382 research outputs found

    Cyberspace: The Final Frontier, for Regulation?

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    This article will discuss the concept of anonymity on the Internet and argue for its protection. Part II provides background information on the Internet and illustrates the prominence the Internet has in today\u27s global society. Part III discusses the concept of anonymity and its importance in our daily communications and how these principles necessarily extend to online communication. Part IV outlines the purported justifications for regulating Internet content, which is followed by Part V discussing current and attempted regulations of the Internet. This article then argues for the full protection of online anonymous speech as mandated by fundamental principles of free speech, the traditions of our right to remain anonymous, and our notions of privacy. Finally, Part VII concludes by maintaining that self regulation of the Internet is preferable to intrusive governmental regulation

    Modern Women in (Modern) Architecture: Some Cases (Genesis of a Modern Lifestyle)

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    The presence and influence of women as architects and designers, has not yet been sufficiently explored in terms of social change. From the end of the 19th century we find very strong and innovative female influence in architecture, design and urban planning projects. The origins of the modern women’s approach to architecture emerges mostly from the world fairs in America during that period, when the social influence of women determined occasions for a specific professional role in architecture. At the beginning of the 20th century, American experiences were exported in Europe through fairs and exhibitions, generating a model for the new generation. What did actually drive these women to choose this profession and what did they have in common, which aims and what concept of the new era? In a nutshell the Italian scenario of that historical scenario reveals how women, who had a profound impact on Modernist history even while working at the periphery of the profession, have changed the idea of living, working, learning, having fun, even if their works sometimes remains under the “tradition of misattribution”. The case of Maria Teresa Parpagliolo Shepard is significant both as an instance of Italian pioneering innovative landscape architect and as a promoter of a new lifestyle

    Il paesaggio moderno tra utilitĂ  e bellezza. L'ambito lagunare di Grado e Marano.

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    La cura e la gestione di un ambito lagunare ricco di storia e valenza culturale e naturale presuppone un approccio innovativo che necessita il coinvolgimento interdisciplinare a vari livelli e una collaborazione attiva da parte delle amministrazioni interessate

    Is Consultation Everything? The Influence of Interest Groups on Parliamentary Working Bodies in Slovenia

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    Empirical data gathered from surveys of MPs & interest groups in Slovenia reveal that the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia is a relatively powerful & accessible political institution. Parliamentary working bodies are perceived by MPs & interest groups as the focal point of their contacts. While MPs find interest groups to be both valuable sources of input into the legislative process & relatively influential policy actors, interest groups are relatively happy with how accessible MPs are, though they are less happy with their own impact on parliamentary decision-making. Despite the direct exchange between MPs & interest groups, political parties still play an important gatekeeping role. The identified factors of the impact of interest groups on the legislative process include the formally defined roles & competencies of parliamentary working bodies, policy sector variations, European interest-group networking, & the leadership styles of those who chair the working bodies

    Subsurface Imaging with Reverse Vertical Seismic Pro les

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    A novel imaging process, referred to as vector image isochron (VII) migration, is specifically designed to reduce artifacts caused by arrays with limited apertures. By examining the assumptions behind generalized Radon transform (GRT) migration, a new approach is found which identities and suppresses array artifacts, based on the array geometry and the migration earth model. The new method works in four steps: 1) The conventional image is broken down according to the orientation of imaged planes within the image space, forming a vector image of the earth; 2) the earth model and the geometry of the arrays are used to derive vector image isochrons, which define the shape of reflection events in the vector image space; 3) the vector image is transformed by summing along the isochrons so that it depends on subsurface location and reflector orientation, rather than imaged plane orientation. This process is referred to as vector image isochron (VII) transformation; and 4) the transformed vector image is collapsed to a scalar image by summing over reflector orientations. The VII imaging method is derived in both 2D and 3D with the assumption that at least one of the arrays, source or receiver, is oriented horizontally. The surface array can have any distribution along the surface. The other array can have any orientation, although in this paper it will be assumed to be either another surface array or a vertically oriented downhole array. Downhole surveys in deviated wells, or in multiple wells, can be imaged with VII migration, at the likely cost of more computation time. The VII imaging method is tested on field data acquired in 1998 by MIT and several industry partners. The dataset is a 3D reverse vertical seismic profile (RVSP) over a hydrocarbon-bearing pinnacle reef in the northern Michigan reef trend. The survey exhibited two features of note: 1) A new, strong, downhole vertical vibrator, and 2) a random distribution of surface receiver locations. Due to adverse conditions, a large portion of the surface spread had to be abandoned. The reduced spatial coverage presents a challenge to the new migration method, but also limits the extent of the migrated image, precluding an evaluation of the reflectiveness of the random receiver spread. The limited nature of the receiver array also causes artifacts in the image which resemble migration "smiles". These are partially suppressed by limiting the dip aperture of the migration, but this also limits the reflector dips that can be imaged. The new VII imaging scheme, on the other hand, removes the artifacts without diminishing dipping reflectors. The VII images show more continuity along reflectors than images made with the conventional method

    Frequency Dependence Of Seismic Data From Nigeria: Preliminary Results

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    Seismic data from the Niger Delta is used to test processing sequences involved in prestack and poststack amplitude and frequency analysis of marine seismic data. Water bottom reverberations are found to present a formidable challenge in poststack frequency and amplitude analysis. However, reflectors with anomalously high amplitudes show low frequency content both in deconvolved poststack data and in the near offsets of prestack data with no deconvolution, which agrees with results in the literature. Lack of detailed knowledge of the lithology prevents investigation of the physical nature of the amplitude and frequency variations.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Borehole Acoustics and Logging ConsortiumMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laboratory. Reservoir Delineation Consortiu

    Finite Difference Modeling of Attenuation and Anisotropy

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    A nite difference scheme which includes the effects of attenuation and anisotropy is tested for seismic reflection and borehole acoustic models. The validity of the scheme is established using a 3D homogenous isotropic model to compare results to the discrete wavenumber method. Three models are then investigated. First, reflections from a 3D at layered model are analyzed for o set and azimuthal dependence of attenuation. Second, discrete fractures are included in a 2D at layered model to examine their effect on reservoir top and bottom reflections. Third, a 3D borehole in both hard and soft formations is modeled to test the effect of attenuation on guided waves.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources LaboratoryUnited States. Dept. of Energy (Grant DE-FC26-02NT15346)Eni S.p.A. (Firm

    Sensitivity Analysis Of Amplitude Variation With Offset (Avo) In Fractured Media

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    The variation in seismic P to P reflection amplitude with offset (AVO) caused by a system of fractures embedded in an isotropic background is investigated. Additionally. a sensitivity analysis of AVO parameters with respect to the fracture system parameters is made. The fracture system is assumed to be aligned vertically or horizontally and can be gas filled or fluid filled. Elastic constants are calculated by using formulations of Schoenberg (1988). From the elastic constants, the reflection amplitude as a function of angle is calculated using equations from Ruger (1997). Theoretical results for a single interface between fractured and unfractured media, both with and without lithology change, show opportunities for extraction of crack density information from seismic P-wave data collected in fractured geothermal or hydrocarbon reservoirs. For vertically oriented fractures, wide angle data (> 30°) is crucial for the estimation of fracture parameters.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Borehole Acoustics and Logging ConsortiumMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laboratory. Reservoir Delineation Consortiu

    Diritto alla CittĂ . Pianificazione di genere per una comunitĂ  inclusiva.

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    Città vivibili e umane. La città è spesso il luogo nel quale si sviluppano le maggiori energie umane, dove si mescolano elementi volontari ed elementi casuali. Molte volte diventa il terreno del conflitto per eccellenza che, se volto in positivo, può rivelare nuove possibilità e opportunità nel processo di emancipazione della collettività. Un ruolo fondamentale nel sistema urbano è rivestito dallo spazio pubblico, che rappresenta l’identità e le aspirazioni di chi vi abita. È questo il luogo in cui si rende possibile o meno la sperimentazione della democrazia, del benessere e delle opportunità senza barriere di alcun genere, il motore del cambiamento e punto di partenza su cui innestare programmi strategici per la città. Con la concretezza tipica femminile, l’autrice individua i principali nodi in questione, a cominciare dalla divisione-condivisione degli spazi urbani ovvero come usufruirne e come condividerli; come renderli accessibili e protetti; come redistribuirli dai grandi centri alle periferie; come renderli funzionanti. Come ricorda Marta Ajò nella sua presentazione, la necessità di modificare la città cambiando il rapporto tra strutture e cittadino, in un diverso intreccio tra vita e lavoro, tra giovani, anziani e diversamente abili non può prescindere da strutture e modalità che garantiscano più la collettività che il privato. La disfunzione e l’insufficienza delle aree metropolitane interferiscono non solo sull’organizzazione della vita ma anche sulla salute dei cittadini fra i quali le donne sono le più soggette ad ammalarsi. Il testo, molto aggiornato e completo, illustra lo status quo in ambito europeo, le buone pratiche e le opportunità che ne derivano. Una diversa e migliore pianificazione urbana può e deve creare vantaggi per migliorare la salute e lo stile di vita della popolazione:partire da qui significa ritrovare il coraggio di sperimentare con nuovi approcci e voler combattere lo sradicamento, non solo fisico ma anche quello dell'anima, per contrastare il dimenticare e l'improvvisazione, per recuperare l’attimo del profondo stupore platoniano con un progetto di amore che ricerca la propria e l’altrui felicità

    La frammentazione del mosaico urbano di Tirana.

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    La forma della cittĂ  di Tirana oggi, dalle rimanenze del progetto italiano dell'arch. Brasini per l'immagine di una capitale europea del primo Novecento alla ricerca di nuove funzioni e aspirazioni di una metropoli nel futuro
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