81 research outputs found

    Lithostratigraphy, geology and geochemisttry of the volcanic rocks of the Vaigat Formation on Disko and Nuussuaq, Paleocene of West Greenland

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    The Paleocene volcanic rocks in the Nuussuaq Basin on Disko and Nuussuaq comprise the Vaigat Formation (c. 62–61 Ma) and the Maligât Formation (c. 60 Ma). The Vaigat Formation in this area is 0–1600 m thick and is dominated by olivine-rich picrites. The formation was deposited during three volcanic episodes and is divided into 10 formally defined members and about 20 informal units. The first episode gave rise to the Anaanaa Member. The second episode gave rise to the Naujánguit Member which is intercalated with the minor, crustally contaminated Nuusap Qaqqarsua, Nuuk Killeq, Asuk, Tunoqqu and Kûgánguaq members and the uncontaminated Qordlortorssuaq Member. The third episode gave rise to the Ordlingassoq Member and the minor alkaline Manîtdlat Member. Contemporaneous sediments deposited during the first two episodes are the marine Eqalulik Formation, and during the third episode the nonmarine Atanikerluk Formation. During the second episode, the polarity of the geomagnetic field changed from normal (Chron C27n) via a transition zone to reversed (C26r). The deposits of the first volcanic episode are situated on western Nuussuaq. During the second and third episodes, the volcanism gradually spread eastwards and southwards so that the Vaigat Formation now forms a domed structure, thickest in the north, thinning out on northern Disko and reaching eastwards to the high gneiss country on central Nuussuaq. The earliest eruptions took place on the sea floor and quickly built up a subaerial lava plateau. All three episodes gave rise to complicated facies changes between subaqueous and subaerial eruption products caused by the eastmoving volcanism, subsidence, volcanic aggradation and blockage of the sea connection against the elevated eastern gneiss country. Eruption sites are widespread for all three volcanic episodes. Within certain time periods, a number of contemporaneous high-level magma reservoirs developed within sediments of the Nuussuaq Group, and the crustally contaminated members formed in these reservoirs by reaction between Mg-rich magmas and sediments. The uncontaminated rocks in the Vaigat Formation are picrites with 12–31 wt% MgO and subordinate basalts with 7–12 wt% MgO. The crustally contaminated rocks range from silicic picrites with 12–16 wt% MgO (Nuusap Qaqqarsua Member) to native-iron-bearing magnesian andesites with 6–10 wt% MgO and up to 62 wt% SiO2 (Asuk Member). The Asuk Member includes unique, strongly reduced rock types with native iron, graphite and sulfide. The contaminated units have individually distinct compositions, indicating individually different contamination events. The alkaline Manîtdlat Member contains an enriched lithospheric component. Present-day seeps of migrated oil are widespread in the oldest part of the volcanic succession on western Nuussuaq. Some of the contaminated magmas in the Asuk and Kûgánguaq members have fractionated sulfides with Cu and Ni and have been explored for nickel and platinum-group elements

    Fagaceae pollen from the early Conozoic of West Greenland:revisiting Engler`s and Chaney`s Arcto-Tertiary hypotheses

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    In this paper we document Fagaceae pollen from the Eocene of western Greenland. The pollen record suggests a remarkable diversity of the family in the early Cenozoic of Greenland. Extinct Fagaceae pollen types include Eotrigonobalanus, which extends at least back to the Paleocene, and two ancestral pollen types with affinities to the Eurasian Quercus Group Ilex and the western North American Quercus Group Protobalanus. In addition, modern lineages of Fagaceae are unambiguously represented by pollen of Fagus, Quercus Group Lobatae/Quercus, and three Castaneoideae pollen types. These findings corroborate earlier findings from Axel Heiberg Island that Fagaceae were a dominant element at high latitudes during the early Cenozoic. Comparison with coeval or older mid-latitude records of modern lineages of Fagaceae shows that modern lineages found in western Greenland and Axel Heiberg likely originated at lower latitudes. Further examples comprise (possibly) Acer, Aesculus, Alnus, Ulmus, and others. Thus, before fossils belonging to modern northern temperate lineages will have been recovered from older (early Eocene, Paleocene) strata from high latitudes, Engler’s hypothesis of an Arctic origin of the modern temperate woody flora of Eurasia, termed ‘Arcto-Tertiary Element’, and later modification by R. W. Chaney and H. D. Mai (‘Arcto-Tertiary Geoflora’) needs to be modified

    Lithostratigraphy of the Cretaceous–Paleocene Nuussuaq Group, Nuussuaq Basin, West Greenland

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    The Nuussuaq Basin is the only exposed Cretaceous–Paleocene sedimentary basin in West Greenland and is one of a complex of linked rift basins stretching from the Labrador Sea to northern Baffin Bay. These basins developed along West Greenland as a result of the opening of the Labrador Sea in Late Mesozoic to Early Cenozoic times. The Nuussuaq Basin is exposed in West Greenland between 69°N and 72°N on Disko, Nuussuaq, Upernivik Ø, Qeqertarsuaq, Itsaku and Svartenhuk Halvø and has also been recorded in a number of shallow and deep wells in the region. The sediments are assigned to the more than 6 km thick Nuussuaq Group (new) which underlies the Palaeogene plateau basalts of the West Greenland Basalt Group. The sediment thickness is best estimated from seismic data; in the western part of the area, seismic and magnetic data suggest that the succession is at least 6 km and possibly as much as 10 km thick. The exposed Albian–Paleocene part of the succession testifies to two main episodes of regional rifting and basin development: an Early Cretaceous and a Late Cretaceous – Early Paleocene episode prior to the start of sea-floor spreading in mid-Paleocene time. This exposed section includes fan delta, fluviodeltaic, shelfal and deep marine deposits. The Nuussuaq Group is divided into ten formations, most of which have previously been only briefly described, with the exception of their macrofossil content. In ascending stratigraphic order, the formations are: the Kome Formation, the Slibestensfjeldet Formation (new), the Upernivik Næs Formation, the Atane Formation (including four new members – the Skansen, Ravn Kløft, Kingittoq and Qilakitsoq Members – and one new bed, the Itivnera Bed), the Itilli Formation (new, including four new members, the Anariartorfik, Umiivik, Kussinerujuk and Aaffarsuaq Members), the Kangilia Formation (including the redefined Annertuneq Conglomerate Member and the new Oyster–Ammonite Conglomerate Bed), the Quikavsak Formation (including three new members: the Tupaasat, Nuuk Qiterleq and Paatuutkløften Members), the Agatdal Formation, the Eqalulik Formation (new, including the Abraham Member), and the Atanikerluk Formation (including five members: the Naujât, Akunneq (new), Pingu (new), Umiussat and Assoq (new) Members)

    Shale fabric and organic nanoporosity in lower Palaeozoic shales, Bornholm, Denmark

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    In organic-rich shales, pores form during oil and gas genesis within organic matter (OM) domains. The porosity thus differs markedly from that of conventional reservoir lithologies. Here we present the first description of shale fabric and pore types in the lower Palaeozoic shales on Bornholm, Denmark. The pores have been studied using the focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) technique, which allows for high resolution SEM images of ion polished surfaces. Shale porosity is influenced by many factors including depositional fabric, mineralogical composition, diagenesis and oil and gas generation (Schieber 2013). Here we discuss some of these factors based on a study of lower Palaeozoic shale samples from the Billegrav-2 borehole on Bornholm (Fig. 1) undertaken by Henningsen & Jensen (2017). The shales are dry gas-mature (2.3% graptolite reflectance; Petersen et al. 2013) and have been extensively used as analogies for the deeply buried Palaeozoic shales elsewhere in Denmark (Schovsbo et al. 2011; Gautier et al. 2014). The Danish lower Palaeozoic shale gas play was tested by the Vendsyssel-1 well drilled in northern Jylland in 2015. Gas was discovered within a c. 70 m thick gas-mature, organic rich succession (Ferrand et al. 2016). However, the licence was subsequently relinquished, due to a too low gas content. The present study confirms a close similarity of pore development between the shales on Bornholm and in the Vendsys sel-1 indicating a high porosity within this stratigraphic level throughout the subsurface of Denmark. However, the rather different development of porosity in the different shale units presents a hitherto neglected aspect of the Palaeozoic gas play in Denmark

    Investigation of Fracture of Spheroplastics under Static and Dynamic Loading Conditions

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    An experimental study of static and dynamic fracture properties of a spheroplastics (SPH) that has a matrix of polyester resin containing a filler of glass microspheres was conducted. Crack propagation was investigated under loading conditions generated by pulse magnetic field. Microstructure features of dynamic fracture were analyzed.Проведено экспериментальное исследование статического и динамического разрушения композиционного материала (сферопластика), состоящего из матрицы (полиэстер) с наполнителем в виде стеклосфер. Распространение трещины исследовано при нагружении импульсным магнитным полем. Проанализированы микроструктурные особенности динамического разрушения.Проведено експериментальне дослідження статичного і динамічного руйнування композиційного матеріалу (сферопластик), що складається з матриці (поліестер) з наповнювачем у вигляді скляних сфер. Поширення тріщини досліджувалося при навантаженні імпульсним магнітним полем. Проаналізовано мікроструктурні особливості динамічного руйнування

    Naasut Uumasullu oqaluttuarisaanerat

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