81 research outputs found

    Dental Treatment of the Patient with Porphyria

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    Porfirije su skupina nasljednih bolesti uzrokovanih defektnim enzimima na biosintetskom putu hema. Ovisno o defektu pojedinog enzima razlikujemo i razne vrste porfirija. Posljedica defekta enzima jest stvaranje abnormalnih količina prekursora hema (porfirina) koji se nakupljaju u tkivima i izlučuju mokraćom i stolicom. Klinički znaci gotovo potpuno proizlaze iz učinka tih spojeva na živčani sustav i kožu. Mnogi lijekovi, kao lokalni anestetici (lidokain), antibiotici (klindamicin, eritromicin, metronidazol) i dr. spadaju u precipitirajuće čimbenike i mogu uzrokovati akutne napade. Pacijentima s porfirijom sa sigurnoŔću se mogu dati bupivakain, amoksicilin, klavulanska kiselina, acetilsalicilna kiselina, paracetamol (1,2). Zato je stomatologu važno imati određene smjernice u slučaju liječenja pacijenta s nekim akutnim oblikom porfirije.Porphyria is a group of inherited diseases caused by defective enzymes on the biosynthetic pathway of heme. Depending on the specific enzyme defect different forms of porphyria can be differentiated. The consequence of the enzyme defect is the formation of abnormal amounts of porphyrins or precursors which accumulate in the tissues and are excreted in the urine and faeces. Almost all the clinical signs occur because of the effect of these compounds/products on the nervous system and skin. Numerous drugs, such as local anaesthetics (lidocaine), antibiotics (clindamycin, erythromycin, metronidazole) and others, can be precipitating factors and cause acute attacks. Patients with porphyria can safely be given bupivacaine, amoxycillin, clavulanic acid, acethylsalicilic acid and paracetamol (1, 2). Thus it is important for the dentist to have certain guidelines with regard to the treatment of patients with acute form of porphyria

    Canadian agriculture factor retention under different policy regimes

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    The study explores the implications different Canadian policy regimes have for agriculture resource markets. Particular attention is focused on agriculture labor retention. Two markedly different policy regimes are analyzed: a continuation of the current commodity specific policy setting and a decoupled policy setting which is composed purely of lump sum transfers to farm operator labor. The amount of income transferred to agriculture producers in the decoupled policy setting is set equal to the compensating variation associated with current policies. The compensating variation is determined as the difference between Canadian producers net income when all countries, inclusive of Canada, continue with their status quo policy courses and when all countries stop all government intervention;The analysis is conducted in the empirical setting of the CAM and the BLS. Preparatory to doing the analysis, the input block of the CAM was revised to make it a better vehicle for the study. One of the key and novel revisions was to use the efficiency wage hypothesis along with Okun\u27s Law to explain the existence of unemployment at equilibrium;This study finds that the decoupled policy regime: (1) is more conducive to preserving the traditional family farm than status quo policies; (2) leads to a greater diversification in agriculture output than status quo policies; (3) has similar directional effects on agriculture labor force size and composition as a multilateral move to agriculture trade liberalization would have, but opposite directional effects on capital usage; and (4) has a smaller negative influence on commodity world prices than the current policy course has

    Mesiodens in a 14-Month-Old Child

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    Meziodens je prekobrojni zub smjeÅ”ten između gornjih srediÅ”njih inciziva. Njegova je čestoća u trajnoj denticiji između 0,5-2%, ameziodens mliečne denticije izrazito je rijetka pojava. Prikazan je slučaj meziodensa u četrnaestmjesečne djevojčice.Mesiodens is supernumerary tooth between maxillary central incisors. The prevalence of mesiodens in permanent dentition is 0.5 2% and in primary dentition even more rare. The case of mesiodens in a 14-month-old female child is shown

    Risk and protective factors in the emergance of behavioral disorders

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je definirati pojavu poremećaja u ponaÅ”anju, opisati koncept rizičnih i zaÅ”titnih čimbenika, definirati i opisati pojam otpornosti, opisati rizične čimbenike, zaÅ”titne čimbenike i otpornost u primarnom (obitelj) i sekundarnom (Å”kola) okruženju, opisati prevenciju poremećaja u ponaÅ”anju te ukazati na važnost preventivnih programa. Pregledom literature, zaključeno je da različiti autori različito opisuju rizične i zaÅ”titne čimbenike kako u obitelji tako i u Å”kolskom okruženju. Ne postoji univerzalna skupina kvaliteta koja bi svaku obitelj i Å”kolu činila uspjeÅ”nom i sretnom. S obzirom na ubrzan razvoj druÅ”tva koji donosi podosta negativnog, nužno je stalno provoditi istraživanja na području rizičnih i zaÅ”titnih čimbenika kao i na području otpornosti kako bi imali zdravo i uspjeÅ”no druÅ”tvo.The purpose of this paper was to define the behavioral disorder, to describe the concept of risk and protective factors, to define and describe the concept of resistance, to describe the risk factors, protective factors and resistance in the primary (family) and secondary (school) environment, to describe the prevention of behavioral disorders and to point out the importance of preventive programs. By reviewing the literature, it is concluded that different authors describe different risk and protective factors, both in the family and in the school environment. There is no universal set of quality that would make every family and school successful and happy. Considering the accelerated development of a society that produces fairly negative effects, it is imperative to constantly conduct research in the area of risk and protection factors, as well as in the area of resistance to have a healthy and successful society

    Risk and protective factors in the emergance of behavioral disorders

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je definirati pojavu poremećaja u ponaÅ”anju, opisati koncept rizičnih i zaÅ”titnih čimbenika, definirati i opisati pojam otpornosti, opisati rizične čimbenike, zaÅ”titne čimbenike i otpornost u primarnom (obitelj) i sekundarnom (Å”kola) okruženju, opisati prevenciju poremećaja u ponaÅ”anju te ukazati na važnost preventivnih programa. Pregledom literature, zaključeno je da različiti autori različito opisuju rizične i zaÅ”titne čimbenike kako u obitelji tako i u Å”kolskom okruženju. Ne postoji univerzalna skupina kvaliteta koja bi svaku obitelj i Å”kolu činila uspjeÅ”nom i sretnom. S obzirom na ubrzan razvoj druÅ”tva koji donosi podosta negativnog, nužno je stalno provoditi istraživanja na području rizičnih i zaÅ”titnih čimbenika kao i na području otpornosti kako bi imali zdravo i uspjeÅ”no druÅ”tvo.The purpose of this paper was to define the behavioral disorder, to describe the concept of risk and protective factors, to define and describe the concept of resistance, to describe the risk factors, protective factors and resistance in the primary (family) and secondary (school) environment, to describe the prevention of behavioral disorders and to point out the importance of preventive programs. By reviewing the literature, it is concluded that different authors describe different risk and protective factors, both in the family and in the school environment. There is no universal set of quality that would make every family and school successful and happy. Considering the accelerated development of a society that produces fairly negative effects, it is imperative to constantly conduct research in the area of risk and protection factors, as well as in the area of resistance to have a healthy and successful society

    Challenges of managing a project team

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    Pri izradi svakoga projekta najprije se formira projektni tim. Na taj se način osiguravaju nužne kompetencije za uspjeÅ”no ostvarenje projektnih ciljeva. Projektni tim mora biti sastavljen tako da se sposobnosti članova tima nadopunjuju i da su si međusobne protuteže, odnosno mora biti cjelovit i uravnotežen. Čine ga voditelj projekta ā€“ projektni menadžer te ostali članovi. Projektni menadÅ£er ne mora imati ni najdulje struĉno znanje, ni viziju ni brzinu, već mora imati onaj element koji povezuje, motivira i nadahnjuje tim te koji kvalitetno komunicira s naručiteljem i koji timu može osigurati potrebne resurse za rad. Mora prije svega dobro poznavati samoga sebe, odnosno svoje prednosti i nedostatke te mora davati osjećaj sigurnosti svome timu. Upravljanje timom traži od voditelja projekta, ne samo njegove upraviteljske ili organizatorske sposobnosti, nego i ljudski pristup svakome članu kako bi se Å”to uspjeÅ”nije upravljalo timom. Stoga dobar projektni menadžer mora biti dobar komunikator, mora biti sposoban donijeti odluku i delegirati radne zadatke članovima tima, pomoći rijeÅ”iti nastale sukobe u timu, biti sposoban upravljati promjenama i motivirati svoj tim da projektni proizvod bude isporuĉen naručitelju u okvirima zacrtane kvalitete, budžeta i vremenskih okvira. Timski rad je važan jer ĉlanovi tima dijele zajednički cilj, motiviraju jedni druge i angažirani su da Å”to uspjeÅ”nije i efikasnije obave zadane zadatke. No, dobar i produktivan tim nije jednostavno odrÅ£avati te je zbog toga potrebno mnogo truda da bi kao takav opstao.Before starting a project, one has to form a team. By doing so, one assures that the team has the necessary competence to complete the project. The team must be composed of capable individuals whose abilities compliment and counterbalance each other. The team is composed of the project manager and team members. The project manager may not have the most experience in the field nor the necessary vision, however he must be able to motivate and inspire the team and be capable of communicating with the client. In addition, he must ensure that his team has the necessary resources to operate efficiently. Furthermore, the project manager must be familiar with his strengths and weaknesses, and he has to be able to provide the team with a sense of security and direction. Team management requires the project manager not only to use his managerial and organizational skills, but also his interpersonal skills with each team member in order to successfully manage the team. Therefore, a project manager must be a good communicator, decision maker and must be able to delegate tasks to team members. He must be able to solve conflicts within the team, manage change and motivate team members. All of these skills are necessary to deliver the finished product to the client in a timely fashion, without exceeding the budget or compromising quality. Teamwork is imperative due to the fact that team members share a common goal and they need to motivate each other to successfully and efficiently perform their given tasks. But a good and productive team is not easy to maintain and therefore it takes a lot of effort to survive as such

    Characteristics of Croatian Oak Honeydew Honey from the Požega Valley

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    Medun (medljikovac, medljika, eng. honeydew honey) posebna je vrsta meda koji stvaraju pčele od tzv. medne rose koja se luči sa živih dijelova biljaka. To lučenje mogu izazvati insekti koji siÅ”u biljne sokove, odnosno to su njihovi ili biljni sekreti nastali kao reakcija na oÅ”tećivanje pupova, listova, iglica ili grana, ali to može biti i fizioloÅ”ka pojava bez posredovanja insekata između biljke i pčele. Prikupljajući taj slatki sok u svoje medne vrećice i dodajući mu svoje fermente, pčela stvara med potpuno različitih karakteristika od onih medova koji nastaju iz nektarnih izvora sa cvjetova medonosnih biljaka. Medna rosa prirodna je pojava i danas se prihvaća kao ekoloÅ”ka sastavnica u životnom lancu biljaka, insekata, ptica, gljiva i bakterija. Iako poznata od biblijskih vremena, u znanstvenom svijetu bilježi se u 17. stoljeću, no njene značajke kao pčelinjeg proizvoda potvrđuju se tek posljednjih decenija usporedno s razvojem modernih moćnih laboratorijskih instrumenata i tehnoloÅ”kih alata. Meduni su poznati s četinjača, primjerice sa smreke, jele, bora i ariÅ”a, te s listopadnog drveća ā€“ lipe, hrasta, javora, kestena, breze, vrbe i brijesta. Hrast sladun (lat. Quercus frainetto Ten) na obroncima Krndije zauzima svoju sjeverozapadnu granicu prirodne rasprostranjenosti. ViÅ”e decenija domaći pčelari upozoravaju na proizvodnju specifično tamnog meduna s toga hrasta, ali i na posebnost fenomena lučenja biljnog soka bez sudjelovanja insekata. Godine 2003. u terestrička su opažanja i laboratorijska mjerenja, ocjenjivanje nutrifikacijskih svojstava te melisopaneoloÅ”ko i organoleptičko ocjenjivanje kutjevačkog meduna hrasta sladuna, uza svoja praktična opažanja, požeÅ”ki pčelari uključili cijeli niz znanstvenika iz zemlje i Europe. Tijekom tih opažanja i mjerenja dobivene su jedinstvene informacije o peludnom sastavu, sastavu Å”ećera, sastavu suhe tvari, sadržaju kiselina, enzimatskim svojstvima, električkoj vodljivosti, aktivnosti dijastaze te ukupnim polifenolima i antioksidativnim svojstvima, a usporedno s ostalim medunima u Europi. Analizom ukupnih polifenola i mjerenjem antioksidativnih svojstava na Å”est uzoraka meduna sladuna iz 2009. godine dobivene su iznimno visoke vrijednosti u odnosu na druge europske medune, kao i na uzorcima kutjevačkog meduna u razdoblju 2003. ā€“ 2009. godine. Ovime se joÅ” viÅ”e potencira zdravstvena vrijednost tog meduna. PožeÅ”ki (kutjevački) medun hrasta sladuna posjeduje sve predispozicije za registraciju zemljopisne izvornosti.REVISED CODEX STANDARD FOR HONEY CODEX STAN 12-1981, Rev.1 (1987), Rev.2 (2001)1 Honeydew Honey is the honey which comes mainly from excretions of plant sucking insects (Hemiptera) on the living parts of plants or secretions of living parts of plants. Oak tree (Quercus frainetto Ten.) is distributed throughout southeast Europe and Asia Minor, while the western border is in Požega valley, Kutjevo, Croatia. Oak honeydew honey is specifically produced only here. Sweet sap with foam formed at the places where the green acorns were discarded, is gathered by the bees and processed into dark honey. The specific production of the sap results in specific physiochemical characteristics of this honeydew honey. Objective of the studies was to determine melissopalynological (pollen spectrum and content) and physicochemical characteristics of the oak honeydew honey. The study was carried out during last 8 years. Physicochemical characteristics: moisture, electrical conductivity, HMF content, diastase activity, specific rotation and sugar profile were analysed in collected honeydew honey samples. Colour was determined by Lovibond Honey Color- Pod. Antioxidant capacity was measured by FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) methods. Modified Folin-Ciocalteu method was used for determination of the total polyphenol content. The results showed a high antioxidant capacity and the total polyphenol content as well as the atypical, negative values of specific rotation. The small differences between samples can be a result of the accompanying spontaneous flora (more or less Conifers, Ulmus sp., Fraxinus sp. and Q. pubescens) within harvesting area. The time of extraction (middle or the end of August), was not significant. The of the results performed within the collaborative studies of the author and Europeanā€™s beekeeping and honey expertā€™s reports and laboratories from Austria, Germany, Swiss, Italy, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Croatia is given in this paper

    Challenges of managing a project team

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    Pri izradi svakoga projekta najprije se formira projektni tim. Na taj se način osiguravaju nužne kompetencije za uspjeÅ”no ostvarenje projektnih ciljeva. Projektni tim mora biti sastavljen tako da se sposobnosti članova tima nadopunjuju i da su si međusobne protuteže, odnosno mora biti cjelovit i uravnotežen. Čine ga voditelj projekta ā€“ projektni menadžer te ostali članovi. Projektni menadÅ£er ne mora imati ni najdulje struĉno znanje, ni viziju ni brzinu, već mora imati onaj element koji povezuje, motivira i nadahnjuje tim te koji kvalitetno komunicira s naručiteljem i koji timu može osigurati potrebne resurse za rad. Mora prije svega dobro poznavati samoga sebe, odnosno svoje prednosti i nedostatke te mora davati osjećaj sigurnosti svome timu. Upravljanje timom traži od voditelja projekta, ne samo njegove upraviteljske ili organizatorske sposobnosti, nego i ljudski pristup svakome članu kako bi se Å”to uspjeÅ”nije upravljalo timom. Stoga dobar projektni menadžer mora biti dobar komunikator, mora biti sposoban donijeti odluku i delegirati radne zadatke članovima tima, pomoći rijeÅ”iti nastale sukobe u timu, biti sposoban upravljati promjenama i motivirati svoj tim da projektni proizvod bude isporuĉen naručitelju u okvirima zacrtane kvalitete, budžeta i vremenskih okvira. Timski rad je važan jer ĉlanovi tima dijele zajednički cilj, motiviraju jedni druge i angažirani su da Å”to uspjeÅ”nije i efikasnije obave zadane zadatke. No, dobar i produktivan tim nije jednostavno odrÅ£avati te je zbog toga potrebno mnogo truda da bi kao takav opstao.Before starting a project, one has to form a team. By doing so, one assures that the team has the necessary competence to complete the project. The team must be composed of capable individuals whose abilities compliment and counterbalance each other. The team is composed of the project manager and team members. The project manager may not have the most experience in the field nor the necessary vision, however he must be able to motivate and inspire the team and be capable of communicating with the client. In addition, he must ensure that his team has the necessary resources to operate efficiently. Furthermore, the project manager must be familiar with his strengths and weaknesses, and he has to be able to provide the team with a sense of security and direction. Team management requires the project manager not only to use his managerial and organizational skills, but also his interpersonal skills with each team member in order to successfully manage the team. Therefore, a project manager must be a good communicator, decision maker and must be able to delegate tasks to team members. He must be able to solve conflicts within the team, manage change and motivate team members. All of these skills are necessary to deliver the finished product to the client in a timely fashion, without exceeding the budget or compromising quality. Teamwork is imperative due to the fact that team members share a common goal and they need to motivate each other to successfully and efficiently perform their given tasks. But a good and productive team is not easy to maintain and therefore it takes a lot of effort to survive as such

    Characteristics of Croatian Oak Honeydew Honey from the Požega Valley

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    Medun (medljikovac, medljika, eng. honeydew honey) posebna je vrsta meda koji stvaraju pčele od tzv. medne rose koja se luči sa živih dijelova biljaka. To lučenje mogu izazvati insekti koji siÅ”u biljne sokove, odnosno to su njihovi ili biljni sekreti nastali kao reakcija na oÅ”tećivanje pupova, listova, iglica ili grana, ali to može biti i fizioloÅ”ka pojava bez posredovanja insekata između biljke i pčele. Prikupljajući taj slatki sok u svoje medne vrećice i dodajući mu svoje fermente, pčela stvara med potpuno različitih karakteristika od onih medova koji nastaju iz nektarnih izvora sa cvjetova medonosnih biljaka. Medna rosa prirodna je pojava i danas se prihvaća kao ekoloÅ”ka sastavnica u životnom lancu biljaka, insekata, ptica, gljiva i bakterija. Iako poznata od biblijskih vremena, u znanstvenom svijetu bilježi se u 17. stoljeću, no njene značajke kao pčelinjeg proizvoda potvrđuju se tek posljednjih decenija usporedno s razvojem modernih moćnih laboratorijskih instrumenata i tehnoloÅ”kih alata. Meduni su poznati s četinjača, primjerice sa smreke, jele, bora i ariÅ”a, te s listopadnog drveća ā€“ lipe, hrasta, javora, kestena, breze, vrbe i brijesta. Hrast sladun (lat. Quercus frainetto Ten) na obroncima Krndije zauzima svoju sjeverozapadnu granicu prirodne rasprostranjenosti. ViÅ”e decenija domaći pčelari upozoravaju na proizvodnju specifično tamnog meduna s toga hrasta, ali i na posebnost fenomena lučenja biljnog soka bez sudjelovanja insekata. Godine 2003. u terestrička su opažanja i laboratorijska mjerenja, ocjenjivanje nutrifikacijskih svojstava te melisopaneoloÅ”ko i organoleptičko ocjenjivanje kutjevačkog meduna hrasta sladuna, uza svoja praktična opažanja, požeÅ”ki pčelari uključili cijeli niz znanstvenika iz zemlje i Europe. Tijekom tih opažanja i mjerenja dobivene su jedinstvene informacije o peludnom sastavu, sastavu Å”ećera, sastavu suhe tvari, sadržaju kiselina, enzimatskim svojstvima, električkoj vodljivosti, aktivnosti dijastaze te ukupnim polifenolima i antioksidativnim svojstvima, a usporedno s ostalim medunima u Europi. Analizom ukupnih polifenola i mjerenjem antioksidativnih svojstava na Å”est uzoraka meduna sladuna iz 2009. godine dobivene su iznimno visoke vrijednosti u odnosu na druge europske medune, kao i na uzorcima kutjevačkog meduna u razdoblju 2003. ā€“ 2009. godine. Ovime se joÅ” viÅ”e potencira zdravstvena vrijednost tog meduna. PožeÅ”ki (kutjevački) medun hrasta sladuna posjeduje sve predispozicije za registraciju zemljopisne izvornosti.REVISED CODEX STANDARD FOR HONEY CODEX STAN 12-1981, Rev.1 (1987), Rev.2 (2001)1 Honeydew Honey is the honey which comes mainly from excretions of plant sucking insects (Hemiptera) on the living parts of plants or secretions of living parts of plants. Oak tree (Quercus frainetto Ten.) is distributed throughout southeast Europe and Asia Minor, while the western border is in Požega valley, Kutjevo, Croatia. Oak honeydew honey is specifically produced only here. Sweet sap with foam formed at the places where the green acorns were discarded, is gathered by the bees and processed into dark honey. The specific production of the sap results in specific physiochemical characteristics of this honeydew honey. Objective of the studies was to determine melissopalynological (pollen spectrum and content) and physicochemical characteristics of the oak honeydew honey. The study was carried out during last 8 years. Physicochemical characteristics: moisture, electrical conductivity, HMF content, diastase activity, specific rotation and sugar profile were analysed in collected honeydew honey samples. Colour was determined by Lovibond Honey Color- Pod. Antioxidant capacity was measured by FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) methods. Modified Folin-Ciocalteu method was used for determination of the total polyphenol content. The results showed a high antioxidant capacity and the total polyphenol content as well as the atypical, negative values of specific rotation. The small differences between samples can be a result of the accompanying spontaneous flora (more or less Conifers, Ulmus sp., Fraxinus sp. and Q. pubescens) within harvesting area. The time of extraction (middle or the end of August), was not significant. The of the results performed within the collaborative studies of the author and Europeanā€™s beekeeping and honey expertā€™s reports and laboratories from Austria, Germany, Swiss, Italy, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Croatia is given in this paper


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    This paper analyses the influence of process metrics on the increase of so-called maturity levels according to the Bootstrap model. The basic characteristics of this model are described and those metrics that need to be implemented in the software development process in order to change its features are considered and these features can be quantitatively interpreted. The most important characteristics of the software process were measured by using the metric of function points. Also, the influence of a maturity level on achieved productivity was analysed, and a strong correlation was obtained. The results that were obtained illustrate the importance of the application of metrics when one wants to increase the quality of the software development process
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