1,263 research outputs found

    On the Algebra of Ghost Fields

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    We study in detail the algebra of free ghost fields which we realize in a Hilbert-Fock space with positive metric. The investigation of causality clarifies the exact reason for the failure of the spin-statistics theorem and leads to the introduction of the Krein Operator. We study the charge algebra of the ghost fields which gives a representation of gl(2,C){\rm gl}(2,{\cal C}). The symmetries of the SS-matrix in ghost space are pointed out.Comment: Plain TeX, 16 page

    A Causal Approach to Massive Yang-Mills Theories

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    We study quantized Yang-Mills theory with massive vector fields in the framework of causal perturbation theory. The most general form of the interaction which is invariant under operator gauge transformations is pointed out. The generator of these transformations generally fails to be nilpotent. This defect, however, is easily cured by including scalar fields in the gauge transformations. Due to gauge invariance these scalar gauge fields couple to the Yang-Mills fields with predicted strength. We also show that invariance under ghost charge conjugation fixes the form of the interaction completely. The coupling of the Yang-Mills fields and the scalar gauge fields to matter is investigated. It is proven that gauge invariance implies unitarity of the physical SS-matrix. We always work in the Fock space of free quantum fields in which all expressions are mathematically well defined.Comment: 23 pages, Plain Te

    Rose and Michael

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    A History of Violence: British Colonial Policing in Ireland and the Palestine Mandate

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    British colonial policing dramatically evolved between 1920 and 1948. This time period represents the duration of the Anglo-Irish War, as well as British control of the Palestine Mandate. It was during the period that the security forces at work within these areas grew to combat similar nationalist populations. During the Anglo-Irish War in 1919 the security forces in Ireland found themselves unable to quell the rebellion of Irish nationalists. To supplement their inadequate numbers the Royal Irish Constabulary took on and trained large numbers of World War I veterans who were in desperate need of work. These men came to be known as the infamous \u27Black and Tans\u27. They quickly earned a reputation for using violent tactics when dealing with the Irish Republican Army. Following the resolution of the Anglo-Irish War, many of these men were left with few employment options until the Empire came calling again. This time they were called upon to police the newly formed mandate in Palestine. A large portion of the Royal Irish Constabulary, as well as the Black and Tans immediately signed up to forge the British Gendarmerie in Palestine. This unit helped to keep the peace during years of heavy Jewish immigration into the Holy Land until 1926 when it was absorbed into the Palestine Police. Many of the same men who had started their career in Ireland continued into the Gendarmerie and further into the Palestine Police until the Mandate ended in 1948. During the 1930s and 1940s the Palestine Police at first were able to effectively police the population of the Mandate, but ultimately were unsuccessful in combating the forces of Jewish nationalism and Jewish terrorism. This study is supported by primary sources including administrative reports, commissions, personal diaries, personal correspondence, oral histories and memoirs. Further, it consults a wide range of secondary literature

    A dialogia como instrumento de análise e projeção de áreas de interesse cultural

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    Ponència presentada a la sessió 4A cidade, entendida a partir de sua complexidade, apresenta ao longo do tempo diferentes configurações e significados. A partir do entendimento da relação entre o espaço construído, as práticas sociais e as transformações urbanas ‐ sejam elas físicas ou de significado – reconhecese, além da dimensão geográfica, as dimensões social e histórica da cidade e afirma‐se então a complexidade urbana. O planejamento, o projeto e a gestão urbanos correspondem, por sua vez, a indissociáveis práticas na busca de um ordenamento do território urbano. É a partir do reconhecimento da importância de instrumentalização dos processos de planejamento e projeto urbano, associados ao reconhecimento de sua complexidade que se insere este artigo. Apoiado na interdisciplinaridade do urbanismo como indicativo para uma aproximação a partir de diferentes abordagens, o artigo traça a possibilidade de elaboração de uma instrumentalização complexa de análise e projeção urbanas focada na dialogia. Compreendendo, assim, tanto a vitalidade da cidade a partir de seus processos de transformação quanto a construção de uma identidade a partir de práticas sociais constituintes de valores de memória, o artigo tem foco em áreas urbanas de interesse cultural, atribuídas de significado. As transformações urbanas, sejam elas causais ou casuais, são resultantes do processo de construção da cidade e, no caso de áreas de interesse cultural, devem ter especial atenção. É neste sentido que coloca‐se a importância do constante acompanhamento dos processos de transformação urbana. Valores de memória coletiva, bem como resultados da relação dialógica entre os agentes construtores da cidade – sociedade civil, poder público e poder privado ‐ pertencentes a um o contexto específico, atuam como propulsores de permanências bem como de ruptura do espaço construído. É a partir de estudos existentes e de instrumentos de análise e projeção do espaço urbano constituídos que surge o interesse pelo incremento dos mesmos com a proposição de uma abordagem a partir da dialogia. Neste sentido, entende‐se como uma importante contribuição ao urbanismo como processo científico e metodológico, a construção de uma revisão de teorias já propostas bem como a contribuição a este instrumental a partir de uma aproximação ao meio ambiente social e histórico. Assim sendo aponta‐se uma primeira aproximação às bases teórico‐metodológicas a serem perseguidas pelo projeto. São elas, o reconhecimento da história da cidade como legado e método – a partir de contribuições de autores como Aldo Rossi e Lewis Mumford – as contribuições sobre a apreensão da forma urbana – a partir de estudos de Gordon Cullen, Kevin Lynch, José Garcia Lamas e Maria Elaine Kohlsdorf – e contribuições à interpretação do espaço habitado a partir do meio ambiente social e histórico, representados pela aplicabilidade de estudos sobre dialogia de Mikhail Bakhtin ao espaço urbano, da hermenêutica aplicada à arquitetura por Paul Ricoeur e da Topogênesis ou arquitetura como lugar por Josep Muntañol

    The Development and Structure of Feeding Arms in Antarctic Species of Pterobranchs (Pterobranchia, Hemichordata)

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    Pterobranchs are of particular interest to evolutionary biologists because as members of the phylum Hemichordata, they share characteristics with vertebrate animals and other chordates. The focus of this study is an examination of the development, structure, and function of the feeding arms in several species of pterobranchs collected from depths greater than 500 m from waters surrounding Antarctica. Pterobranch zooids in the genus Cephalodiscus feed using a crown of arms held over the dorsal surface of the body to filter particles from the water. Larvae released from adult tubes are ciliated, but lack feeding arms and are thought to derive energy from internal yolk stores. However, we have observed larvae of at least one species respond to the presence of particulate food, suggesting that these developmental forms may feed without the aid of adult structures. The feeding arms develop on the dorsal side of the animal, often beginning with a pair near the central axis followed by pairs of arms to the left and right. Each arm develops from a trilobed bud. The adult feeding apparatus consists of up to twelve arms held in a sphere on the dorsal side of the animal. Each arm has multiple tentacles, which are paired along the length of the arm until the apical-most tip. Scanning electron microscopy reveals that a single tentacle has two tracts of cilia along its outer face which may beat to draw water across the tentacular net or capture food particles. Food particles, including bacteria and single-celled algae, may then be conveyed down the tentacle to a deep, thickly ciliated groove on the outer face of the arm central to the paired tentacles, and eventually to the mouth. Scanning electron and light microscopy have elucidated the structures associated with feeding, as well as unusual refractive spheres at the tip of each arm in some species

    Systemic Manifestations and Health-Related Quality of Life in Joint Hypermobility Syndrome/Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome-Hypermobility Type

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    Joint Hypermobility Syndrome/Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome-Hypermobility Type (JHS/EDS-HT) is a hereditary connective tissue disorder associated with both musculoskeletal and systemic manifestations. There is increasing recognition of the significance of the non-musculoskeletal manifestations of the disorder, such as fatigue, orthostatic intolerance, gastrointestinal symptoms and psychological features, the presence of which have challenged the historical view of the condition as a “benign” disorder characterised only by musculoskeletal and cutaneous features. The experience of adults affected by JHS/EDS-HT is often defined by delays in the diagnosis of the condition, dissatisfaction with the diagnostic process and symptom management, and the occurrence of a complex array of systemic manifestations associated with the disorder. All of these contribute to a disease morbidity similar to that found in other chronic diseases, significant reduction in overall health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and the progression to functional impairment and disability in some of the adult population affected by the disorder. Over the past three decades, understanding of the disorder has progressed significantly to a point where there is now recognition of the multisystem nature of the condition. There is, however, an ongoing need to further investigate the prevalence, mechanisms and determinants of the systemic manifestations of the condition and the HRQoL experienced by those affected by JHS/EDS-HT. The primary aim of this thesis is to describe the disease profile of JHS/EDS-HT in an adult population, in order to provide future direction for the development of targeted management strategies for adults affected by JHS/EDS-HT. Attention will be focused on investigating the prevalence and significance of non-musculoskeletal features of the disorder and their relationship with the overall HRQoL reported by those affected. The prevalence and factors contributing to the severity of fatigue, psychological manifestations of the condition, and overall HRQoL will be a particular focus of this project. Multiple regression analysis will be used to help further define manifestations of the disorder that are predictive of fatigue severity and HRQoL, in order to inform potential future management strategies for the condition. The aims and objectives of this thesis, a review of the current literature relating to JHS/EDS-HT, and the historical background to the development diagnostic criteria over the past century, are presented in Chapters 1 and 2 of the thesis. To achieve the thesis objectives, two studies were undertaken to investigate the manifestations related to JHS/EDS-HT in an adult population, and specifically to investigate the non-musculoskeletal features of fatigue severity, psychological manifestations of the condition, and overall quality of life experienced by those diagnosed with the JHS/EDS-HT. The investigation of the prevalence, severity and identification of possible predictors of fatigue severity was undertaken as Study 1 and is found in Chapter 3 of this thesis. This study established that significant fatigue was present in 79.5% of participants and was identified as the most prevalent systemic manifestation of the disorder, with the strongest correlation with overall HRQoL of all reported manifestations. This study successfully identified five manifestations contributing to fatigue severity, including four that are potentially modifiable, accounting for 52.3% of the variance in the severity of the fatigue. The modifiable predictors of fatigue severity identified were; current levels of physical activity participation, satisfaction with the diagnostic and management process experienced by individuals, the frequency of reported orthostatic dizziness, and levels of participation in community and personal relationships, in addition to the self- perceived extent of joint hypermobility identified as a non-modifiable feature. The results of this study provide an important evidence base for future research investigating the potential impact of various management strategies targeting these factors identified as contributing to the experience of fatigue in this population. The systemic nature of JHS/EDS-HT and the multitude of manifestations that are associated with the condition have previously been found to be associated with reduced HRQoL in this population. Study 2, which constitutes Chapter 4 of this thesis, aimed to identify the features of JHS/EDS-HT associated with overall HRQoL and to determine if there are modifiable predictors of HRQoL in this population. This study identified three determinants of HRQoL, including; the number of joints affected by pain, the current level of physical activity participation and levels of depressive symptoms reported by participants, together accounting for 54.9% of the variance seen in the reported HRQoL of participants. The results of this study provide future direction for interventional studies undertaken with the aim of improving the overall HRQoL experienced by this population by targeting these modifiable determinants. A summary of the thesis and concluding remarks are presented in Chapter 5. This chapter includes suggestions for future research and clinical interventions in the field of JHS/EDS-HT that have arisen as a result of the 2 included studies

    La dialogía como instrumento de análisis y proyección de áreas de interés cultural

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    Ponència presentada a: Session 4: Etnografías, fenomenología, fenomenología social y dialogía social / Ethnographies in the studios, phenomenology, social dialog

    A Confluence of sovereignty and conformity : the Mission Mountains Tribal Wilderness

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