3 research outputs found


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    Depression is a disease characterized by both mental and somatic disorders. The 21st century turned out to be the time when depression became a real health threat not only to individuals but also to entire societies. There are many theories pointing to the causes of depression, but these immediate causes are still not definitively clear. Equivalent importance of neuroanatomical and psycho-social factors is indicated. Among the theories considered so far, there are biological, hormonal, neurotransmitter-related, describing the malfunctions of the limbic system and hypothalamus, psychological theories. The studies conducted so far show that psychosocial factors play an extremely important role in the etiology of depression. Symptoms of depression are very complex and multifaceted, and may vary in severity. As a result of studies on the risk factors for depression, a relationship between the deficiency of individual nutrients and the manifestation of depressive disorders has been shown. The aim of the study is to present the influence of particular nutrients on the occurrence and course of depression. A properly balanced diet, both quantitatively and qualitatively, has a positive effect on reducing the risk of depression, as well as improving the condition of people who already suffer from it. Among the nutrients of particular importance are vitamin D, magnesium, folic acid, tryptophan, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, cobalamin, and some probiotic microorganisms.Depresja jest chorob膮, kt贸r膮 charakteryzuj膮 zar贸wno zaburzenia psychiczne, jak i somatyczne. XXI wiek okaza艂 si臋 by膰 czasem, w kt贸rym depresja sta艂a si臋 realnym zagro偶eniem dla zdrowia nie tylko poszczeg贸lnych jednostek, ale tak偶e ca艂ych spo艂ecze艅stw. Istnieje wiele teorii wskazuj膮cych na przyczyny wyst臋powania depresji, jednak te bezpo艣rednie pod艂o偶a nadal nie s膮 ostatecznie uznane jako ca艂kowicie klarowne. Wskazuje si臋 na r贸wnoznaczn膮 istotno艣膰 czynnik贸w neuroanatomicznych oraz psychologiczno-spo艂ecznych. W艣r贸d rozpatrywanych dotychczasowo teorii mo偶na wyr贸偶ni膰 biologiczn膮, hormonaln膮, zwi膮zan膮 z neuroprzeka藕nikami, opisuj膮c膮 wadliwe funkcjonowania uk艂adu limbicznego i podwzg贸rza, teorie psychologiczne. Z przeprowadzonych dotychczas bada艅 wynika, i偶 niezwykle istotn膮 rol臋 w etiologii depresji odgrywaj膮 czynniki psychospo艂eczne. Objawy depresji s膮 bardzo z艂o偶one i wielop艂aszczyznowe, mog膮ce posiada膰 r贸偶ny stopie艅 nasilenia. W wyniku bada艅 dotycz膮cych czynnik贸w ryzyka wyst臋powania depresji wykazano zale偶no艣膰 pomi臋dzy niedoborem poszczeg贸lnych sk艂adnik贸w pokarmowych a ujawnianiem si臋 zaburze艅 depresyjnych. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie wp艂ywu poszczeg贸lnych sk艂adnik贸w pokarmowych na wyst臋powanie i przebieg depresji. W艂a艣ciwie zbilansowana dieta, zar贸wno pod k膮tem ilo艣ciowym, jak i jako艣ciowym, wywiera pozytywny wp艂yw na zmniejszenie ryzyka wyst膮pienia depresji, a tak偶e poprawienie stanu os贸b, kt贸re ju偶 na ni膮 cierpi膮. W艣r贸d sk艂adnik贸w od偶ywczych, kt贸re maj膮 tu szczeg贸lne znaczenie, znajduj膮 si臋 witamina D, magnez, kwas foliowy, tryptofan, cynk, kwasy t艂uszczowe omega-3, kobalamina, niekt贸re drobnoustroje probiotyczne

    Evaluation of pediatric flatfoot treatment results with new type of implant

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    Introduction and Purpose: Optimal methods of treating the flat feet have been searched for many years. Summarizing the latest medical reports, more and more often the method of choice in dynamic disorders are minimally invasive procedures consisting in supporting and stabilizing the displaced talus with an implant inserted into the tarsal sinus. The aim of the study is to evaluate the results of treatment of flat foot in two groups of patients operated on with different types of implants. Materials and methods: The study included 120 patients treated for the flat foot. All children underwent ankle bone stabilization with a titanium implant inserted into the tarsal sinus. The patients were divided into 2 research groups according to the type of implant used. The patients were clinically examined, and a retrospective analysis of medical records and pre- and postoperative radiological images was performed. The gait after correction of the defect was analyzed in the gait laboratory. The loads and pressure of individual components of the operated foot were compared. Results: In a clinical trial, improvements in the appearance and function of the foot were observed in both groups. On postoperative radiological images, in about 78% of patients, the measurement of the angles was within the normal range. In both groups, the load and the pressure of individual components of the operated feet obtained a significant improvement, no differences were found. Conclusions: Correction of the flat foot in children with the use of an implant improves the alignment of the foot and reduces pain. In some cases, the lengthening of the gastrocnemius muscle aponeurosis is an indispensable procedure and significantly improves the mobility of the foot and the final effect.Wst臋p i cel: Od wielu lat poszukiwane s膮 optymalne sposoby leczenia stopy p艂asko-ko艣lawej. Podsumowuj膮c najnowsze doniesienia medyczne coraz cz臋艣ciej metod膮 z wyboru przy zaburzeniach dynamicznych s膮 zabiegi ma艂oinwazyjne polegaj膮ce na podparciu i stabilizacji przemieszczonej ko艣ci skokowej za pomoc膮 implantu wprowadzonego do zatoki st臋pu. Celem pracy jest ocena wynik贸w leczenia stopy p艂asko-ko艣lawej w dw贸ch grupach pacjent贸w operowanych z u偶yciem r贸偶nych typ贸w implantu. Materia艂y i metody: Badaniem obj臋tych zosta艂o 120 pacjent贸w, leczonych z powodu stopy p艂asko-ko艣lawej. U wszystkich dzieci zastosowano stabilizacj臋 ko艣ci skokowej przy pomocy tytanowego implantu wprowadzonego do zatoki st臋pu. Pacjenci zostali podzieleni na 2 grupy badawcze zgodnie z rodzajem zastosowanego implantu. Pacjent贸w zbadano klinicznie, wykonano retrospektywn膮 analiz臋 dokumentacji medycznej i obraz贸w radiologicznych przed- i pooperacyjnych. Ch贸d po korekcji wady zosta艂 poddany analizie w laboratorium chodu. Por贸wnane zosta艂y obci膮偶enia i nacisk poszczeg贸lnych sk艂adowych stopy operowanej. Wyniki: W badaniu klinicznym zaobserwowano popraw臋 wygl膮du i funkcji stopy w obu grupach. Na obrazach radiologicznych pooperacyjnych u ok 78% pacjent贸w wynik pomiarowy k膮t贸w mie艣ci艂 si臋 w granicy normy. W obu grupach obci膮偶enia i nacisk poszczeg贸lnych sk艂adowych st贸p operowanych uzyska艂y znacz膮c膮 popraw臋, nie wykazano r贸偶nic. Wnioski: Korekcja stopy p艂asko-ko艣lawej u dzieci przy pomocy implantu poprawia kosmetyk臋 stopy, wp艂ywa na zmniejszenie dolegliwo艣ci b贸lowych. Wyd艂u偶enie rozci臋gna mi臋艣nia brzuchatego u cz臋艣ci przypadk贸w jest zabiegiem niezb臋dnym i znacz膮co wp艂ywa na popraw臋 ruchomo艣ci stopy oraz efekt ko艅cowy

    Results of Nailfold Videocapillaroscopy in Patients with Pseudoexfoliative Glaucoma

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the nailfold videocapillaroscopic examination results from patients with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (XFG) and to assess the relationship between the results of this examination and the patient鈥檚 clinical status in the XFG group. Material and Methods: The studied group consisted of 39 Caucasian patients with XFG and 32 patients in a control group. The patients were classified into two subgroups: the hypertensive pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (hXFG) subgroup and the normotensive pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (nXFG) subgroup. The nailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC) was performed on all participants. The results of each NVC were classified as having a normal or abnormal pattern. Results: There was no statistical difference between the results of an abnormal NVC pattern in the study group vs. the control group (p = 0.8773). Microhemorrhages were shown in 30.0% of patients with nXFG vs. the control group (6.25%) (p = 0.0520). Microhemorrhages tended to be more frequent in the XFG group (p = 0.1221). A prevalent number of tortuous capillaries was observed in hXFG patients with advanced glaucomatous neuropathy. Dilatation in the capillaries and microbleedings were observed in the group of patients with lower IOP values. Tortuosity in the capillaries was significantly more frequent in PEXG patients (XFG vs. control: p = 0.0386). No relationships between the results of NVC and age, c/d, BCVA, time of treatment, and visual field defect were found. Conclusions: Specific features of NVC examination differentiate nXFG from hXFG patients. Some capillaroscopic features may correlate with the patient鈥檚 clinical status of XFG