640 research outputs found

    Flame retardant polyphosphazenes

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    Six polyphosphazene compositions were prepared by reaction of three bis-tertiary phosphines with two phenyl-s-triazine derived diazides. All six polyphosphazenes produced were completely characterized, four of them were furthermore subjected to isothermal gravimetric analysis, smoke density measurements, flammability and oxidative thermal degradation testing. The results of the characterization studies indicate that only low molecular weight oligomers, possibly of a cyclic structure, were obtained in the polymerization reactions. Despite this, however, two of the materials showed no weight loss after 96 hr at 200 C, one did not autoignite at 500 C in air, and all four self extinguished when exposed to a flame as soon as contact between flame and resin was lost. The only toxic decomposition products to be concerned about were found to be hydrogen cyanide and benzene. Under the conditions employed it was proven, however, that the quantities of toxic products are greatly reduced if no ignition takes place, e.g., if thermal decomposition proceeds at a sufficiently low rate

    Flame retardant polyphosphazenes

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    Three processes for the preparation of polyphosphazenes were investigated: (1) the reaction of bisphosphines with diazides, (2) the condensation of bisdichlorophosphoranes with diamines; and (3) the treatment of bisphosphines with diamines in the presence of carbon tetrachloride followed by base dehydrohalogenation. All products obtained were of low molecular weight; the degree of polymerization did not exceed twelve repeating units. However, several compositions exhibited good thermal stability. No weight loss was observed up to 390 C when heated in air at 5 C/min. Treatment of bisphosphines with either an excess of a diazide or an excess of a diamine in the presence of carbon tetrachloride resulted in the production of difunctional phosphazenes which were respectively, azido and amino terminated. The reaction of these azido terminated extended monomers with bisphosphines did not produce high molecular weight materials. The bis-aminophosphazene prepared for the first time under this contract was successfully incorporated into a polyimide

    Flame resistant nontoxic polymer development

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    A number of homopolymers, copolymers, and terpolymers were synthesized employing styrene and four derivatives of diphenyl-p-styrylphosphine. The various polymeric compositions were prepared by two processes, (1) monomer bulk polymerizations and (2) substitution of preformed polydiphenyl-p-styrylphosphine. Results indicate that the majority of the compositions exhibit superior melting and flame retardant characteristics as compared to polystyrene, but are inferior in molding and film forming capability. Terpolymerization appears to result in the materials with the best overall combination of properties. Toxicological evaluation of three representative basic compositions in the form of molded washers showed that no mortalities occurred among the test animals exposed to the products of the oxidative thermal decomposition of the three materials

    L-band ATS 5/Orion/S. S. Manhattan marine navigation and communication experiment Final report

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    L-band signals relayed by synchronous satellite for navigation and data communicatio

    Thermal oxidative degradation reactions of perfluoroalklethers

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    The objective of this contract was to investigate the mechanisms operative in thermal and thermal oxidative degradation of Fomblin Z and hexafluoropropene oxide derived fluids and the effect of alloys and additives upon these processes. The nature of arrangements responsible for the inherent thermal oxidative instability of the Fomblin Z fluids has not been established. It was determined that this behavior was not associated with hydrogen end-groups or peroxy linkages. The degradation rate of these fluids at elevated temperatures in oxidizing atmospheres was found to be dependent on the surface/volume ratio. Once a limiting ratio was reached, a steady rate appeared to be attained. Based on elemental analysis and oxygen consumption data, -CF2OCF2CF2O-, not -CF2CF2O-, is one of the major arrangements present. The action of the M-50 and Ti(4 Al, 4 Mn) alloys was found to be much more drastic in the case of Fomblin Z fluids than that observed for the hexalfuoropropane oxide derived materials. The effectiveness of antioxidation/anticorrosion additives, P-3 and phospha-s-triazine, in the presence of metal alloys was very limited at 316 C; at 288 C the additives arrested almost completely the fluid degradation. The phospha-s-triazine appeared to be at least twice as effective as the P-3 compound; it also protected the coupon better. The Ti(4 Al, 4 Mn) alloy degraded the fluid mainly by chain scission processes; this took place to a much lesser degree with M-50

    The leading asymptotic terms of the three-body Coulomb scattering wave function

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    The asymptotic wave function derived by Alt and Mukhamedzhanov [Phys. Rev. A 47, 2004 (1993)] and Mukhamedzhanov and Lieber [Phys. Rev. A 54, 3078 (1996)] has been refined in the region where the pair (β,γ) (\beta,\gamma) remains close to each other while the third particle α\alpha is far away from them (ρα(\rho_{\alpha} \to \infty, rα/ρα0)r_{\alpha}/\rho_{\alpha}\to 0). The improved wave function satisfies the Schr\"odinger equation up to the terms of order O(1/ρα3)O(1/{\rho_{\alpha}}^{3}), provides the leading asymptotic terms of the three-body scattering wave function with Coulomb interactions and gives further insight into the continuum behavior of the three-charged-particle wave function and helps to obtain 333\to 3 scattered wave. This opens up further ways of solving and analysing the three-body Schr\"odinger equation by numerical means

    Development of a tailored, telehealth intervention to address chronic pain and heavy drinking among people with HIV infection: integrating perspectives of patients in HIV care.

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic pain and heavy drinking commonly co-occur and can infuence the course of HIV. There have been no interventions designed to address both of these conditions among people living with HIV (PLWH), and none that have used telehealth methods. The purpose of this study was to better understand pain symptoms, patterns of alcohol use, treatment experiences, and technology use among PLWH in order to tailor a telehealth intervention that addresses these conditions SUBJECTS: Ten participants with moderate or greater chronic pain and heavy drinking were recruited from a cohort of patients engaged in HIV-care (Boston Alcohol Research Collaborative on HIV/AIDS Cohort) and from an integrated HIV/primary care clinic at a large urban hospital. METHODS: One-on-one interviews were conducted with participants to understand experiences and treatment of HIV, chronic pain, and alcohol use. Participants’ perceptions of the infuence of alcohol on HIV and chronic pain were explored as was motivation to change drinking. Technology use and treatment preferences were examined in the fnal section of the interview. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and uploaded into NVivo® v12 software for analysis. A codebook was developed based on interviews followed by thematic analysis in which specifc meanings were assigned to codes. RESULTS: A number of themes were identifed that had implications for intervention tailoring including: resilience in coping with HIV; autonomy in health care decision-making; coping with pain, stress, and emotion; understanding treatment rationale; depression and social withdrawal; motives to drink and refrain from drinking; technology use and capacity; and preference for intervention structure and style. Ratings of intervention components indicated that participants viewed each of the proposed intervention content areas as “helpful” to “very helpful”. Videoconferencing was viewed as an acceptable modality for intervention delivery CONCLUSIONS: Results helped specify treatment targets and provided information about how to enhance intervention delivery. The interviews supported the view that videoconferencing is an acceptable telehealth method of addressing chronic pain and heavy drinking among PLWH.UH2 AA026192 - NIAAA NIH HHSPublished versio

    The effects of metals and inhibitors on thermal oxidative degradation reactions of unbranched perfluoroalkylethers

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    Thermal oxidative degradation studies were performed on unbranched perfluoroalkylethers at 288 C in oxygen. Metals and alloys studied included Ti, Al, and Ti (4 Al, 4 Mn). The mechanism of degradation was by chain scission. Ti and Al promoted less degradation than Ti (4 Al, 4 Mn). The two inhibitors investigated (a perfluorophenyl phosphine and a phosphatriazine) reduced degradation rates by several orders of magnitude. Both inhibitors were effective for the same duration (75 to 100 hours). The phosphatriazine appeared to provide more surface protection

    Synthesis of perfluoroalkylene dianilines

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    The objective of this contrast was to optimize and scale-up the synthesis of 2,2-bis(4-aminophenyl)-hexafluoropropane and 1,3-bis(4-aminophenyl)hexafluoropropane, as well as to explore avenues to other perfluoroalkyl-bridged dianilines. Routes other than Friedel-Crafts reaction leading to 2,2-bis(4-aminophenyl)hexafluoropropane were investigated. The processes utilizing bisphenol-AF were all unsuccessful; reactions aimed at the production of 4-(hexafluoro-2-halo-isopropyl)aniline from the hydroxyl intermediate failed to yield the desired products. Tailoring the conditions of the Friedel-Crafts reaction of 4-(hexafluoro-2-hydroxyisopropyl)aniline, aniline, and aluminum chloride by using hydrochloride salts and selecting optimum reagent ratios, reaction times, and temperature resulted in approx. 20% yield of pure crystallized 2,2-bis(4-aminophenyl)hexafluoropropane in 0.2 mole reaction batches. Yields up to approx. 40% were realized in small, approx. 0.01 mole, batches. The synthesis of 1,3-bis(4-aminophenyl)hexafluoropropane starting with perfluoroglutarimidine was reinvestigated. The yield of the 4-step reaction sequence giving 1,3-bis(4-acetamidophenyl)hexafluoropropane was raised to 44%. The yield of the subsequent hydrolysis process was improved by a factor of approx. 2. Approaches to prepare other perfluoroalkyl-bridged dianilines were unsuccessful. Reactions reported to proceed readily with trifluoromethyl substituents failed when longer chain perfluoroalkyl groups were employed

    Phosphazene diamines

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    The synthesis of a specific phosphazene diamine was optimized, other phosphorus-containing diamines were prepared, and their effect upon certain characteristics of epoxy resins, prepared via reaction with MY 720, in particular, char yield at elevated temperatures was evaluated. The synthesis of the phosphazene diamine resulting from the interaction of methylenedianline with 4,4'-bis(diphenylphosphino)biphenyl was simplified into a one step process giving 77 percent yield of the pure product. Using this procedure, a related diamine containing bis(diphenylphosphino)methane was obtained in a 70 percent yield. Preparation of another class of phosphorus containing amines based upon p-aminophenyldiphenyl-phosphine was unsuccessful; the inability to produce p-aminophenylithlum was responsible for this failure. Seven epoxy resins employing Araldite MY 720, diaminodiphenylsulfone, and two of the phosphorus containing diamines were prepared, characterized, and their char yield capacity at elevated temperatures assessed. Based on these investigations, the resins containing phosphorus appear to exhibit significantly better char formation characteristics than materials hardened using conventional amines, without impairing the other properties measured