20 research outputs found
Design of a Neurally Plausible Model of Fear Learning
A neurally oriented conceptual and computational model of fear conditioning manifested by freezing behavior (FRAT), which accounts for many aspects of delay and context conditioning, has been constructed. Conditioning and extinction are the result of neuromodulation-controlled LTP at synapses of thalamic, cortical, and hippocampal afferents on principal cells and inhibitory interneurons of lateral and basal amygdala. The phenomena accounted for by the model (and simulated by the computational version) include conditioning, secondary reinforcement, blocking, the immediate shock deficit, extinction, renewal, and a range of empirically valid effects of pre- and post-training ablation or inactivation of hippocampus or amygdala nuclei
Dual and Opposing Modulatory Effects of Serotonin on Crayfish Lateral Giant Escape Command Neurons
Serotonin modulates afferent synaptic transmission to the lateral giant neurons of crayfish, which are command neurons for escape behavior. Low concentrations, or high concentrations reached gradually, are facilitatory, whereas high concentrations reached rapidly are inhibitory. The modulatory effects rapidly reverse after brief periods of application, whereas longer periods of application are followed by facilitation that persists for hours. These effects of serotonin can be reproduced by models that involve multiple interacting intracellular signaling systems that are each stimulated by serotonin. The dependence of the neuromodulatory effect on dose, rate, and duration of modulator application may be relevant to understanding the effects of natural neuromodulation on behavior and cognition and to the design of drug therapies
Remote memory in a Bayesian model of context fear conditioning (BaconREM)
Here, we propose a model of remote memory (BaconREM), which is an extension of a previously published Bayesian model of context fear learning (BACON) that accounts for many aspects of recently learned context fear. BaconREM simulates most known phenomenology of remote context fear as studied in rodents and makes new predictions. In particular, it predicts the well-known observation that fear that was conditioned to a recently encoded context becomes hippocampus-independent and shows much-enhanced generalization (“hyper-generalization”) when systems consolidation occurs (i.e., when memory becomes remote). However, the model also predicts that there should be circumstances under which the generalizability of remote fear may not increase or even decrease. It also predicts the established finding that a “reminder” exposure to a feared context can abolish hyper-generalization while at the same time making remote fear again hippocampus-dependent. This observation has in the past been taken to suggest that reminders facilitate access to detail memory that remains permanently in the hippocampus even after systems consolidation is complete. However, the present model simulates this result even though it totally moves all the contextual memory that it retains to the neo-cortex when context fear becomes remote
Evidence for a Computational Distinction Between Proximal and Distal Neuronal Inhibition
Most neurons have inhibitory synapses both "proximally" near the spike-initiating zone and "distally" on dendrites. Although distal inhibition is thought to be an adaptation for selective inhibition of particular dendritic branches, another important distinction exists between proximal and distal inhibition. Proximal inhibition can attenuate excitatory input absolutely so that no amount of excitation causes firing. Distal inhibition, however, inhibits relatively; any amount of it can be overcome by sufficient excitation. These properties are used as predicted in the circuit-mediating crayfish escape behavior. Many neuronal computations require relative inhibition. This could partly account for the ubiquity of distal inhibition
Reciprocal Stimulation of Decay Between Serotonergic Facilitation and Depression of Synaptic Transmission
Serotonin can produce multiple, contradictory modulatory effects on strength of synaptic transmission in both vertebrate and invertebrate nerve circuits. In crayfish, serotonin (5-HT) can both facilitate and depress transmission to lateral giant escape command neurons; however, which effect is manifest during application, as well as the sign and duration of effects that may continue long after 5-HT washout, may depend on history of application as well as on concentration. We report that protein kinase A (PKA) signaling is essential to the production of facilitation but depression is mediated by non-cAMP/PKA signaling pathways. However, we unexpectedly found that PKA activity is essential for the decay of depression when serotonin is washed out. This, and evidence from the effects of a variety of serotonin application regimens, suggest that facilitatory and depressive states coexist and compete and that the decay of each is dependent on stimulation by the other. A computational model that incorporates these assumptions can account for and rationalize the varied effects of a wide range of serotonin application regimens