51 research outputs found

    Analysis of fungal air pollution using different samplers

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    The aim of this study was the analysis of fungal air pollution in different rooms using different the air samplers. Air for mycological studies was collected from various hospital rooms. To monitor fungal air pollution were used samplers: SAS SUPER 100 (pbi-international), MAS 100 (Merck) and AIR IDEAL (BioMerieux). We found differences in CFU/L values in depending on hospital room and the air sampler type. The CFU/L values of air samples taken by the AIR IDEAL ranged from 350 to 850 and (724.2 ± 159.9), and the CFU/L values of air samples taken by the sampler SAS SUPER 100 ranged from 160 to 800 (455.3 ± 250.73). The CFU/L values of air samples taken by the MAS 100 sampler varied from 50 to 1340 (302.5±56.6) From the air samples of both samplers was incubated 6 genera/species of fungi. Candia albicans fungi species and genus Penicillium species were most frequently isolated from SAS Super 100 sampler, and Penicillium species from the AIR IDEAL sampler. From the air samples of MAS 100 was isolated 11 types/species of fungi and in air samples of SAS Super 100 was isolated 7 types/species. Significant differences of CFU/L values in the tested rooms were found in depending on the used sampler. Mycological analysis of the obtained cultures from air samples suggests that there is not same isolation of fungi using the different samplers

    Self-esteem of parents with intellectually disabled children in relation to the support of selected social groups

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    Introduction: In the literature on the problem of social support, besides family sources of support, (husband, wife, children, parents, siblings, relatives), a role of friends, acquaintances and neighbors is emphasized. Purpose: To assess types and level of support that parents receive from specific social groups. Materials and methods: The study included 108 mothers and 108 fathers of intellectually disabled children. We used the original questionnaire and the standardized scale of Social Support by KmiecikBaran. Results: There were differences between the parents in emotional support (standard deviation 3.519), the lowest in informative support (deviation 2.744). General support was poor in the opinion of 34.6% of the parents. Average institutional support related to 42.9% of the parents, strong evaluative support – 37.1% and strong emotional support – 41%. The parents received the strongest informative, institutional, evaluative and emotional support from nurses and physicians. Spouses of the examined gave them poor informative, emotional and institutional support and average evaluative support. Statistically, the fathers received significantly stronger evaluative and emotional support – by more than one point, and by more than 3 points in case of general support than mothers. Conclusions: The parents received average social support, however, it was below the average for the Polish adult population. The spouses gave them poor informative, emotional and institutional support and average evaluative support; teachers, physicians and nurses – average support in all categories, however, in case of the two latter – institutional and evaluative support was close to the above-average values. The fathers enjoyed moderately stronger evaluative, emotional and general support from teachers, physicians and nurses than mothers

    Self-esteem of parents with intellectually disabled children in relation to the support of selected social groups

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    Introduction: In the literature on the problem of social support, besides family sources of support, (husband, wife, children, parents, siblings, relatives), a role of friends, acquaintances and neighbors is emphasized. Purpose: To assess types and level of support that parents receive from specific social groups. Materials and methods: The study included 108 mothers and 108 fathers of intellectually disabled children. We used the original questionnaire and the standardized scale of Social Support by KmiecikBaran. Results: There were differences between the parents in emotional support (standard deviation 3.519), the lowest in informative support (deviation 2.744). General support was poor in the opinion of 34.6% of the parents. Average institutional support related to 42.9% of the parents, strong evaluative support – 37.1% and strong emotional support – 41%. The parents received the strongest informative, institutional, evaluative and emotional support from nurses and physicians. Spouses of the examined gave them poor informative, emotional and institutional support and average evaluative support. Statistically, the fathers received significantly stronger evaluative and emotional support – by more than one point, and by more than 3 points in case of general support than mothers. Conclusions: The parents received average social support, however, it was below the average for the Polish adult population. The spouses gave them poor informative, emotional and institutional support and average evaluative support; teachers, physicians and nurses – average support in all categories, however, in case of the two latter – institutional and evaluative support was close to the above-average values. The fathers enjoyed moderately stronger evaluative, emotional and general support from teachers, physicians and nurses than mothers

    Effect of health behaviors on presentation and condition of the skin – a preliminary report

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    Introduction: Skin condition is determined by multiple factors, among them some which are beyond human control. However, it can be also indirectly modulated by positive health behaviors and cosmetic procedures. Objective: To analyze health behaviors and knowledge of factors determining skin condition among Polish university students. Materials and methods: The diagnostic survey, based on a questionnaire developed by the authors, included a total of 75 respondents. Results: The largest proportion of the study participants evaluated condition of their skin as moderate (41.3%). According to most respondents, skin condition is positively affected by balanced diet (78.7%), physical activity (68%), collagen (68%), calcium (41.3%) and diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish, rice and grits. Up to 60% of the study subjects declared present or past intake of dietary supplements, 44% used dedicated cosmetics for facial skincare, and 58.7% consumed 1-2 liters of fluids per day. Sweetened beverages, alcohol, excess of coffee, tea and herbal infusions were considered unfavorable for skin health, similar to stimulants, such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and coffee. Up to 38.7% of the respondents declared a sedentary lifestyle. In the participants’ opinion, stimulants (85.3%), lack of hygiene (76%), inappropriate fluid repletion (68%) and too low physical activity (62.7%) are the most harmful factors for skin health. Conclusions: The study participants had basic knowledge of health behaviors and their beneficial or detrimental effects on the condition of human skin. The majority of the respondents used skincare cosmetics dedicated to a given body area. Keywords: Skin, health behaviors, knowledg

    Perception of the elderly by junior high school students and university students in Poland

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    Introduction: Statistical data from the turn of the 20th century shows a significant increase in the average human life span and, what follows, an extension of old age. The world is aging and Poland has joined the list of countries which have been classified as demographically old since the rate at which society is aging has become very fast. Purpose: The aim of this thesis was to become familiar with the opinions submitted by respondents regarding aging and old age, health problems connected with aging and preferred health behaviors.Materials and methods: The research was conducted between January 3rd of 2013 and February 15th of 2014 on a group of 200 junior high school students and 200 university students from the Medical University of Białystok Faculty of Health Sciences using a questionnaire created by the authors.Results: A vast majority of the respondents of the study groups declared that they have thought about old age. Among university students this percentage reached 38.5%. Almost 50.0% of all respondents acknowledged that older people are needed by society.Conclusions: The results show that the aging process should be contemplated considering multiple aspects of life: biological, psychological and social. Moreover, youth education programs about seniors and old age as well as about ways to counteract their stigmatization should be introduced

    Influence of exposure to patient aggression and professional experience on the psychological condition of various groups of healthcare workers

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    Purpose:To analyze the relationship between the psychological condition of representatives from various professional groups of healthcare workers, the degree of their exposure to patient aggression, as well as with the duration of their professional experience.Materials and methods:Study participants (n=1498) were employed at open and closed healthcare units within Podlaskie province: 493 nurses, 504 midwives and 501 physicians. The Work Features Evaluation Questionnaire and General Health Evaluation Questionnaire GHQ28 were applied, and the psychological condition of medical staff was examined based on a 30-question surveyResults:When analyzing all of the groups of medical personnel, the mean level of exposure to patient aggression fell within the moderate range. The highest level of aggression was experienced amongst nurses, while the lowest – amongst midwives. The analyzed groups did not differ significantly in terms of the level of their psychological condition. With the exception of physicians, no significant association was observed between levels of patient aggression and the psychological condition of the medical personnel. Amongst physicians, individuals who experienced lower levels of aggression were characterized by significantly higher psychological condition values when compared to personnel exposed to moderate or high levels of patient aggression. No significant linear correlations between psychological condition levels and the frequency of patient aggression or duration of professional experience were noted in any of the analyzed professional groups.Conclusions:A moderate level of exposure to patient aggression is not the main factor affecting the psychological condition of medical personnel

    Nurses’ generalized self-efficacy in relation to their workplace

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    Introduction: Self-efficacy in nurses appears to be of great importance, and is one of the indicators of behaviour Purpose: Nurses’ self-assessment of their generalized self-efficacy in relation to their workplace. Material and methods: The study involved random sample of 570 nurses. A diagnostic survey was carried out using the standardized Generalized SelfEfficacy Scale (GSES). Results: The average value of self-efficacy amounted to 29.3±30. Among the respondents, 56.8% represented category of “high efficacy”, whereas others were of “average efficacy” (32.3%) and “low efficacy” (10.9%). The overall assessment of the nursing profession was higher in participants who presented higher values on GSES scale (R=0.12). The average general level of satisfaction in terms of 20 aspects of professional work was connected with self-efficacy which proved statistically significant. Analysis of self-efficacy score did not indicate statistically significant differences among workplaces. Conclusion: Over half of the participants represented the category of “high efficacy”. The group of nurses employed in district hospitals presented the least instances of low self-efficacy assessment. Individuals who were satisfied with their nursing professional development opportunities had a higher self-efficacy. The higher the perception of self-efficacy, the higher the workplace satisfaction. The average level of satisfaction resulting from various aspects of nursing profession depended on the perception of selfefficacy in the following areas of assessment: professional development opportunity, decisionmaking autonomy, sense of purpose at work, and, to a lesser extent, occupational safety, maintaining work-life balance, and the possibility of communicating with people

    Nurses’ generalized self-efficacy in relation to their workplace

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    Introduction: Self-efficacy in nurses appears to be of great importance, and is one of the indicators of behaviour Purpose: Nurses’ self-assessment of their generalized self-efficacy in relation to their workplace. Material and methods: The study involved random sample of 570 nurses. A diagnostic survey was carried out using the standardized Generalized SelfEfficacy Scale (GSES). Results: The average value of self-efficacy amounted to 29.3±30. Among the respondents, 56.8% represented category of “high efficacy”, whereas others were of “average efficacy” (32.3%) and “low efficacy” (10.9%). The overall assessment of the nursing profession was higher in participants who presented higher values on GSES scale (R=0.12). The average general level of satisfaction in terms of 20 aspects of professional work was connected with self-efficacy which proved statistically significant. Analysis of self-efficacy score did not indicate statistically significant differences among workplaces. Conclusion: Over half of the participants represented the category of “high efficacy”. The group of nurses employed in district hospitals presented the least instances of low self-efficacy assessment. Individuals who were satisfied with their nursing professional development opportunities had a higher self-efficacy. The higher the perception of self-efficacy, the higher the workplace satisfaction. The average level of satisfaction resulting from various aspects of nursing profession depended on the perception of selfefficacy in the following areas of assessment: professional development opportunity, decisionmaking autonomy, sense of purpose at work, and, to a lesser extent, occupational safety, maintaining work-life balance, and the possibility of communicating with people

    Perception of the psychosocial working conditions in a group of nurses working in hospitals and primary health care

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    Introduction: In the nurses group, it is required to have great psychosocial skills, guaranteeing the high quality of professional services. Purpose: To assess the psychosocial working conditions of nurses, depending on their place of employment. Material and methods: The study involved 570 randomly selected nurses. It was based on a diagnostic survey using a standardised questionnaire of Psychosocial Working Conditions (PWC). Results: Correlation factors between the overall and average level of satisfaction with the work were quite high – exceed 0.30 and even 0.40. The greater was the need for change, the lower was the job satisfaction. High sense of self-control at work, social support, or wellbeing was linked with better ratings. Psychophysical requirements were assessed as the worst, and the least frequent were the additional requirements resulting from the conflict nature of the job and overload. Nurses from voivodeship hospitals rated their work lower in the category of intellectual demands, and nurses from the Primary Health Care - in the category of requirements resulting from the conflict nature of the job and overload. Behavioural control and the need for change were different for PHC and the other two hospitals. Psychological wellbeing in district hospitals was worse than in the other two types of medical institutions. Conclusions: The larger was the sense of work control, or sense of social support, the higher was the job satisfaction. The higher the level of requirements and the need for change, the lower was the satisfaction of the assessed aspects of work. There were clear differences in the assessment of the psychosocial working conditions of nurses from hospitals and nurses from PHC

    Indoor air studies of fungi contamination in two kindergartens in Kavala, Greece

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    Introduction: Fungi and moulds are biological hazards that are ubiquitous both in the communal and occupational environments. The aim of the study was to assess the presence of airborne fungi in two kindergartens in Kavala, Greece. Materials and methods: Materials for the tests were: the air samples (in front of the buildings and the selected rooms) of the two kindergartens. The first Kavala kindergarten was located atop a hill and the second in the city center. The air pollution was determined using SAS SUPER 100. Results: The mean number of fungal colonies isolated from air of the kindergarten rooms in the city center was 478.3±148.4 CFU/m3. The mean number of fungal colonies isolated from air of the kindergarten on the hill was 343.6±188.8 CFU/m3. Aspergillus niger was most frequently isolated in air samples from the kindergarten rooms in the city center, while Penicillium species predominated the kindergarten rooms on the hill. CFU values in the air samples outside the kindergartens were higher in the center than on the hill of Kavala. CFU values of the examined air samples are varied. In the kindergarten rooms in the center of Kavala the most frequently isolated species was Aspergillus niger, and in the kindergarten on the hill it was Penicillium species. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated considerable numbers of fungi in the air in two kindergartens in Kavala, Greece