4 research outputs found

    Holocene palaeoecological changes recorded in mollusc-bearing cave sediments, the Cave above the S艂upska Gate (southern Poland)

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    The Cave above the S艂upska Gate (southern Poland) contains about 2m depth of mollusc-bearing deposits. Radiocarbon and archaeological dating indicate that these deposits accumulated during the Holocene (Preboreal to Subatlantic), although the earliest layers may date from the end of the Pleistocene. Eight layers of silts, sands and loess-like deposits were distinguished at the site. Seven of them contained identifiable snail shells, sometimes in large numbers, and sparse remains of vertebrates and archaeological artefacts. The molluscan assemblages retrieved from the cave contain over 40 taxa and 1,200 specimens. The balance of species distributed among 11 zoogeographical groups enabled us to identify four assemblages which differ in their ecological structure and in the composition of the fauna. The oldest fauna (Late Glacial/Preboreal and/or Preboreal) with many shade-loving species is typical of a cool climate. Episodes of drying are evidenced by the loess-like deposits and the occurrence of open-country snails such as the glacial relic Vallonia tenuilabris. This species disappeared in the younger part of the Early Holocene, which is the most distinctive feature of the S艂upsko Hill sequence. The Middle Holocene climatic optimum is characterised by abundantand diverse fauna which is typical of mixed and deciduous forests with distinct oceanic influences. The critical Discus ruderatus and Discus rotundatus succession reflects the general trends in European malacofaunas. The Late Holocene record may bear some hiatuses, but the shift away from a complete forest fauna is evident

    Malacofauna in cave deposits of the Udorka valley (Krakow-Czestochowa Upland)

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    Malacofauna of cave deposits from the Rock Shelter in Smolen in the Wodaca Valley (Czestochowa upland)

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    Palaeolithic settlement in Bisnik Cave as derivedfrom anthropogenic biomarkers

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    Caves formed a crucial shelters for people of Palaeolithic times. Among many archaeological cave sites known from Poland, the Bi艣nik Cave is one of the best recognized, with 18 cultural horizons of Middle Palaeolithic. The paper's aim was to check if geochemical traces of Neanderthal people have survived in the cave sediments. The samples of late Middle and early Late Pleistocene layers were analyzed by GC-MS method. The results allow to state the presence of two zoosterols (coprostanol and cholesterol) in sediments and to establish the participation of each sterol in particular layers. The ratio of sterol contents indicates the important impact of human faeces on the sedimentation of final Saalian, Eemian and early Weichselian sediments, but shows no clear evidence of human activity in older layers (middle Saalian). Achieved geochemical data stay in accordancc with settlement intensity reconstructed on the basis of archaeological rccord