28 research outputs found

    A convenient criterion under which Z_2-graded operators are Hamiltonian

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    We formulate a simple and convenient criterion under which skew-adjoint Z_2-graded total differential operators are Hamiltonian, provided that their images are closed under commutation in the Lie algebras of evolutionary vector fields on the infinite jet spaces for vector bundles over smooth manifolds.Comment: J.Phys.Conf.Ser.: Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Symmetry. Proc. 28th Int. colloq. on group-theoretical methods in Physics (July 26-30, 2010; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK), 6 pages (in press

    The graded Jacobi algebras and (co)homology

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    Jacobi algebroids (i.e. `Jacobi versions' of Lie algebroids) are studied in the context of graded Jacobi brackets on graded commutative algebras. This unifies varios concepts of graded Lie structures in geometry and physics. A method of describing such structures by classical Lie algebroids via certain gauging (in the spirit of E.Witten's gauging of exterior derivative) is developed. One constructs a corresponding Cartan differential calculus (graded commutative one) in a natural manner. This, in turn, gives canonical generating operators for triangular Jacobi algebroids. One gets, in particular, the Lichnerowicz-Jacobi homology operators associated with classical Jacobi structures. Courant-Jacobi brackets are obtained in a similar way and use to define an abstract notion of a Courant-Jacobi algebroid and Dirac-Jacobi structure. All this offers a new flavour in understanding the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism.Comment: 20 pages, a few typos corrected; final version to be published in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Classical field theory. Advanced mathematical formulation

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    In contrast with QFT, classical field theory can be formulated in strict mathematical terms of fibre bundles, graded manifolds and jet manifolds. Second Noether theorems provide BRST extension of this classical field theory by means of ghosts and antifields for the purpose of its quantization.Comment: 30 p

    The BV-algebra structure of W_3 cohomology

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    We summarize some recent results obtained in collaboration with J. McCarthy on the spectrum of physical states in W3W_3 gravity coupled to c=2c=2 matter. We show that the space of physical states, defined as a semi-infinite (or BRST) cohomology of the W3W_3 algebra, carries the structure of a BV-algebra. This BV-algebra has a quotient which is isomorphic to the BV-algebra of polyvector fields on the base affine space of SL(3,C)SL(3,C). Details have appeared elsewhere. [Published in the proceedings of "Gursey Memorial Conference I: Strings and Symmetries," Istanbul, June 1994, eds. G. Aktas et al., Lect. Notes in Phys. 447, (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1995)]Comment: 8 pages; uses macros tables.tex and amssym.def (version 2.1 or later

    Symmetries of Differential Equations via Cartan's Method of Equivalence

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    We formulate a method of computing invariant 1-forms and structure equations of symmetry pseudo-groups of differential equations based on Cartan's method of equivalence and the moving coframe method introduced by Fels and Olver. Our apparoach does not require a preliminary computation of infinitesimal defining systems, their analysis and integration, and uses differentiation and linear algebra operations only. Examples of its applications are given.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX 2.0

    Why nonlocal recursion operators produce local symmetries: new results and applications

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    It is well known that integrable hierarchies in (1+1) dimensions are local while the recursion operators that generate them usually contain nonlocal terms. We resolve this apparent discrepancy by providing simple and universal sufficient conditions for a (nonlocal) recursion operator in (1+1) dimensions to generate a hierarchy of local symmetries. These conditions are satisfied by virtually all known today recursion operators and are much easier to verify than those found in earlier work. We also give explicit formulas for the nonlocal parts of higher recursion operators, Poisson and symplectic structures of integrable systems in (1+1) dimensions. Using these two results we prove, under some natural assumptions, the Maltsev--Novikov conjecture stating that higher Hamiltonian, symplectic and recursion operators of integrable systems in (1+1) dimensions are weakly nonlocal, i.e., the coefficients of these operators are local and these operators contain at most one integration operator in each term.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX 2e, final versio

    Scalar second order evolution equations possessing an irreducible sl2_2-valued zero curvature representation

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    We find all scalar second order evolution equations possessing an sl2_2-valued zero curvature representation that is not reducible to a proper subalgebra of sl2_2. None of these zero-curvature representations admits a parameter.Comment: 10 pages, requires nath.st

    The Robinson-Trautman Type III Prolongation Structure Contains K2_2

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    The minimal prolongation structure for the Robinson-Trautman equations of Petrov type III is shown to always include the infinite-dimensional, contragredient algebra, K2_2, which is of infinite growth. Knowledge of faithful representations of this algebra would allow the determination of B\"acklund transformations to evolve new solutions.Comment: 20 pages, plain TeX, no figures, submitted to Commun. Math. Phy

    On the relation between standard and ÎĽ\mu-symmetries for PDEs

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    We give a geometrical interpretation of the notion of μ\mu-prolongations of vector fields and of the related concept of μ\mu-symmetry for partial differential equations (extending to PDEs the notion of λ\lambda-symmetry for ODEs). We give in particular a result concerning the relationship between μ\mu-symmetries and standard exact symmetries. The notion is also extended to the case of conditional and partial symmetries, and we analyze the relation between local μ\mu-symmetries and nonlocal standard symmetries.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, latex. to be published in J. Phys.

    Homological evolutionary vector fields in Korteweg-de Vries, Liouville, Maxwell, and several other models

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    We review the construction of homological evolutionary vector fields on infinite jet spaces and partial differential equations. We describe the applications of this concept in three tightly inter-related domains: the variational Poisson formalism (e.g., for equations of Korteweg-de Vries type), geometry of Liouville-type hyperbolic systems (including the 2D Toda chains), and Euler-Lagrange gauge theories (such as the Yang-Mills theories, gravity, or the Poisson sigma-models). Also, we formulate several open problems.Comment: Proc. 7th International Workshop "Quantum Theory and Symmetries-7" (August 7-13, 2011; CVUT Prague, Czech Republic), 20 page