the MetS z-score, suggesting that a modest amount of moderate-intensity exercise is all that is required to achieve approximately half the effect of a diet-and-exercise intervention on the MetS.Clinical Trial Registration:clinicaltrials.gov, identifier NCT00962962

    A whole blood gene expression-based signature for smoking status

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    BACKGROUND: Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death worldwide and has been shown to increase the risk of multiple diseases including coronary artery disease (CAD). We sought to identify genes whose levels of expression in whole blood correlate with self-reported smoking status. METHODS: Microarrays were used to identify gene expression changes in whole blood which correlated with self-reported smoking status; a set of significant genes from the microarray analysis were validated by qRT-PCR in an independent set of subjects. Stepwise forward logistic regression was performed using the qRT-PCR data to create a predictive model whose performance was validated in an independent set of subjects and compared to cotinine, a nicotine metabolite. RESULTS: Microarray analysis of whole blood RNA from 209 PREDICT subjects (41 current smokers, 4 quit ≤ 2 months, 64 quit > 2 months, 100 never smoked; NCT00500617) identified 4214 genes significantly correlated with self-reported smoking status. qRT-PCR was performed on 1,071 PREDICT subjects across 256 microarray genes significantly correlated with smoking or CAD. A five gene (CLDND1, LRRN3, MUC1, GOPC, LEF1) predictive model, derived from the qRT-PCR data using stepwise forward logistic regression, had a cross-validated mean AUC of 0.93 (sensitivity=0.78; specificity=0.95), and was validated using 180 independent PREDICT subjects (AUC=0.82, CI 0.69-0.94; sensitivity=0.63; specificity=0.94). Plasma from the 180 validation subjects was used to assess levels of cotinine; a model using a threshold of 10 ng/ml cotinine resulted in an AUC of 0.89 (CI 0.81-0.97; sensitivity=0.81; specificity=0.97; kappa with expression model = 0.53). CONCLUSION: We have constructed and validated a whole blood gene expression score for the evaluation of smoking status, demonstrating that clinical and environmental factors contributing to cardiovascular disease risk can be assessed by gene expression
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