446 research outputs found

    Incommensurate antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    Commensurate and incommensurate antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the two-dimensional repulsive t-t'-Hubbard model are investigated using functional renormalization group equations. For a sufficient deviation from half filling we establish the existence of local incommensurate order below a pseudocritical temperature T_{pc}. Fluctuations not accounted for in the mean field approximation are important--they lower T_{pc} by a factor \approx2.5.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, some changes due to referees' comments, equivalent to published versio

    Fermionic functional renormalization group for first-order phase transitions: a mean-field model

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    First-order phase transitions in many-fermion systems are not detected in the susceptibility analysis of common renormalization-group (RG) approaches. Here we introduce a counterterm technique within the functional renormalization-group (fRG) formalism which allows access to all stable and metastable configurations. It becomes possible to study symmetry-broken states which occur through first-order transitions as well as hysteresis phenomena. For continuous transitions, the standard results are reproduced. As an example, we study discrete-symmetry breaking in a mean-field model for a commensurate charge-density wave. An additional benefit of the approach is that away from the critical temperature for the breaking of discrete symmetries large interactions can be avoided at all RG scales.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. v2 corrects typos, adds references and a discussion of the literatur

    Biodiesel Exhaust: The Need for Health Effects Research

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    BACKGROUND: Biodiesel is a diesel fuel alternative that has shown potential of becoming a commercially accepted part of the United States’ energy infrastructure. In November 2004, the signing of the Jobs Creation Bill HR 4520 marked an important turning point for the future production of biodiesel in the United States because it offers a federal excise tax credit. By the end of 2005, industry production was 75 million gallons, a 300% increase in 1 year. Current industry capacity, however, stands at just over 300 million gallons/year, and current expansion and new plant construction could double the industry’s capacity within a few years. Biodiesel exhaust emission has been extensively characterized under field and laboratory conditions, but there have been limited cytotoxicity and mutagenicity studies on the effects of biodiesel exhaust in biologic systems. OBJECTIVES: We reviewed pertinent medical literature and addressed recommendations on testing specific research needs in the field of biodiesel toxicity. DISCUSSION: Employment of biodiesel fuel is favorably viewed, and there are suggestions that its exhaust emissions are less likely to present any risk to human health relative to petroleum diesel emissions. CONCLUSION: The speculative nature of a reduction in health effects based on chemical composition of biodiesel exhaust needs to be followed up with investigations in biologic systems

    Diagnóstico nutricional de uma lavoura de soja a partir de informações georreferenciadas.

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    RESUMO: Neste trabalho, objetivou-se identificar os fatores relacionados à produtividade da soja, utilizando informações georreferenciadas sobre o estado nutricional das plantas, atributos do solo e produtividade da cultura. Uma área de 27,5 hectares foi dividida em grade amostral regular de 50 x 50m para coletas de folhas e do solo para análise. A colheita foi monitorada por meio de uma colhedora equipada com sensor de produtividade e DGPS. Os resultados das análises de solo e de folhas foram interpretados agronomicamente e correlacionados entre si e com a produtividade. Foram gerados mapas representando a espacialização das variáveis mais relevantes. Não foram obtidas correlações significativas dos teores foliares de nutrientes com as características do solo ou com a produtividade. Na lavoura estudada, os teores da matéria orgânica e potássio no solo e a saturação do potássio na CTC são os atributos mais relacionados com a produtividade da soja. ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to identify yield conditioning factors of a soybean crop, based on georreferenced information concerning the plant nutritional status, soil attributes, and crop yield. An area of 27,5 ha was divided in a regular grid of 50 x 50m for colecting leaf and soil samples. The harvest was done using yield monitor and DGPS. Soil, plant, and yield data were interpreted on the agronomic basis, and submitted to correalation analysis. The spatial variation of the most important variables was mapped. It was not found any significant correlation among leaf nutrient concentrations and soil characteristics or yield. The soil organic matter and potassium contents, as well as the CEC potassium saturation, were the variables most correlated with the soybean yield.bitstream/CPAC-2009/27660/1/bolpd_145.pd

    Dissolution of silicate minerals and nutrient availability for corn grown successively.

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    ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to evaluate the nutrient availability for corn (Zea mays) grown successively in pure and ground biotite schist and biotite syenite rock samples. The rock powders were subjected to chemical, physical, and mineralogical characterization, and the availability of the elements released to the plants was determined. Plant and rock materials were evaluated at the end of seven successive growth cycles. Biotite schist and biotite syenite provided nutrients - as K, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn - to the corn plants. The nutrients accumulated in plant tissues came mostly from minerals containing oxidizable Fe and Mn in their structure, such as biotite, chlorite, and clinopyroxene. The congruent dissolution of some of the fine particles of these minerals, solubilize elements, which may, then, be available to the plants. RESUMO - O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a disponibilidade de nutrientes para milho (Zea mays) cultivado sucessivamente em amostras das rochas puras e moídas biotita xisto e biotita sienito. Os pós das rochas foram submetidos à caracterização química, física e mineralógica, e a disponibilidade dos elementos liberados para as plantas foi determinada. Os materiais de planta e rocha foram avaliados no final de sete ciclos sucessivos de cultivo. A biotita xisto e a biotita sienito forneceram nutrientes - como K, Ca, Mg, Fe e Mn - para as plantas de milho. Os nutrientes acumulados no tecido das plantas vieram de minerais contendo Fe e Mn oxidáveis em sua estrutura, tais como biotita, chlorita e clinopiroxênio. A dissolução congruente de algumas partículas finas dos minerais, solubiliza elementos que podem, então, ser disponibilizados para as plantas.Título em português: Dissolução de minerais silicáticos e disponibilidade de nutrientes para milho cultivado sucessivamente