2 research outputs found
In-vitro-Untersuchungen über die Rolle verschiedener Blutzellen bei der Entwicklung des Endothelschadens bei Malaria tropica
Zentraler Pathomechanismus bei Malaria ist die Schädigung des Gefässendothels. Untersucht wurde die Apoptoserate kultivierter Endothelzellen aus menschlichen Nabelschnurvenen (HUVEC) nach Inkubation mit Patientenseren (M. tropica) und verschiedenen Blutzellpopulationen, Hemmstoffen, TNF-α-Antikörpern und
Siebeinsätzen. Patientenserum induziert die Apoptose von kultivierten Endothelzellen, verstärkt in Anwesenheit von Neutrophilen. Siebeinsätze und TNF-α-AK vermindern die Neutrophilen-induzierte Apoptoserate. Ascorbinsäure, Tocopherol und Ulinastatin hemmen die Apoptose dosisabhängig
Plasmodium falciparum Malaria: Reduction of Endothelial Cell Apoptosis In Vitro
Organ failure in Plasmodium falciparum malaria is associated with neutrophil activation and endothelial damage. This study investigates whether neutrophil-induced endothelial damage involves apoptosis and whether it can be prevented by neutralization of neutrophil secretory products. Endothelial cells from human umbilical veins were coincubated with neutrophils from healthy donors and with sera from eight patients with P. falciparum malaria, three patients with P. vivax malaria, and three healthy controls. Endothelial apoptosis was demonstrated by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) and annexin V staining. The rate of apoptosis of cells was markedly increased after incubation with patient serum compared to that with control serum. Apoptosis was most pronounced after incubation with sera from two patients with fatal cases of P. falciparum malaria, followed by sera of survivors with severe P. falciparum malaria and, finally, by sera of patients with mild P. falciparum and P. vivax malaria. Ascorbic acid, tocopherol, and ulinastatin reduced the apoptosis rate, but gabexate mesilate and pentoxifylline did not. Furthermore, in fatal P. falciparum malaria, apoptotic endothelial cells were identified in renal and pulmonary tissue by TUNEL staining. These findings show that apoptosis caused by neutrophil secretory products plays a major role in endothelial cell damage in malaria. The antioxidants ascorbic acid and tocopherol and the protease inhibitor ulinastatin can reduce malaria-associated endothelial apoptosis in vitro