230 research outputs found

    Pedestrian Solution of the Two-Dimensional Ising Model

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    The partition function of the two-dimensional Ising model with zero magnetic field on a square lattice with m x n sites wrapped on a torus is computed within the transfer matrix formalism in an explicit step-by-step approach inspired by Kaufman's work. However, working with two commuting representations of the complex rotation group SO(2n,C) helps us avoid a number of unnecessary complications. We find all eigenvalues of the transfer matrix and therefore the partition function in a straightforward way.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; eqs. (101) and (102) corrected, files for fig. 2 fixed, minor beautification

    On Duality of Two-dimensional Ising Model on Finite Lattice

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    It is shown that the partition function of the 2d Ising model on the dual finite lattice with periodical boundary conditions is expressed through some specific combination of the partition functions of the model on the torus with corresponding boundary conditions. The generalization of the duality relations for the nonhomogeneous case is given. These relations are proved for the weakly-nonhomogeneous distribution of the coupling constants for the finite lattice of arbitrary sizes. Using the duality relations for the nonhomogeneous Ising model, we obtain the duality relations for the two-point correlation function on the torus, the 2d Ising model with magnetic fields applied to the boundaries and the 2d Ising model with free, fixed and mixed boundary conditions.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    Mean first passage time for fission potentials having structure

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    A schematic model of over-damped motion is presented which permits one to calculate the mean first passage time for nuclear fission. Its asymptotic value may exceed considerably the lifetime suggested by Kramers rate formula, which applies only to very special, favorable potentials and temperatures. The additional time obtained in the more general case is seen to allow for a considerable increment in the emission of light particles.Comment: 7 pages, LaTex, 7 postscript figures; Keywords: Decay rate, mean first passage tim

    Analytical Solution of the Off-Equilibrium Dynamics of a Long Range Spin-Glass Model

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    We study the non-equilibrium relaxation of the spherical spin-glass model with p-spin interactions in the NN \rightarrow \infty limit. We analytically solve the asymptotics of the magnetization and the correlation and response functions for long but finite times. Even in the thermodynamic limit the system exhibits `weak' (as well as `true') ergodicity breaking and aging effects. We determine a functional Parisi-like order parameter Pd(q)P_d(q) which plays a similar role for the dynamics to that played by the usual function for the statics.Comment: 8 pages, Roma preprin

    Langevin dynamics with a tilted periodic potential

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    We study a Langevin equation for a particle moving in a periodic potential in the presence of viscosity γ\gamma and subject to a further external field α\alpha. For a suitable choice of the parameters α\alpha and γ\gamma the related deterministic dynamics yields heteroclinic orbits. In such a regime, in absence of stochastic noise both confined and unbounded orbits coexist. We prove that, with the inclusion of an arbitrarly small noise only the confined orbits survive in a sub-exponential time scale.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figure

    On the Existence of the Quantum Action

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    We have previously proposed a conjecture stating that quantum mechanical transition amplitudes can be parametrized in terms of a quantum action. Here we give a proof of the conjecture and establish the existance of a local quantum action in the case of imaginary time in the Feynman-Kac limit (when temperature goes to zero). Moreover we discuss some symmetry properties of the quantum action.Comment: revised version, Text (LaTeX

    Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory for full QCD

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    We give a full account of the Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory method for Lattice Gauge Theories. Particular relevance is given to the inclusion of dynamical fermions, which turns out to be surprisingly cheap in this context. We analyse the underlying stochastic process and discuss the convergence properties. We perform some benchmark calculations and - as a byproduct - we present original results for Wilson loops and the 3-loop critical mass for Wilson fermions.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures; syntax revise

    Influence of the Barrier Shape on Resonant Activation

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    The escape of a Brownian particle over a dichotomously fluctuating barrier is investigated for various shapes of the barrier. The problem of resonant activation is revisited with the attention on the effect of the barrier shape on optimal value of the mean escape time in the system. The characteristic features of resonant behavior are analyzed for barriers switching either between different heights, or "on" and "off" positions. PACS number(s): 05.10-a, 02.50.-r, 82.20.-wj.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, RevTex4. Manuscript has been revised and enhanced. Pictures have been made more clear and some of them have been cancelled. Additional references have been added. The paper has been submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Experimental Study of Noise-induced Phase Synchronization in Vertical-cavity Lasers

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    We report the experimental evidence of noise-induced phase synchronization in a vertical cavity laser. The polarized laser emission is entrained with the input periodic pump modulation when an optimal amount of white, gaussian noise is applied. We characterize the phenomenon, evaluating the average frequency of the output signal and the diffusion coefficient of the phase difference variable. Their values are roughly independent on different waveforms of periodic input, provided that a simple condition for the amplitudes is satisfied. The experimental results are compared with numerical simulations of a Langevin model

    Inattainability of Carnot efficiency in the Brownian heat engine

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    We discuss the reversibility of Brownian heat engine. We perform asymptotic analysis of Kramers equation on B\"uttiker-Landauer system and show quantitatively that Carnot efficiency is inattainable even in a fully overdamping limit. The inattainability is attributed to the inevitable irreversible heat flow over the temperature boundary.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.