35 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic splenectomy complicated by pancreatic cyst in the course of Hodgkin's disease : case report

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    This paper describes a case of a patient suffering from Hodgkin's disease and treated by means of minimally invasive surgery: laparoscopic splenectomy. The performance of laparoscopic splenectomy led to a complication in the form of a pancreatic cyst. The cyst was subjected to endoscopic procedures (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, with a shaft to the pancreatic tract) and percutaneous drainage. The application of the above methods allowed for a quick introduction of causative treatment. Because in the case in question open surgery methods would impede the introduction of systemic treatment, minimally invasive surgery techniques (laparoscopy and endoscopy) were applied and are discussed below

    Potential of Novel Bacterial Cellulose Dressings Chemisorbed with Antiseptics for the Treatment of Oral Biofilm Infections

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    Infections of the oral cavity are caused by multicellular communities of microbes, referred to as biofilms. Due to the high tolerance of biofilms to antibiotics and specific conditions within the oral cavity, there is an ongoing search for carriers that are able to deliver high local concentrations of potent antimicrobials that can eradicate pathogenic biofilms. Bacterial cellulose, owing to its high flexibility, absorbance, and release potential, meets these demands. In this work we chemisorbed bacterial cellulose with antiseptics containing povidone-iodine or polihexanide and analyzed their ability to eradicate in vitro biofilms formed by oral pathogens, such as Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans, Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In tests performed by means of standard laboratory methods and with a long contact time (24 h), all antiseptics released from the cellulose dressings displayed a very high antibiofilm efficacy. On the other hand, when conditions imitating the oral cavity were used and cellulose dressings were applied for a 0.5–1 h contact time, the antiseptics released from the dressings displayed lower, though still acceptable, activity. Our findings indicate that besides species-specific resistance to particular antiseptic agents, environmental and experimental settings play an essential role in outcomes. Finally, in a proof-of-concept experiment performed in an oral cavity typodont model, we demonstrated the high flexibility and adhesiveness of antiseptic-containing cellulose dressings. Our novel findings, if developed in further studies, may lead to the introduction of new types of dressings that are able to efficiently deal with biofilm infections of the oral cavity

    A Multiplexed Cytokeratin Analysis Using Targeted Mass Spectrometry Reveals Specific Profiles in Cancer-Related Pleural Effusions

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    Pleural effusion (PE), excess fluid in the pleural space, is often observed in lung cancer patients and also forms due to many benign ailments. Classifying it quickly is critical, but this remains an analytical challenge often lengthening the diagnosis process or exposing patients to unnecessary risky invasive procedures. We tested the analysis of PE using a multiplexed cytokeratin (CK) panel with targeted mass spectrometry–based quantitation for its rapid classification. CK markers are often assessed in pathological examinations for cancer diagnosis and guiding treatment course. We developed methods to simultaneously quantify 33 CKs in PE using peptide standards for increased analytical specificity and a simple CK enrichment method to detect their low amounts. Analyzing 121 PEs associated with a variety of lung cancers and noncancerous causes, we show that abundance levels of 10 CKs can be related to PE etiology. CK-6, CK-7, CK-8, CK-18, and CK-19 were found at significantly higher levels in cancer-related PEs. Additionally, elevated levels of vimentin and actin differentiated PEs associated with bacterial infections. A classifier algorithm effectively grouped PEs into cancer-related or benign PEs with 81% sensitivity and 79% specificity. A set of undiagnosed PEs showed that our method has potential to shorten PE diagnosis time. For the first time, we show that a cancer-relevant panel of simple-epithelial CK markers currently used in clinical assessment can also be quantitated in PEs. Additionally, while requiring less invasive sampling, our methodology demonstrated a significant ability to identify cancer-related PEs in clinical samples and thus could improve patient care in the future

    Dieta wegetariańska stosowana przez kobiety w ciąży. Korzyści i zagrożenia dla matki i płodu

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    INTRODUCTION: Nutritionists emphasize that a properly composed vegetarian diet can be followed by people at different stages of their lives. Still, many people believe that such an action can lead to the appearance health disorders. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether a vegetarian diet can be observed by pregnant women without the risk of health disorders in them or the fetuses. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Information relating to the suitability of a vegetarian diet during pregnancy was analyzed. The results of several studies that compared the occurrence of certain factors in pregnant women following a ve-getarian diet and pregnant women consuming meat was analyzed. RESULTS: At present, there are still few studies assessing the health status of pregnant women subsisting on a vegetarian diet and their children. These studies compared the bioavailability of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. The dietary habits of pregnant women living on a vegetarian diet are analyzed and the state of health of children born to vegetarians and women consuming meat meat is compared. CONCLUSIONS: The research results presented in the study lead to the conclusion that a properly designed vegetarian diet can be followed by pregnant women without bearing a risk of deficiencies or disorders in fetal development.WSTĘP: Dietetycy podkreślają, że właściwie skomponowana dieta wegetariańska może być stosowana przez ludzi na różnych etapach ich życia. Jednak wciąż wiele osób uważa, że takie działanie może prowadzić do ujawniana się zaburzeń zdrowotnych. Celem pracy było określenie, czy dieta wegetariańska może być stosowana przez kobiety w ciąży bez ryzyka wystąpienia zaburzeń zdrowotnych u nich lub u płodów. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Analizie poddano informacje odnoszące się do możliwości stosowania diety wegetariańskiej w czasie ciąży. Analizowano wyniki kilkunastu badań, w których porównywano występowanie określonych czynników u kobiet w ciąży stosujących dietę wegetariańską oraz u kobiet w ciąży spożywających mięso. WYNIKI: Obecnie wciąż niewiele jest badań oceniających stan zdrowia kobiet w ciąży stosujących dietę wegetariańską oraz ich dzieci. W badaniach tych porównywana jest biodostępność składników odżywczych, składników mineralnych oraz witamin. Analizowane są nawyki żywieniowe kobiet w ciąży stosujących dietę wegetariańską oraz porównywany jest stan zdrowia dzieci urodzonych przez wegetarianki oraz kobiety spożywające mięso. WNIOSKI: Przestawione w pracy wyniki badań pozwalają stwierdzić, że właściwie opracowana dieta wegetariańska może być stosowana przez kobiety w ciąży i niesie ze sobą ryzyka wystąpienia niedoborów czy zaburzeń w rozwoju płodu

    The Influence of Cement Layer Thickness on the Stress State of Metal Inlay Restorations—Photoelastic Analysis

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    The successful restoration of teeth requires a good connection between the inlay and natural tissue. A strong bond may improve retention and reinforce tooth structure. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of cement layer thickness on contraction stress generated during photopolymerization, and to determine the changes in stress state of the cement occurring during aging in water (over 84 days). Two cements were used: resin composite cement (NX3) and self-adhesive resin cement (Maxcem Elite Chroma). A cylindrical sample made of CuZn alloy was used to imitate the inlay. The stress state was measured by photoelastic analysis. The contraction stress of the inlay restoration was calculated for cement layer thicknesses of 25 µm, 100 µm, 200 µm, and 400 µm. For both tested materials, the lowest contraction stress was observed for the thinnest layer (25 µm), and this increased with thickness. Following water immersion, a significant reduction in contraction stress was observed due to hygroscopic expansion. Applying a thin layer (approximately 25 µm) of composite and self-adhesive resin cements resulted in high levels of expansion stresses (over −6 MPa) after water aging

    The Influence of Cement Layer Thickness on the Stress State of Metal Inlay Restorations—Photoelastic Analysis

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    The successful restoration of teeth requires a good connection between the inlay and natural tissue. A strong bond may improve retention and reinforce tooth structure. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of cement layer thickness on contraction stress generated during photopolymerization, and to determine the changes in stress state of the cement occurring during aging in water (over 84 days). Two cements were used: resin composite cement (NX3) and self-adhesive resin cement (Maxcem Elite Chroma). A cylindrical sample made of CuZn alloy was used to imitate the inlay. The stress state was measured by photoelastic analysis. The contraction stress of the inlay restoration was calculated for cement layer thicknesses of 25 µm, 100 µm, 200 µm, and 400 µm. For both tested materials, the lowest contraction stress was observed for the thinnest layer (25 µm), and this increased with thickness. Following water immersion, a significant reduction in contraction stress was observed due to hygroscopic expansion. Applying a thin layer (approximately 25 µm) of composite and self-adhesive resin cements resulted in high levels of expansion stresses (over −6 MPa) after water aging

    An MRM-Based Cytokeratin Marker Assay as a Tool for Cancer Studies: Application to Lung Cancer Pleural Effusions

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    PURPOSE: The goal of this work was to develop an LC-MRM assay for the quantitative analysis of a set of established and diagnostically important cytokeratin (CK) markers used in cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy monitoring. Second, the potential of this assay in lung cancer diagnosis through pleural effusion (PE) analysis was examined. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A multiplexed MRM assay was developed for 17 CKs and their select caspase-cleaved fragments. Isotope-labeled standard peptides were used for high assay specificity and absolute peptide quantitation; with robust standard-flow LC coupled to a latest-generation triple-quadrupole instrument for high sensitivity. The potential clinical applicability was demonstrated by the analysis of 118 PE samples. RESULTS: The MRM assay was evaluated for endogenous detection, linearity, precision, upper and lower limits of quantification, selectivity, reproducibility and peptide stability, and is generally applicable to any epithelial cancer study. A set of 118 patients with known pathologies allowed us to define the range of CK levels in clinical PE samples. Specific CKs were able to differentiate cancer-related PEs from those caused by benign ailments. In addition, they allowed to differentiate between PEs from subjects with small cell lung cancer versus non-small cell lung carcinoma, and to further differentiate the latter into its two subtypes, adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: An MRM-based CK assay for carcinoma studies can differentiate between the three lung cancer histological types using less-invasive PE sampling providing potential therapy-guiding information on patients that are inoperable

    In Vitro Evaluation of Polihexanide, Octenidine and NaClO/HClO-Based Antiseptics against Biofilm Formed by Wound Pathogens

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    Chronic wounds complicated with biofilm formed by pathogens remain one of the most significant challenges of contemporary medicine. The application of topical antiseptic solutions against wound biofilm has been gaining increasing interest among clinical practitioners and scientific researchers. This paper compares the activity of polyhexanide-, octenidine- and hypochlorite/hypochlorous acid-based antiseptics against biofilm formed by clinical strains of Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The analyses included both standard techniques utilizing polystyrene plates and self-designed biocellulose-based models in which a biofilm formed by pathogens was formed on an elastic, fibrinous surface covered with a fibroblast layer. The obtained results show high antibiofilm activity of polihexanide- and octenidine-based antiseptics and lack or weak antibiofilm activity of hypochlorite-based antiseptic of total chlorine content equal to 80 parts per million. The data presented in this paper indicate that polihexanide- or octenidine-based antiseptics are highly useful in the treatment of biofilm, while hypochlorite-based antiseptics with low chlorine content may be applied for wound rinsing but not when specific antibiofilm activity is required

    Ocena spodziewanych następstw hemodynamicznych zamiany stymulacji komorowej na dwujamową

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    Cel pracy: Ocena różnych parametrów echokardiograficznych pod kątem ich praktycznej przydatności do przewidywania spodziewanych zmian hemodynamicznych związanych ze zmianą stymulacji komorowej na dwujamową. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto 36 osób z wszczepionym stymulatorem DDD w wieku od 30 do 81 lat, średnio 56,1 &plusmn; 14,6. Wyniki: Parametrem najlepiej korelującym z wynikającym ze zmiany stymulacji VVI na DDD przyrostem objętości wyrzutowej była zmienność zintegrowanej prędkości przepływu aortalnego (r = 0,833, p < 0,0001). Silną korelację stwierdzono także dla zmienności maksymalnej prędkości przepływu aortalnego (r = 0,821, p < 0,0001). Zaletą tego parametru jest prostota jego pomiaru. Tak silne zależności można wykorzystywać do określania spodziewanego przyrostu objętości wyrzutowej. Jedynym parametrem anatomicznym, który może być brany pod uwagę w wypadku trudności uzyskania dobrego technicznie zapisu przepływu aortalnego, jest stosunek wymiaru rozkurczowego do skurczowego lewej komory (r = 0,705, p < 0,0005). Wnioski: 1. Zmienność maksymalnej prędkości przepływu aortalnego jest najprostszym w zastosowaniu, a jednocześnie wiarygodnym parametrem przewidującym korzyść hemodynamiczną. 2. Nie znaleziono parametru echokardiograficznego pozwalającego na określenie spodziewanej korzyści hemodynamicznej, który byłby niezależny od przewodzenia komorowo-przedsionkowego