402 research outputs found

    Tvorbe u ženskoj zdjelici ā€“ zamke u tumačenju snimaka dobivenih viÅ”eslojnom kompjutoriziranom tomografijom (MSCT) i magnetskom rezonancijom (MR)

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    Different conditions within the pelvis are presented with very few symptoms. Likewise, their imaging characteristics are usually non-specific, implying high chance of misinterpretation. The aim of this paper is to point to the misinterpretation possibilities in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) studies of the pelvic lesions and to outline their differential diagnosis. CT (11), MR (seven) or both (four patients) were performed in 22 female patients (age 23-69) with suspicious pelvic masses. Relevant laboratory and medical history data were available for most of the patients. Twenty patients underwent subsequent surgery and pathological findings were available in 18 cases. After radiological examinations different diagnoses were proposed in respect to imaging findings and available clinical data: pelvic inflammatory disease (one), ovarian tumor (six), uterine tumor (eight), metastatic or recurrent tumor (four), lymphocele (one), and post-irradiation and post-chemotherapy changes (two) patients. Postoperative results of the pathological analysis differed from radiological diagnosis in three of 18 pathologically examined materials: one benign tumor was falsely characterized as possibly malignant by the radiologist, one surgically transposed ovary was described as tumor, and one case of post-irradiation changes was described as recurrent tumor. Aside from knowing imaging characteristics, it is of great importance for radiologists to be aware of clinical, laboratory, and surgical protocols information as well as to have insight in patientsā€™ prior imaging material in order to be able to correctly interpret imaging findings of the pelvic lesions.Simptomi različitih stanja u zdjelici neznatni su pa su prema tome i njihove značajke na snimkama obično nespecifične, Å”to podrazumijeva i veliku mogućnost pogreÅ”nog tumačenja. Cilj ovoga rada jest upozoriti na mogućnosti pogreÅ”nog tumačenja komjutorizirane tomografije (CT) i magnetske rezonancije (MR) lezija u zdjelici te u glavnim crtama prikazati i razmotriti diferencijalnu dijagnozu. CT (11), MR (sedam) ili oboje (četiri bolesnice) obavljeno je u 22 bolesnice (dob 23-69) sa sumnjivim tvorbama u zdjelici. Za većinu su bolesnica na raspolaganju bili njihovi prethodni relevantni laboratorijski i medicinski podaci. Dvadeset bolesnica bilo je podvrgnuto kirurÅ”kom zahvatu i za 18 bili su dostupni patoloÅ”ki nalazi. Nakon radioloÅ”kog pregleda predložene su različite dijagnoze s obzirom na snimke i raspoložive kliničke podatke: upalna bolest zdjelice (jedan), tumor jajnika (Å”est), tumor maternice (osam), metastatski tumor ili recidiv (četiri), limfokela (jedna), te postiradijacijske i postkemoetrapijske promjene (dvije bolesnice). Postoperativni nalazi patoloÅ”ke analize razlikovali su se od radioloÅ”ke dijagnoze u tri od 18 pregledanih materijala: jedan dobroćudni tumor radiolog je pogreÅ”no opisano kao vjerojatnom zloćudni, jedan kirurÅ”ki transponirani jajnik opisan je kao tumor, a u jedne su bolesnice postiradijacijske promjene opisane kao recidiv tumora. Osim prepoznavanja značajaka na snimkama, za ispravno tumačenje snimaka lezija u zdjelici radiolozima su vrlo važni i podaci dobiveni kliničkim, laboratorijskim i kirurÅ”kim postupcima te uvid u prethodne snimke pacijenata


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    Svake godine se oko 590-880 milijuna tona metana oslobodi Å”irom svijeta u atmosferu kroz mikrobioloÅ”ku aktivnost. (Baličević i sur., 2001). Oko 90% emitiranog metana potječe od biogenih izvora. Na udaru kritike ekoloÅ”kog pokreta naÅ”le su se farme s velikom aglomeracijom životinja, kao veliki proizvođači metana. Pravilnim gospodarenjem organskog gnoja moguće je smanjiti zagađenja okoliÅ”a, a istovremeno proizvesti energiju i ostvariti dobit. Hrvatska kao članica međunarodne zajednice 1996. godine ratificirala je okvirnu konvenciju Ujedinjenih naroda o promjeni klime. Potpisnici se obvezuju smanjiti emisiju stakleničkih plinova u razdoblju od 2008 do 2012. godine za 5% u odnosu na polaznu godinu (Duić i sur., 2001). Smanjivanje potroÅ”nje energenata fosilnog porijekla, za koje se smatra da su najveći izvori zagađenja okoliÅ”a, moglo bi se postići većim koriÅ”tenjem energije iz obnovljivih izvora. U stočarskoj proizvodnji veliki, a neiskoriÅ”teni potencijali za proizvodnju energije akumulirani su u stajskom gnoju i poljoprivrednoj biomasi. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja bio je ustanoviti mogućnost iskoriÅ”tenja tekuće goveđe gnojovke za proizvodnju bioplina, utvrditi količinu bioplina, njegovu energetsku vrijednost te količinu konvencionalne energije koja se može zamijeniti bioplinom na istraživanim farmama.Each year 590-880 million tons of methane is released into the atmosphere by microbiological activity. Approximately 90% of the methane emitted derive from the biogenic resources. Big animal farms with huge number of animals have big methane production. That is not ecologically acceptable. By correct management of organic manure it is possible to decrease environment pollution, at the same time producing energy and making profit. In 1996 Croatia ratified the UN convention of climatic changes. According to that Croatia must reduce emission of greenhouse gases in the period from 2008 to 2012 by 5% in relation to the initial year. One of the ways is to reduce the use of fossil fuels and increase the use of energy from renewable sources. Great and unused potential for energy production is farm manure and agricultural biomass. The aim of the research was to evaluate the possibility of using cow liquid manure in biogas production, to determine the biogas volume, its energy amount and how much energy can be supplemented with biogas on farms

    Razlozi odbijanja odgođenih dobrovoljnih davatelja krvi u istočnoj Hrvatskoj

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    When choosing a voluntary blood donor (VBD), it is important to ensure the donor health, and at the same time to produce a quality and safe blood product. The donor selection process leads to donor rejection related to their current health condition. The aim of this study was to determine gender differences in VBDs, to examine the reasons for their rejection, and to determine the share of permanently and temporarily deferred VBD, especially due to low hemoglobin levels. The research was conducted in eastern Croatia in the 2014 to 2018 period. The study included 144,041 blood donations from a total of 80,418 VBDs, of which 83.3% of donations were from male VBDs and 16.7% from female VBDs. There were 11.46% of temporarily deferred and permanently rejected donors. Out of all temporarily deferred donors and possible reasons for deferral, the largest share of deferrals referred to a reduced hemoglobin level, which accounted for 54% in female VBD and 46% in male VBD. Female VBDs made up to one-third of total VBDs and account for one-sixth of total blood donations. Low hemoglobin was the most common reason for VBD deferral. Gender and age are related to blood hemoglobin levels in rejected and accepted donors. Female VBDs represent a potential reservoir for increasing the total number of VBDs.Kod odabira dobrovoljnih davatelja krvi (DDK) važno je prvenstveno osigurati zdravlje davatelja, a ujedno proizvesti kvalitetan i siguran krvni pripravak. Postupkom odabira davatelja dolazi do njihovog odbijanja koje je povezano s njihovim trenutnim zdravstvenim stanjem. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike među DDK u odnosu na spol te ispitati razloge njihovog odbijanja kao i utvrditi udio trajno i privremeno odbijenih DDK, osobito DDK koji su odbijeni zbog niske razine hemoglobina. Istraživanje je provedeno na području istočne Hrvatske u razdoblju od 2014. do 2018. godine. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 144.041 donacija krvi od ukupno 80.418 DDK od čega je od ostvarenih donacija 83,3% DDK bilo muÅ”kog spola i 16,7% DDK ženskog spola. Udio privremeno odgođenih i trajno odbijenih davatelja bio je 11,46%. Od svih privremeno odgođenih davatelja i mogućih razloga odgode najveći udio odgode odnosi se na smanjenu vrijednost hemoglobina i iznosi 54% kod DDK ženskog spola i 46% kod DDK muÅ”kog spola. DDK ženskog spola čine 1/3 ukupnih DDK, a ostvaruju 1/6 ukupnih darivanja krvi. Nizak hemoglobin bio je najčeŔći razlog odbijanja DDK. Spol i dob su povezani s razinom hemoglobina u krvi kod odbijenih davatelja. DDK ženskog spola predstavljaju potencijalni rezervoar za povećanje ukupnog broja DDK

    Primary peritonitis in a previously healthy child

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    Primarni peritonitis se rijetko javlja u dječjoj dobi i zahvaća uglavnom djecu s kroničnim bolestima jetre ili nefrotskim sindromom, a vrlo rijetko se javlja u prethodno zdrave djece. Cilj ovog prikaza je opisati kliničke i radioloÅ”ke značajke primarnog peritonitisa kod prethodno zdravog djeteta.Primary peritonitis rarely occurs in childhood, affecting mainly children with chronic liver disease or nephrotic syndrome, but occurs very rarely in previously healthy children. The aim of this case report is to describe the clinical and radiological features of primary peritonitis in a previously healthy child

    Leukocyte Activation and Antioxidative Defense Are Interrelated and Moderately Modified by n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid-Enriched Eggs Consumptionā€”Double-Blind Controlled Randomized Clinical Study

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    This placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized, interventional study investigated the effects of low/intermediate doses of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on the endothelial function, markers of leukocyte activation, and oxidative status following dietary intake of n-3 PUFA-enriched hen eggs in young healthy individuals. Twenty young healthy adults of both sexes who consumed n-3 PUFA- enriched hen eggs (two eggs per day, for three weeks, total of approximately 407 mg/day n-3 PUFAs) or regular eggs (two eggs per day for three weeks, total of approximately 75 mg/day n-3 PUFAs) participated in this study. Skin microvascular endothelium-independent and endothelium-dependent vasodilation were assessed by laser Doppler flowmetry. Serum lipid profile and content of free fatty acids, markers of leukocyte activation, biochemical parameters of oxidative stress, as well as antioxidative enzymes serum activity were measured before and after respective dietary protocol. The results of this study revealed significant differences in the markers of leukocyte activation (such as CD11a/LFA-1) and antioxidative defense, which are related to increased intake of n-3 PUFAs, providing the evidence that consumption of nutritionally enriched hen eggs may affect physiological processes related to oxidative balance. The absence of significant changes in microvascular reactivity following supplementation with a low-intermediate dose of n-3 PUFAs, unlike in our previous studies where functional eggs contained ~1 g of n-3 PUFA, suggests the existence of a dose-dependent effect

    High-dose ifosfamide and mitoxantrone (HDIM) in patients with relapsed or refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    Relapsed/refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) is treated with salvage chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). Optimal chemotherapy is unknown. We retrospectively analyzed outcomes of 58 patients treated with 2 cycles of high-dose ifosfamide and mitoxantrone (HDIM). HDIM consisted of ifosfamide 5 g/m(2)/day and MESNA 5 g/m(2)/day in continuous 24-h infusion (days 1 and 2), MESNA 2.5 g/m(2) over 12 h (day 3), and mitoxantrone 20 mg/m(2) (day 1) administered every 2 weeks. Stem cells were collected after the first cycle. Responding patients proceeded to ASCT. Toxicity was acceptable. Stem cell mobilization was successful in 96 % of patients. Overall response rate was 74 % (89 % in relapsing and 45 % in refractory patients) with 31 % complete remissions. After a median follow-up of 54 months, 5-year event-free survival was 56 % (69 % for relapsing and 35 % for refractory patients), and 5-year overall survival was 67 % (73 % for relapsing and 55 % for refractory patients). Significant adverse prognostic factors were refractoriness to previous therapy and HDIM failure. No differences in outcomes were noted between patients with early and late relapses or between complete and partial responders. HDIM is a well-tolerated and effective regimen for relapsed and refractory HL with excellent stem cell mobilizing properties. Patients failing HDIM may still benefit from other salvage options
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